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Searching Mod Comments Functionality?


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Many of the more popular mods end up with dozens or even hundreds of posts on their respective comments history and in times past there was a link to a related forum thread where we could do keyword searches.

If that forum link still exists I haven't found it, nor have I found a way to search comments without reading every.single.post. 

I am I missing something or was there a deliberate decision to make researching mod issues much more difficult that it used to be?


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I believe that this was a (temporary) casualty of updating the forum here.  The update of the mod comment forum is supposed to bring back the search option, I think.  Someone else will have to let you know for sure.

Try searching this feedback topic for your answer, if no one else gets back to you here:

Upon looking, I think that if you search this other one for 'mod comments', you will find the answer you seek...


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  • 7 months later...

When you go to the 'Posts' tab on a mod page, the search box is displayed just above the 'Add Comment' button.  I just did a check for 'mesh' on the USSEP page, and it gave results, some as far back as 2016, just by scanning the first page of results.

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The comment histoires precede 2016 greatly, e.g the MGE comments from 2006, and a lot before that, so yes thanks, that's a useful functionality for keyword search. Why did I post here? A forlorn hope that using the old_forum_page_numbers as keywords would bring up the old forum pages, or at least a formula on hand which can convert an old_forum_page_number to an existing mod comment page number. Hats off to the CAPS, GIF, and tiny/large font contributors of yesteryear to make it easy for the old links to be less broken. Might be out of luck at this time, will keep tuned for developments. 😀

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