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Is there a mod to remove bushes?


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When I start a new settlement I normally first go around and scrap everything in the settlement including all the trees so I have space to build. Bushes cannot be removed though and they are annoying as they are often in inconvenient places and end up just coming up through the floors of buildings. Is there any way to get rid of them with a mod? When I played the pancake version I would just use the console to delete the bushes individually but that doesn't work when playing in VR.

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Same here but I stopped to use it a while back as I make my own cleaning with CK and build my own Precombines now instead, to get stuff exactly as I want it. There is more mods like Scrap everything, but the way they do it, do not appeal to me, like one example where the mod author hide the original bushes and scrap and add new ones, that gets hidden when you use the tools for it, which I do think is extremely pointless as I want the scrap to really disapear and get deleted and not take up space in my save file.  What i really dislike is the hedges at Sanctuary and Red Rocket bus stop and I will start a new play through and I will avoid building much at Red rocket, maybe some but keep it clean with SS2 and max 6-10 plots, maybe but much later in my new play-through. I do not delete stuff with CK that I know I can scrap originally in game like furniture's and junk and the trees that we can scrap.

There are also mods with different clean settlements which you can try out.

Scrap everything do not scrap bushes or hedges at all, just leaves and some similar scrap and the houses in Sanctuary. Using CK will give you full control and as I am a former Morrowind and Oblivion modder, 2 games I have full control in as a modder since 20 years back, but a newbie in CK and Fallout 4, I follow Kingath excellent modding school, in case you have not seen it that is. I also just watched a video how to make the precombines and that was not hard as it is 2 buttons to click with the mouse in CK.


Edited by Pellape
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