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Reasonable Question, Ridiculous Answer

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A: You made up the thought, you made the words to make sense so sense you made.  Quickly! Make some more!

Q: Does soap ever get dirty?

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A: Yes. It does and then you have to buy more soap to clean it with. That's why we are always buying soap.

Q: How do manufacturers know when things will expire?

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A: Two places where I go have forums.  It's what's in them I find enjoyable.  My breakfast is a combination of confusing stuff my Mom said was good for me.  I wonder if she is just having fun with me.

Q: What elements does ground black pepper have in it that is good for us?

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A: [O] oxygen, [ U ] uranium, [Nd] neodymium, [ B ] boron, [La] lanthanum, [C] carbon, [K] potassium, [P] phosphorus, [Er] erbium.  ...Wait, not all of those might be good for us.

Q: Where did we park again?


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formatting screwup
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A: The dog was bouncing up and down and gesturing. It's best to walk her when she's like that. And we saw some baby rabbits playing...

Q: Why is weather so difficult to forecast accurately?

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A: ask my weather person there always at least 5 degrees off (celcius) It went up to 30 degrees and it was calling for 25 as a high.

Q: What would the world be like if we never got out of a medieval period?

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A: Not so nice for most of us.

Q: How much wood could a woodchuck chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

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A: A wood chuck would chuck a truck load of wood. If a wood chuck could chuck...

Q: Why do bees roll about upside down in poppies?

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