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Chris Christie, the GOP's last national hope finished politically?


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As you all may know Chris Christie is the only potential GOP candidate that would stand a chance at beating a hypothetical presidential race against Hillary Clinton if the election were held today. Recently Christie has been flooded with scandals from the 4 day traffic jam of the George Washington bridge for political retribution, the misuses of Storm Sandy aid for a TV commercial used as a political campaign ad, and political corruption denying Sandy relief money to a city unless redevelopment plans would resume for a private developer. Christie is right now being flanked on all fronts of the political spectrum as well as with in his own party...


Can Chris Christie survive all of these scandals going on at the same time and still keep his presidential aspirations in check? or is he completely finished politically? Further more if not Chris Christie for President, then who can the GOP turn to who would actually stand a chance for a national win in 2016?

Edited by colourwheel
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As you all may know Chris Christie is the only potential GOP candidate that would stand a chance at beating a hypothetical presidential race against Hillary Clinton if the election were held today.


1. Christie is not the only potential GOP candidate. For example, there are currently 29 Republican governors.

2. Hillary Clinton has not been nominated, has not won a primary election, and has not even announced her candidacy.




Further more if not Chris Christie for President, then who can the GOP turn to who would actually stand a chance for a national win in 2016?

Susana Martinez..

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As you all may know Chris Christie is the only potential GOP candidate that would stand a chance at beating a hypothetical presidential race against Hillary Clinton if the election were held today.


1. Christie is not the only potential GOP candidate. For example, there are currently 29 Republican governors.

2. Hillary Clinton has not been nominated, has not won a primary election, and has not even announced her candidacy.


1. Never said Chris Christie was the "only" potential candidate but he is for sure the only one who would stand a chance in a "hypothetical" race against Clinton if the elections were held today.


2. Chris Christie hasn't been nominated or won a primary election either or even "officially" announced candidacy. But I do know "if" Hillary runs for president she won't even be challenged in a primary let alone worry to lose one if she does run for president.


As for Susana Martinez, even though she is Latino and female, I highly doubt she would even be considered as their front runner for 2016 let alone someone the republican base could get behind. Besides she has already publicly ruled out 2016..



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As for Susana Martinez, even though she is Latino and female, I highly doubt she would even be considered as their front runner for 2016 let alone someone the republican base could get behind.

Why not?




Besides she has already publicly ruled out 2016..

Every candidate says they are not going to run before announcing their candidacy.

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As for Susana Martinez, even though she is Latino and female, I highly doubt she would even be considered as their front runner for 2016 let alone someone the republican base could get behind.


Why not?


You seriously believe the republican base could get behind a Latino female to be their front runner for president who has no desire to run in 2016 anyways?



Besides she has already publicly ruled out 2016..


Every candidate says they are not going to run before announcing their candidacy.


Susana Martinez has stated on record that America is over due for a female president then concludes it won't be her. That is a little different than a potential stating they are not "currently" running for president. Her statement was a bit more conclusive and defeating. Publicly it's clear she has no aspirations at all nationally for 2016.

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You seriously believe the republican base could get behind a Latino female to be their front runner for president who has no desire to run in 2016 anyways?

Republicans in New Mexico did. But......how is that possible?!?! How could the racist sexist republicans elect a Latina to the highest state-level office? Could it be that they looked past her gender and ethnicity and were impressed by her qualifications and platform? Is it possible that Republicans are not the party of bigots that you think they are?


In other words, yes I do think the Republican base could (continue to) support a Latina candidate. They have already demonstrated this.



Susana Martinez has stated on record that America is over due for a female president then concludes it won't be her. That is a little different than a potential stating they are not "currently" running for president. Her statement was a bit more conclusive and defeating. Publicly it's clear she has no aspirations at all nationally for 2016.



“I can unequivocally say I will not be running for national office in 2008."

-Senator Barack Obama

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You seriously believe the republican base could get behind a Latino female to be their front runner for president who has no desire to run in 2016 anyways?


Republicans in New Mexico did. But......how is that possible?!?! How could the racist sexist republicans elect a Latina to the highest state-level office? Could it be that they looked past her gender and ethnicity and were impressed by her qualifications and platform? Is it possible that Republicans are not the party of bigots that you think they are?


In other words, yes I do think the Republican base could (continue to) support a Latina candidate. They have already demonstrated this.


All I asked was a question. I wasn't advocating republicans being racist or sexist but seems you have. If the state was impressed by her qualifications and platform it should be noted Susana Martinez is going to expand the Medicaid program in her state based off the new Healthcare law "Obamacare". Right there that should totally disqualify her from the base of the party unless all of a sudden the republican party becomes all for Obama's legacy.




Susana Martinez has stated on record that America is over due for a female president then concludes it won't be her. That is a little different than a potential stating they are not "currently" running for president. Her statement was a bit more conclusive and defeating. Publicly it's clear she has no aspirations at all nationally for 2016.


“I can unequivocally say I will not be running for national office in 2008."

-Senator Barack Obama


It's note worthy back before 2008 the political atmosphere was completely different than it is now a days. Since the citizens united ruling it is almost impossible to expect to even stand a chance to run for national political office unless you have already been doing so for at least the past 2 years before an election day. After Obama won office in 2008 his campaign for re-election actually started the day he was sworn in. Even if Susana Martinez all of a sudden changes her mind she would have a huge uphill battle to compete for campaign money. In my opinion it is already too late. Possibly she could be a vice president nominee, but then even so does she really want to set a precedent for being the 1st Latino female governor to hold office who doesn't finish governing the state she was elected to only to end up abandoning her job unfinished to run for higher office?

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Chris Christie, is a typical Northeastern Republican, the kind of pseudo-conservative that neocons love: He'll focus on taxes, unions and crime--i.e. everything that hits the elite in the pocketbook--and make some blustery noise on social issues. But when it comes down to it, he's got an insular immigrant mentality on morals: Just stay away from my family and my neighborhood. Anything outside his narrow confines might as well be happening on Mars.
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it should be noted Susana Martinez is going to expand the Medicaid program in her state based off the new Healthcare law "Obamacare". Right there that should totally disqualify her from the base of the party unless all of a sudden the republican party becomes all for Obama's legacy.

Do you remember RomneyCare? Somehow he still managed to get the nomination. Is it possible that the Republican party is not the monolithic hive-mind that you are implying it to be? There is a segment of the party that strongly opposes the ACA, but this does not mean that a Republican who supports the act is barred from further nomination for higher office. The Republican party is not "all for" anything. I know this may be hard for you to believe, but there is at least as much, if not more, diversity of thought within the Republican party as there is in the Democratic party.


If a Republican opposes the ACA you apply labels to them such as "far-right", "extreme", "outside the mainstream", and "too far from center". Now you are presented with a Republican governor who supports the ACA and you condemn them as nonviable for presidential candidacy. This is an illogical contradiction.

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Colourwheel, I love how you set up your topics with such a distinct left-wing spin on things. There is no flood of anything coming from any 4 day stoppage on any bridge. The left hopes and prays they can make it into one and the rest is things that should have been addressed when they were supposed to have occurred. Why wasn't this done? Because they weren't important. Why suddenly are they now. Because they aren't. They are apart of a political snipe hunt which the dems hope they can raise enough dust to give the illusion of something happening.

The Republicans would do the same if it were a Democrat in Chrisy's shoes and the entire thing is a tempest in a teapot for those 50 miles outside of New Jersey and beyond.


This is a dance that has been going on for decades and as boring as hck to those who happen to have a life.I wish you well on trying to discuss something were no one will ever know the full story on. Have a nice day!

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