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Mod Request: Nudifying Mod


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In both Fallout 4 and Skyrim there are both mods and console commands that let you remove clothing/armor that NPCs have equipped, ie stripping them naked. Sadly there are no mods that do this for new vegas and it seems even the console commands were not yet implemented into gamebryo until skyrim at the earliest. The closest you can get is a command that opens an npcs inventory, (click on the npc in question and type in openteammateinventory 1) but none of the clothes it has equipped will be visible. (This is often the case in Fallout 4 when I open an npcs inventory by shooting them with the inventory manipulating sniper rifle, but then just give them and have them equip the "one ring to nude them all" which makes them unequip everything which is then visible in the inventory. That doesn't exist in new vegas.) So the only naked bodies in the game are corpses. Lame lame lame lame LAME!!!!!! I have searched for mods to rectify this but there are none. At least not on the nexus. If someone could either make such a mod or point me to an already existing offsite mod that does this I would be extremely grateful.


Edited by VearCon64
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Open the console, click on the NPC and enter INV  into the console, that will return a list of what they're carrying along with the ID's, you can then remove items by entering Removeitem itemID number, that number being the number of that item you want to remove from them. This doesn't transfer the items to your inventory, if you plan on putting the items back make a note of the ID so you can use the Additem command to do it.

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Wouldn't "unequip (base id) (item count, usually 1)" do the same thing without removing the item from the inventory?  This would allow you to equip the armor using the "equip (base id) plus 1 (item count) and item condition (100)" command.

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I use removeitem because I've left characters with items unequipped only to come back several days later to find them equipped again. 

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Posted (edited)

*admins/mods please delete this post and for f*#@ sake add a delete post option or let us put quotes in already-posted posts for f*#@ sake!🤬 Everyone else see next post.*

Edited by VearCon64
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Posted (edited)
10 hours ago, JimboUK said:

I use removeitem because I've left characters with items unequipped only to come back several days later to find them equipped again. 

Okay apparently removeallitems does work to some extent. Also, turns out there are two mods that each add something similar to the aforementioned fallout 4 mod but they are both flawed. One only nudes the target for 30 seconds not permenantly, while another has the problem of the npc and all other nearby ones treating it as an attack and turning hostile. The sniper rifle in the fallout 4 mod does not have this issue. Although a shot person will squirt some blood on the ground as they would if shot with a real gun, they and all others will not react at all. So I can shoot anyone with it anywhere. That doesn't work with the vegas stripper. If you try to use it on a hot ncr officer in the middle of a crowded base the entire ncr will turn hostile and your reputation with them is ruined.

Edited by VearCon64
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