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Planetary Scans Have a Second Mode...the Biome Scan, that produces a colored map differentiating the biomes.


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Add another scan from orbit that produces a colored biome map, much like the resource map. This could be tied to perks, only accessible when  certain perks or combinations of perks and levels are achieved. 

I am SO tired of having to keep moving my LZ to 20 spots on the planet trying to find the biome I'm missing by reading it's label and % complete. Obviously, if it can show that tag, the data is there. PLEASE, somebody make it a mappable function 


Edited by Moradinsoulforger
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For anyone confused, this is for Starfield.

To do this someone would have to decode the biom files (each planet has one, named PlanetName.biom), compare that to the planet record (PNDT) which says which biome record gets assigned to which planet tile, and then convert the entire thing into a graphic overlay for the planet.

Possible?  Yes, as you say the data is all there.  And decoding the biom files would allow for new ones to be made, paving the way for fully custom planets.  But so far no one has tackled this.  I've looked at the files, but sorting them out is beyond my skill level.  I'm guessing anyone actually interested is waiting for the Creation Kit.

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