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Reasonable Question, Ridiculous Answer

Guest deleted156886133

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A: The Donut shop is always under the watchful eyes of the police while the pair of medics and firemen never get the call at the donut shop.  They serve coffee there too, which keeps the official policies fresh and alert.

Q: What animal introduced coffee to man?

Answer quick before I sign out.  It dinner tyme here and now.

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Guest deleted156886133

A: Because that's the way the rainbow's creator god, Roy G. Biv, was feeling the day it was created. He's a complex guy and it's revealed in the seven colors of the rainbow, with each color representing a different, sometimes conflicting emotion. For instance, red symbolizes anger or lust but you also see blue, which is symbolic of being calm and peaceful. What the hell, Roy? Pick a lane! You're all over the road!

Rainbow enthusiasts and psychologists alike have been attempting to decode and profile ol' Roy and his multi-colored confusing display for decades with no luck. I'm afraid humanity will never truly comprehend the minds of gods.

By the way, Roy G. Biv also created crayons so children would have a means to keep themselves occupied until their parents pick them up from day care, school or whatever. As an added bonus, some children have reported that crayons are tasty. However, what may taste like mana from heaven soon turns out to be too rich for their young digestive systems and they wind up in the hospital for an upset stomach. Small price to pay for eating the body of a god, I say.

Q: What determines a person's propensity to be either left-handed, right-handed or ambidextrous?

Edited by UsernameWithA9
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Guest deleted156886133

What the hell? Ok, I'll start over. My answer was to the rainbow color question. My questions stands though.

Q: What determines a person's propensity to be either left-handed, right-handed or ambidextrous?

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A: It depends whether or not it was feed cheese or not (little cheese Ambidextrous, lots of cheese Right handed, no cheese Left Handed

Q: Why does earth only have one sun?

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A: The Sun doesn't exist and there is no place called Earth anymore.  The thing we think is the sun is a glass lense on a projector in a booth behind a wall poking out of a slot, and is playing any history so anyone who pays arrives in the theater gets into a booth.  They are put in and live in a holographic setting, with all the people who lived and died in the lifetime chosen by the purp choosing one lifetime in history.

They will live an entire lifetime and feel as if they were in it as one of the people living then.  Be born, live growing up, and even die during their session.  Paying for just one era in history to experience living in the past.

They can see previews of any historical time the people in the scenes lived out and can choose one to live from beginning to end.  Of course it's all in their head so they do not age and while in the trancelike state they do not know they aren't actually living at the time in that history session from the past.  They think they are alive and living that life in the past.

It's like a dream that lasts a lifetime, only we wake up and get out of our sleep to realize we were dreaming.

Q: What came first the man or the woman?

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Guest deleted156886133

A: The man because the woman stopped to ask for directions.

Q: Why does a banana's color change from green to yellow as it ripens? 

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A: That would be back when beings with no name yet, wandered around bumping into trees.  The banana fell down and slipped off on to the ground.  Monkeys chased the bundle through the grasses in the meadow.  Screaching threats at the green banaga scaring them so badly they feard for their skins.  Fear turned them yellow, those banana were really chicken fearing their were going to be eaten.  The beings with no name spent their lives bumping into the trees filled with green bananas and became known as banana pickers working for lazy monkeys who didn't want to have climb the trees anymore.  Once they saw how those beings with no names managed to get the bananas down so easily.

Q: Why does Niagra Falls waterfall make so much noise?

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A: Yes. There's always been a problem with that part of the simulation. It's because the computer is gradually being moved away from it's old OS. So, at the moment it's using something called Neutron to act as a 'interpreter' between the two systems. There is a bit of an issue with sound though. Sometimes the volume control is way too high. This tends to happen when there are a lot of signals at once - for example The Falls. It's also been known to occur at rock concerts. (I mean rock the music... not concerts for lumps of stone). I'd suggest switching off and on but obviously we don't have access to the reset button... sadly...

Q: Why can't light escape from black holes?

Edited by zixi
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