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What do you skilled at modding ?


Modding skill  

31 members have voted

  1. 1. What do you skilled at modding ? (Multiple Choice)

    • Scripter
    • Interior Designer
    • Exterior Designer
    • AI Editor (combat style, pathfinding, etc)
    • Animating
    • Modeler
    • Texturer
    • Landscaping Editor (heightmap, texturing the land, etc)
    • Questing (design, dialouge, etc)
    • Other
  2. 2. What do you most skilled at modding ?

    • Scripter
    • Interior Designer
    • Exterior Designer
    • AI Editor (combat style, pathfinding, etc)
    • Animating
    • Modeler
    • Texturer
    • Landscaping Editor (heightmap, texturing the land, etc)
    • Questing (design, dialouge, etc)
    • Other

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I have no idea what I'm best at (probably interior design), but I enjoy doing exteriors. I know what I'm worst at is dialogue. I tried to make a one-line greeting and lost a couple days of progress when I messed up the greetings of every NPC in the game.
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Please do not BUMP / SPAM as it is against the forum rules. If you have nothing additional to say other than just getting it back on the recent updates, then do not post.


My answers:


Skilled in Scripter, Modeling, Textures


Most skilled at Scripter


But it is quite misleading. This is what I would put down ordered by mastery:


Skilled in:

  • Writing Tutorials
  • Textures (Modifications)
  • Construction Kit (Organization, Compatibility, Scripts, Effects, Gameplay, Item Placement, NPCs)
  • Quest Development
  • Modeling (Import/Export, UV Map, Materials, Collision)

Most skilled at Writing Tutorials



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Lot's of self proclaimed whizz-kid modelers in your poll ;D
It should be noted that if you cannot texture, your models go nowhere. ;) But then again, this poll was not about HOW skilled you are in the areas...just that you HAVE skills. Novice, Apprentice, Journeyman, Master were not options. hehehe.


In case anyone is wondering why you need to be good at textures to model, well...have you ever had to cleanup somebody else s mess before? In terms of modeling, if the person making the model does not know how to create a useful UV Map (which is the only thing a texture artist has to work with), then you won't know how bad the artist will have it unless you have been in their shoes. Designing models and creating UV Maps that wrap the model is a delicate balance between hiding seams and providing an end-result that can be visualized and painted afterwords.



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Me, texturing and modelling for now. Mostly working on texturing.

Can do exteriors, interiors, and landscapes, though I haven't tried anything Oblivion specific yet.

I haven't tried any scripting and questing at the moment.


I like taking mods apart and customizing them further for my own gameplay. :whistling:

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