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Agreed! Sleep is important. Or you'll become Grumpy and Sleepy but certainly not Happy. It's best not to be any of the dwarves... they seem to have a tendency to become extinct...


edit - it's raining... again... we have the day off ... again... 

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Well I actually have dwarven heritage I come from a long line of dwarves reaching back to scandinavia through my grandmother. 

So I have to say sleep deprivation runs in my blood.

But I help the grumpiness by having a magnesium tea it's a mood booster.

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Just rainy days since Saturday.  I cleared the sidewalk of hop plants overhang and tall meadow grass bent down under the hop plant's stocks before stomy weather was back.  Looked like the clouds where clearing an hour ago.  Might see some sunny weather.  Then I can clean up all the debris from making gutters an inch wide all the way all around the sidewalks edges.

What's the purpose of having subscribers on YouTube George?  Maybe if I knew how it benefits your work there I might find some use for YT. Then we might all understand what good it is and make a bunch of YT of our own.

Could a group of people become a team with their own separate YT and be friends there too linked together like we are here?

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i need 300 to start getting money from youtube and yes somebody could create a team by adding more admins 

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I read that if you have a mod here on the Nexusmods and 1000 people download it you would earn a dime.

How much do you earn at YouTube when you get 300 subscribers?

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the typical modder youtuber makes 1000 times more than a regular modder makes but I haven't even got one payday yet I need 3000 watch hours and 300 subscribers 


and the worst thing is youtube wants to increase the subscribers part to 500 soon and I only have 18

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Without followers, I mean actual followers in our list that like to follow us.  Without those who follow us enough to follow us any where; it's very hard to get started.

We don't follow others unless they have something we like, we often can't get anywhere else.  Like real Ice Cream.  Not the stuff they sell in stores these days made without cream.  Without at least a thousand followers here and there.  A source of good food I might as well not build up anything on a channel at YT.

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