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TESIV: Unable to add a spell under CS to a chest container


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As I stated earlier, I have not modded in years but want to troubleshoot my Mod for my daughter's playing expenses. Okay my Mod is finally more or less green and appears clean under TES4Edit. However, I was editing a container chest today only to confirm I could not add a spell. I can add a weapon but not a spell. Does anyone here have any ideas?

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It has been a very long time for me, but if memory serves, spell books in Oblivion are handled differently than Skyrim. Normally, spells are only obtained through scripted events, like Finger of the Mountain, or an NPC training the player, or the player crafting the spell. Basically, the easiest way with modding is to just write a basic script which adds the spell to the player Onactivate. What the object looks like really doesn't matter, but the nice things about using a book is that the default activate option will let you read the book so that you can do your own little creative touches, like spell description, a journal entry of a previous user of the spell, ect.


Sadly the wiki is down so I can't help with the scripting, but you should be able to piece something together by looking at the Finger of the Mountain event script.

Some useful pages.




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Yes, books in Oblivion can only teach skills by default, but you can assign script to a book to add a spell of your choice.  The simplest one would be like this:

scn RomRBookTeachSpell
;if book was activated in a world
begin OnActivate
	if GetActionRef == player
		player.AddSpell MySpell			
;activated in inventory
begin OnEquip player
	player.AddSpell MySpell

With OBSE you can add condition using HasSpell function to not try to add a spell every time, but it will work without it too.

Edited by RomanR
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