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7 hours ago, Drakefell01 said:

Fires are burning in ontario again more the reason to leave north america 😭

I stopped watching the news in 2011. I even cancelled my cable service. I stopped listening to the news on the radio not long after that. I completely avoid all social media which tries to share news.

What we know of as "the News" is simply a puppet master institution trying to make you fear life and the world and to control you.

Look at your reaction you just had to the News. You were happy, enjoying your stale crackers and serene. Then you watched the News and want to let a shadow entity control where you live and how you feel.

You must break free for your own sanity and peace.

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No I don't watch news I read the occasional news article but yeah I would actually be happier to leave here anyway and move to europe, I have quite a love for the Mediterranean. 

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14 hours ago, Drakefell01 said:

I have quite a love for the Mediterranean

As you probably know, there have been weather problems and associated issues there too. I really hope you find what you're looking for in the long term but in the short term it's really good if you can make the most of what's happening right now. Regret can eat away at you. But if you make the most of now;  however happy you are in the future, you won't regret the past...

I love now! Even when it's cold and cloudy and rainy just as it is right now! 🌧️

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I like the time I am in but I just feel depressed in north america sadly and the only time I ever feel happy is when I am looking at photos of the Mediterranean or on windy days similar to the wind they get there, but I just can't move yet sadly my funds are a bit short.

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Place is a strange thing. Some people don't notice it. My husband doesn't. I'm affected by it quite strongly but it doesn't have to be a particular 'where'.  I really hope you find that place that you can be at your happiest. 

However, I can't help thinking about Spock from the original series of Star Trek where he says: “After a time, you may find that having is not so pleasing a thing after all as wanting. It is not logical, but is often true.”

I've been lucky;  in my twilight years I'm living how and where I can be happiest without having to work too hard at it. I wish you the same. But much sooner! 😉

Edited by zixi
semi colon
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I have been looking at places in Murcia they look nice but I am sadly too poor to even leave my parents house yet so I just hope my Youtube channel takes off and I start making money, then I could move there, be with my people, maybe even make friends (something I don't have other then on nexus forums) and live my life then once I make a lot of money I hope to get a house overlooking the sea.

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... Now that I think of it my life is quite depressing because:


I have no friends.

I have never been in a relationship.

I am too poor to even leave my parents house.

I can not get along with people in north america in person.


The only time I am happy is creating mods based off europe or talking with my nexus forum friends.

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Hmmmm. It's sort of a prerequisite to meet some people to be friends with them. And if you can make connections with people on-line then actually you have the skills to do that in reality - whether you realise that or not. 

Sometimes it's easy to miss happiness and it whizzes by you. I've mentioned  ad nauseam that I had treatment for cancer. Chemo isn't the nicest thing so I used to make myself notice three positive things every day... sometimes it was a bit of a struggle... but I always hit the three... even if one of them was managing to eat something (I was obsessed with potato crisps and pizza - salt and sugar - and that makes me laugh now). Just finding something worth looking at ... sunsets and sunrises are good... as are flowers or anything green and living*  made me feel better about it all. There's a loft of life you've got out there to do yet. In your position I wouldn't waste it with sadness. I'd be dodging the sadness as much as possible... Sadness is pretty determined if you let it. 😉 

And yes, you've guess it - I dodge sadness now as much as I can and I steer clear of anyone or anything who tries to give it to me... 🤣

* (even Vulcans and Martians if you can find them)

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No I can't make friends in real life most people are quite rude to me, some for some stupid reason think I am mafia because I am spanish, why! That is a very rude accusation, I have considered yelling harassment when they say that but I don't because I am use to it and besides something will happen to them and that's when it's my turn to laugh.

Edited by Drakefell01
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