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Reasonable Question, Ridiculous Answer

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A: Dunno, but if you send them one more letter, they might become a Prussian.

Q: Why did prominent Prussians have such prominent facial hair?

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A: Because the first two letters are the same. PRussian and PRominant.

Q: Why do fish have scales?

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A: otherwise they would all be the same size!

Q: Why does this game skyrim have repetitive structures? 

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A: Because once a good-enough standard gets entrenched, it's hard to remove it.

Q: Why does German smush together such long compound words?

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A: I can say butterfly in german

Q: Can AaronOfMpls say butterfly in german?

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A: I can use Google Translate to translate languages so I can let it do my writing in any language for me from English US to German or whatever language anyone else understands so we can chat.

Q: Before I Google it... Is it a bus r Flegan?

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A: I don't know. I don't use google.

Q: Why do things fall apart?

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A: The society of web weavers and skyscraper builders keep creating new and better structures.  While they do their weavings and weldings feel neglected, sad, and gloomy.  They slouch a lot, and thus little creases cause some pieces to get loose.

Over time the more that come loose cause the whole woven and welded structures to become weak; because the threads and welds too begin to bend and break.  Then a group of circus people park outside the places where all is built.

Their elephant's, giraff's, and wagons with all the fauna they support travel down the main street calling to those who didn't move to the modern webslingers domain and the modern buildings where it is plain, all the children do.

Q: Why let the Chidren boogie?

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A: Because "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun" -- as do boys and nonbinary kids, too!

Q: Why am I posting here when I should be going to bed?

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A: Because you're having so much fun...

Q: Why is it so cold?

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