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Fallout 3 GOTY Vortex Missing Masters Conflict

Go to solution Solved by showler,

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Stable 1.10.8

Fallout 3 GOTY from Steam

35 Mods.  19 are showing issues.  

Windows 10 Home 64-bit OS    I9-9900kf CPU @3.60GHz    64 GB Installed RAM 


My issue is Missing Masters.  Vortex says it can not find the DLC files .esm's.  FOMM found them fine but would not find the Script Editors so I switched Vortex.  

So now I have 17 Mods that want work because Vortex can not find the DLC .esm files that are in the same location as all the others it can find.  

I also have 2 Mods, Fook and Fook2, that need files I can not find nor did Vortex state was needed before download.  

The attached files are the screenshots of what Vortex is showing me to be the issues.  All the DLC .esm are in the Steam Game file so I am lost as to why it doesn't find them.

The ones for the FOOK Mods I haven't a clue as of how to resolve them.


My troubleshooting consisted of searching to see if the files were in the right location, going through the Nexus Modding Wiki (creating a Mod Installer didn't seem the proper approach) and posting a call for help on a Nexus Forum.  Where I got good feedback to check here or try a different Mod Manager.  I chose here first.  If I am going about this wrong I do apologize.  I am a newbie to PC Gaming and Mods.


Vortex FO3 GOTY issue 1.PNG

Vortex FO3 GOTY issue 2.PNG

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I don't see the main FOOK2 files in the directory.

Make sure that you installed "FOOK v1-2 Open Beta Data Files".

Also, you seem to have a "data" folder inside your "data" folder.  Check that to see if any of your mods got installed wrong.  Sometimes a mod with a bad folder structure will create a new "data" folder instead of going in the existing one.

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