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After 10 Days Away From Lakewood Manor...


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I've been rearranging some of the furnishings, and have added stuff to the place.  After spending 10 days away from the manor, I come back and find that stuff that I moved was reproduced and has melded into the other stuff I put in its place.

For example, I upgraded some of the chairs, taking out the old ones and replacing them with the nicer chairs.  Ten days later, the old style chairs are back, and are embedded in the new chairs.  Same with buckets, brooms, etc.

See the buckets?  Same happened to chairs and other stuff.

I moved the broom, bucket, and wash rag off the table, and moved it to the side of the table, with the rag inside the bucket.  The broom and bucket was duplicated and put back on the table.  See Staada's helmet inside the bucket?  The book was knocked off the table and sent across the room onto the floor.  Notice, however, that the wash rag was not duplicated onto the table, this time...

I forgot to mention that I'm using the mods, Placable Statics and Jaxonz Positioner.

So, my question is, how do I stop it from doing that again the next time I'm gone for 10 days?





Edited by DirebearCoat
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That's odd; if you meant Lakeview Manor, the place shouldn't be resetting at all.

Do you have any mods that affect the house?  Maybe one of them changed its cell reset time from "never" to "10 days".  Or maybe a script with a "cell reset" misfired on the wrong interior cell.

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Is there a way to generate a list of mods I have installed, via Vortex, that I can post?  Or do I have to individually type in every mod I have installed to show you which ones I have?

As far as I can remember, the mods I have installed are only related to landscapes, vegetation, weather, rock walls, and certain NPC behaviors.  The only mods I have that I've used to make changes in Lakeview Manor (not Lakewood.  Sorry), are Static Placables and Jaxonz Positioner.

There are a few mods that I left installed, but that I disabled, because they acted buggy, and I wanted to research a work around before deciding to delete them.  These mods relate to NPC behaviors.

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You could do it the simple way and go into the creation kit and drag all the items you don't want underground so they are not visible and save this as a mod. Place your mod at the bottom of the load list and they should stay out of sight.

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5 hours ago, greyday01 said:

You could do it the simple way and go into the creation kit and drag all the items you don't want underground so they are not visible and save this as a mod. Place your mod at the bottom of the load list and they should stay out of sight.

Even when I moved an item, the item was "REPLICATED' and put in its original place.  The "ORIGINAL" item is still in the place it was moved to, but a duplicate was created and put in the original location.  See the buckets?

My character ran into it and kicked it out of place.  I put it back as close as I could remember where it was.  A copy of the bucket was made, and put in it's correct location, and now there are two buckets melded into each other.

If I move an item down, below the floor, a duplicate will still be made and occupy the original location.  The original item I moved under the floor will still be there - out of sight.  The the broom and bucket on the floor next to the table?  Those are the original items from the table that I moved to the floor, next to the table.  Now there is a duplicate broom and bucket occupying their original locations on the table.

(Who puts a broom and bucket on a table?!)

Edited by DirebearCoat
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Pretty sure home regen the clutter over time if their were moved at all, you'll need a mod to disable it but from what I read it quite hit or miss for them  to function

Edited by alphafr
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I spent another ten days away from Lakeview Manor.  The items respawned again.  Like you saw in the images above.

Like before, I removed the items (I picked up brooms, buckets, etc).  However, this time I used the console command "markfordelete" on some of the other items (chairs, and a few other items).

I will come back in ten in game days, again, to see what respawns and what doesn't.

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5 hours ago, 7531Leonidas said:

Did you try the ~disable console command on each item instead?

No.  I used the "markfordelete" command.  I fast traveled away and came back and saw that the items were all deleted.  When I came back, 10 days later, the items had all respawned again.

What is the console command syntax for the "disable" command, and is it similar to "markfordelete," where one clicks on the item to be affected, and then hits enter after typing in the command?

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