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Reasonable Question, Ridiculous Answer

Guest deleted156886133

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Guest deleted156886133

A: That is privileged information and is given strictly on a need-to-know basis. And with all due respect, you just don't have it. You simply want to know. When you have acquired the requisite privilege, see my minion to arrange a meeting with me so that you may ask your question again. This message will self-destruct in 10... 9... 8... 

Q: What is the meaning of the phrase the monkey never dies ?

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A: Mon Key never dies is referring to a the fact any good lock smith can make copies of the Monkey locks die cast which can be used to cast another identical key to open the school doors.

Q: What elephant joke was most popular in the 1950s?

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Woa, He disappeared...

A: I think the one about their trunk being a tree?

Q: Why does North American food taste so bland?


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He pulled up his mods and moved to new place he discovered where he feels more at ease and can speak his mind.

A: It needs more salt.

Q: Why do all the people leave here who know they can't just cuss and shout when they don't have the words in their head to explain that they have a thorn in their paw?

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A: Because they are human. Dogs just give you that paw to sort it for them.

I sometimes wish people would say: Hey, I'm going... just so I could say goodbye and good luck and stuff... I've just been looking at this thread and some of the answers are hilarious. It is a great thread. And now I'm sad... 😢

Q: Why is human snoring annoying when a dog snoring is so cute?

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A: The tides going out, and they aren't really ppl, but are Mers.  Or it could be a large number of people are going back to school

Q: Why would you want to become a millionaire? 

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A: Pagafyr?  Well now that Pagafyr is in the spotlight on stage...  Why would Pagafyr want to be a millionaire?  I checked.   Who ever thought that Pagafyr, or I, for that matter ever wanted to be a millionaire?

Q: Of all the fish that people eat which one is the number one most popular?

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