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Does anyone else think the aiming mechanics in this game sucks?


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I tend to settle on the combat rifle(semi-auto) and as a scoped weapon it is very accurate but if i am forced to shoot from the hip at point blank range it is very difficult to hit the broad side of a barn. In reality that just would not be the case but the gun's hip accuracy is intentionally nerfed to increase the usefulness of different weapons in close quarters combat. Otherwise i would never have need of another gun.

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I agree, worm. I mean that aimed third person shooting of ballistic weapons is extremely accurate, though I almost never use weapons with scopes.

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1 hour ago, worm82075 said:

But.. it's an RPG...with magic clothing that gives you increased agility or intelligence and enchanted weapons that magically does more damage to specific target types or never runs out of ammo. In the absence of such mechanics I would agree that real world physics is very important to FPS gameplay because a gun scope mod can't buff an accuracy trait that doesn't exist.

Destiny has “magic clothing” and “enchanted weapons” too, but I don’t have the problems with aiming in that game that I do in this game. So, I fail to see the logic behind that.

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47 minutes ago, Karna5 said:

I agree, worm. I mean that aimed third person shooting of ballistic weapons is extremely accurate, though I almost never use weapons with scopes.

I tried switching to third-person, but it didn’t solve the problem.

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37 minutes ago, CrowOfItachi said:

Destiny has “magic clothing” and “enchanted weapons” too, but I don’t have the problems with aiming in that game that I do in this game. So, I fail to see the logic behind that.

My mention of magic effects was not my definition of what makes a game an RPG. Destiny doesn't have dice rolls influenced by player progression determining the outcome of actions and that is why it is an FPS and not an RPG.

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I might have much lower standards than you guys do, but I think the aiming in first person is just fine.

This is a very old video I've made before I learned to do my own animations, but here I test with a few pretty long distance shots using iron sight only.  Hip fire has the cone of accuracy, but the aimed shots don't.  At least I've never noticed it before.

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36 minutes ago, DiodeLadder said:

I might have much lower standards than you guys do....

That's fantastic, DiodelLadder.

This said, I still find the third person aiming mechanic to be more accurate in fallout 4 than the first person. For instance, with first person I find it hard to make headshots (though very easy to make body shots as you demonstrate there). However, in third person, that same weapon you used for the test can always make headshots when you aim for the head. But you're right, first person body shots in Fallout 4 with most weapons work great.

An exception to being able to hit what you aim at is the head against an opponent with power armor. You can see from the below test (which starts about 40 seconds in for the pistol tests) I was unable to hit the head against an opponent in power armor. If they're not in power armor, of course, it always hits it.


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2 hours ago, worm82075 said:

My mention of magic effects was not my definition of what makes a game an RPG. Destiny doesn't have dice rolls influenced by player progression determining the outcome of actions and that is why it is an FPS and not an RPG.

I understand what you're saying. Trust me, I've played many RPG games in my time. They're up there with FPS games in my list of favorite games to play. It's just that, for me, if I'm playing a game and I have a gun, regardless of what the game is (FPS, TPS, RPG, etc.), I want to be able to hit what I'm aiming at. The fact that it's a "dice roll," like what you said, is idiotic. In my opinion, anyway, it's idiotic. I have the same issue with Skyrim and bow and arrows. In that game, if you use a bow and arrow, the arrow will miss the target, even if you're aiming right at it. I get that you have to level up to improve the skill, and that's not the problem. The problem is that I have a weapon that's almost useless because I can't hit anything with it because the aiming mechanics are screwing me over.

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Ummm. I don't know. In my opinion, the combat mechanics in fo4 are one of the simplest. The NPCs are some of the dumbest, if not the dumbest, I've ever seen in a game. You need to set up weapon for one-shot kills and install some mod with bullet time mechanics. For example, the old Scooter mod. In a month you will develop a conditioned reflex. You will reflexively kill crowds of NPCs without straining yourself at all.

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17 minutes ago, South8028 said:

Ummm. I don't know. In my opinion, the combat mechanics in fo4 are one of the simplest. The NPCs are some of the dumbest, if not the dumbest, I've ever seen in a game. You need to set up weapon for one-shot kills and install some mod with bullet time mechanics. For example, the old Scooter mod. In a month you will develop a conditioned reflex. You will reflexively kill crowds of NPCs without straining yourself at all.

Well, the thing is, I just want to be able to shoot an enemy without it being luck-based. I'll never understand why Bugfesta- I mean, Bethesda thought it was a good idea in the first place.

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