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Post #21

[4.5][18] Venturing Down Below GaiaArkA314, Discoveries and Action

Gaiareclaimers, real ones this time, were found preparing for another onslaught of shadowfolk against them. They had created barricades, adapted UV lamps, put some security turrets into place and much more but they numbered only about 520 though not with smarter androids, and robots, included; then it was about 720. They were centered on another elevator hub and not only did the Gaiareseekers join them but so did a Gaiaguard Squad from above.

Word came of troubles taking place above with Gaiascouts Squads encountering small groups of mutafolk out from the edges of the GaiaArk.

Inside the 'Rainbow Homebubble', as was its new name, biodroids were acting strangely and Rainbowishelpis was having to stun drop a number of the 'farmers' before placing them into adapted confinement bodycapsules. Others were becoming harmlessly eccentric and so often took on more mannerisms of historical rural folk though other characters, inspired by historical fiction more than history, were also arising. It seemed to be a biodroid way of gaining psychological stability as DocHoliday, JungleJane, Featherbrave, PDSherlocker, DocWatson and others began to make their appearance.

So it was that the defences were greatly upgraded as the Gaiareclaimers admitted that they had only unclear memories of what had happened hundreds of years ago except that it had been a long period of typical construction, organising, activity abruptly halted by a terrible disaster. The UV lamps were taken back to helping plants grow and to assist in general health. The barricades were broken down and reconstructed as more advanced, solid, barriers. Paramilitary turrets were deployed.

Director Manchester, Gaiareclaimer, was frowning softly. "We, here, were all of those Gaiareclaimers with only low, or no real, security clearances. We picked up whispers of experiments being carried out, in heavily sealed off areas, linked with artefacts and knowledge found in the Ancient Shaztec Ruins in the murky levels below this one. Dubious power sources, biodroid production, disturbing forms of life extension, utilising shadowfolk as a heavily controlled work force and ideas more illusive than those. There was conflict between the elites as not all of them wanted to see all of those projects being carried out, especially in a rush as they seemed to be enacted. The trouble began slowly with shadowfolk, even savage shadowbeasts, appearing in small numbers to cause trouble, problems with hitech especially the service support networks, people vanishing in more isolated areas, other people going crazy and an increase in the number of suicides. Those with stronger psychic abilities appeared to be having more trouble than others and, as matters grew worse, many of those ended up in deepsleep capsules; I wonder if they were even safe there despite synthetic psychic barriers being put  into place."

The tired man shrugged. "The background presence, of oppressive malignance, is much weaker now than it was. I suppose that is thanks to the celestial flash incident that 'brought us back'."

Shimmy shrugged her power armoured shoulders. "When it comes to celestial matters, why bother to speculate when doing so never seems to lead to any type of true understanding. In the very far future our peoples may reach a stage when we are capable of knowing far more about the celestials and their activities."

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Post #22

[5.1][19] Venturing Down Below GaiaArkA314, Vaults of Secrets.

The expected onslaught did not arrive and so it was the the Gaiareseeker Taskteam was on the move again, after a short period of rest including a short sleep. They moved through partly rejuvenated workshops, workrooms, storerooms, hallways, smaller utility tunnels, deliberate not going the easiest way for they were exploring the area. So it was that they found the vault door, with no colour coding to it, and managed to get through it with no difficulty thanks to the Rainbowishelpis Avatar.

The big vault door led to a hallway and another vault door. After that was a large, elongated, chamber with an armoured guard station, a reception counter that was also armoured and five vault doors being three against a the long wall opposite that of the vault door that they had come through. At each end, of the chamber, was another vault door.

As they came into the great chamber they noted the long dead human guards in their power armour, a disabled heavy security robot and four pop down ceiling turrets that had suffered heavy damage. To their left was a curiously blackened vault door that had been smashed open with great force. There was a blacked hole in the ground but this time evidence gave the impression that it had been made from above and going downwards. Something had escaped from the vault and then had somehow broke downwards through the superconcrete.

There was also the strange, blackened, marks on the floor that went from the smashed open vault to the hole, some being like tentacles that had been dragged along the concrete surface. They recalled the black tentacles that they had glimpsed, briefly, and it seemed likely that they belonged to the entity that had escaped from the vault.

Inside, the blackened vault, they found a crashed open vault box, smashed security cameras in ceiling corners and one pop down ceiling turret that had been totally decimated. They found, and stored away, two small chunks of black tentacle in thick sample bags that went into a heavy lockbox. They took 3D photos, and 3Dvideo recordings, of the unsettling scene before departing.

K9herois looked puzzled, through his helmet visor. "It did not 'feel' like the Shadowadis in there."

The Rainbowishelpis Avatar then spoke. "No, not Shadowadis but a darkatapus, perhaps an older child,  of that people who are not friendly with the Shadowadis and who sometimes wage war against it. It should not be here and its people will be searching for it especially as it is a child; they will not be happy at all. The mother-father will be especially furious and dangerous."

The answer was to get child back with its parent but that could be a very challenging task to carry out. Firstly they would check out the other vaults.

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Post #23

[5.2][20] Venturing Down Below GaiaArkA314, Vaults of Secrets.

Rainbowishelpis spoke through its avatar. "What Iself knows, can tell you, at any moment is dictated by celestial mandate and protocols. Thus I spoke about the darkatapus of the Darkataplumeis, that is the very alien society of the darkatapuses, when it came to me just not long ago; before then I had no knowledge of such."

The rest of the projected SQuins, and RQuins, had arrived as three of each. It was proving to be that under projection the Gaiareseekers were enhanced physically and under greater protection but their were limits to the SPB technology. So the newly arrived quins, doing so through the help of Rainbowishelpis, were there to help deal with any powerful threats.

Rharry spoke. "Many of the SMix have been doing artworks that are evidently linked to emerging psychic abilities. Even the permababies, Shandy and Sherry, have drawn charcoal stick figures and what could be the darkatapus as a curious depiction of it and its tentacles. What the stick figures are, seems to be linked to the darkatapus and each appears to have four arms of tentacle like nature. They could be darkatanoids that are said to serve the darkatapuses."

Rainbowishelpis bobbed a little. "So you know of the Darkataplumeis?"

Rharry responded as he, along with a few others, examined the three vault doors inset into the long wall. "Only a very small amount as they dwell normally in a far off dimensional realm from Doomsworld and they prefer their seclusion, distrusting outsiders. From left to right we may as well investigate the vault closest to the ruined one."

Rhizzy frowned softly. "We need to be most careful considering what was in that first vault."

It was somewhat an anticlimax, what was found, but was disturbing enough. Shaztec artefacts were stored in 10 display bays as if in a museum except with only code numbers linked to them. There was a sacrifice victim of a desiccated corpse wrapped in waxen bandages, a number of vulgar statues of Shaztec deities being part human, part monster, along with priestly gear, strange crystal focused technologies and stone tablets of jagged hieroglyphics. Horror, sexual activity and violence were often mingled together as connected to the Shaztec Priesthood. It was said that the common Shaztec peoples, and even some elite folk, turned against the Shaztec Elites including the priesthood but not much was known about that or any of details of that long gone empire. Recordings were made, details taken, before they departed from that second vault.

Sharry spoke. "Those artefacts were probably taken from the level below; I can not think of a logical alternative to that source. Those Shaztech crystal tipped staffs were said to drain life energies, and blood, from their users to power up and so the use of them reduced a user's lifespan. Sounds like Shadowadis inspired madness."

Rainbowishelpis added. "Also left users open to the hideous spiritual psychic influence of Shadowadis too easily leading to malignant evil, insanity and painful death. The priests used those bloodstaffs so it could help explain how they became so extreme that it helped lead to a violent rebellion."

They went on to the next vault.

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Post #24

[5.3][21] Venturing Down Below GaiaArkA314, Vaults of Secrets.

The third vault, the middle one of three, had in it 10 deepsleep bodycapsules and in five of them identical looking, hairless, women with soft, flexible, armoured skin. They were dangerous assassin clones created to serve an obscure faction known as the Gaiaredemptors. In the other five were identical males being also hairless and lightly armoured of skin but bigger, stronger looking, than the females. They were the Bladesisters and the Bladebrothers but they were also lethal clones program conditioned, and trained, to hunt down chosen targets and to kill them.

So why were they in that Gaiareclaimer level below GAA314 and who-what were the Gaiaredemptors? Also just what sort of the targets were these assassins hunting for? Were there more such clones out there, even in that place?

It had been a very perturbing discovery and it had begged many questions with out giving any real answers.

With careful focus, Rainbowishelpis teleported them to the Gaiareseeker Homebase where they were being waited for to at once link them into a specialised service support network. They went with the bodycapsules, service support machinery and 15 armoured lockers full of gear along with a small computer network system.

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Post #25

[5.4][22] Venturing Down Below GaiaArkA314, Vaults of Secrets.

The third vault, on the long wall, turned out to be stuffed with solidstate databoxes, boxed artefacts, sealed up print-out fileboxes, solidstate datadisk collections, books, journals, newsmags of news magazines and some odd items of which some were most surprising such as advanced replicas of old fashioned movie reels. The lot was sent to the Gaiareseeker Homebase through Rainbowishelpis. It was there that a lightly armoured secret door was found that opened to expose a short hallway and a heavily armoured vault door.

On the other side of that vault door was twisted, rotting, horror of shadowa death of one of those horrific entities that served the Shadowadis  as semiautonomous expressions. Its remains clutched broken machinery including remoteturrets and remoterobots. The power, of the shadowa escaping from its vault box, must have been incredible but had it been assisted to escape leading to the question, did the darkatapus also gain assistance and did it come from the same source?

Except that it seemed that the shadowa had not made it out of the vault before 'something' had killed it. A clue was a series of busted, high intensity flamer, turrets that could have literally burned to death along with some UVLG turrets doing the same. No such turrets had been found in the darkatapus vault, not even remnants of them.

Another secret door, and vault door, led to a vault filled with vertical sample tubes, transparent and full of preserving liquids. There were parts of clone humans, sections of shadowa, bits of darkatapus, other smaller type clones other than human, clone wreckage that could not be identified as anything in particular and distorted lifeforms including five human women; apart from the obvious damage they could have been the SQuins.

SQuins began to wonder about their origins which they had not done before; at the time that seemed odd but later on there arose logical explanations for why that was so.

Everything was sent, through Rainbowishelpis, to the Gaiareseeker Homebase.

They found a second secret door, in that chamber, that was at right angles to the one that they had come through. So it was soon being proven that they were in a basic three by three, nine vault, formation. This vault, they named vault #8 for convenience, was stacked full of cloning machinery, solidstate computer hardware-firmware, and databoxes along with some sealed up cubecanisters of items. That all, of course, was sent to the homebase.

So far they had investigated, as with the vault doors in the long wall, vaults #1, #2, #3, #6, #9 and, last of all, #8, Going back towards the big, oblong, vault door chamber, they came to #5 full of databoxes but also hard copy filled fileboxes and cubecanisters full of diverse items.

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Post #26

[5.5][23] Venturing Down Below GaiaArkA314, Vaults of Secrets.

Vault #4 came spiced with more horror of preserved, monstrous, biodroid humanoids in preservation tubes. There had been both stories of the Shaztecs being served by such humanoids and also being sold biodroids by an mysterious faction. With the sale had come technologies to maintain, repair, and to create small numbers of more biodroids. The twisted biodroids had been used, by elites, to terrify and oppress common Shaztecfolk. There were also tales that they had gone out of control and had attacked everybody except each other. There were different kinds being spiners, slashers, burners, stalkers, gliders, grounders and perhaps others that did not have samples of them there.

As for Vault #7 it had more standard type biodroids of obviously neuter gender, they were naked, of workers, servitors, guards, soldiers, artisans and those of 'special castes'. These, though, were in deepsleepcapsules and numbered 15 as they were crammed in where ever they could fit along with service support machinery. The skins were strangely tattooed with symbols of their castes, status and ranks which were always of lowly ones. In a four lockers were tools, weapons,  devices and other gear plus supplies for them including biodroid feeding serums and pastes.

Both vault chambers were emptied, the contents being sent to the homebase.

Sharry spoke. "So we have gained some clarification of the Shaztecs who used, misused, what ever technologies they could get hold of or at least their elites did so."

Rhizzy voiced an idea. "Mostly it was the priesthood who had access to those troublesome technologies. Question is, what has that to do with what took place here and is any of it linked with the CEEET that we are trying to find?"

The Rainbowishelpis Avatar said. "That CEEET is close by! We need to check out the other vault door, the one opposite the blackened, busted open, vault door."

They got back into the big vault door chamber when their was a terrible flash of smokey black, and burning red, energies that seemed to go through everything though it failed to do any harm to the Gaiareseekers. It seemed to be a negative response, to the yellow white flashes of energy, but weaker.

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Post #27

[6.1][24] Venturing Down Below GaiaArkA314, A CEEET In Need of Rescue

The Rainbowishelpis Avatar spoke. "The CEEET is in bad way and needs to be rescued but most carefully as it is dangerous now. We need to try that last vault door."

The vault door led to a long hallway, another vault door, and then a vault chamber much larger than any that they had previously encountered. A rainbow sphere, with large areas of yellow or white, whirled with great speed high in the air. Around that swirled a black smokiness with red flashes of energy running through it like forked lightening. Otherwise the chamber was only dimly lit with shadowfolk flittering in the shadows being only faintly visible some of the time.

The Shadayelord  stood tall, strangely thin and angular, in an ebony black hoodrobe held a long, ebony black metallic rod in both black gloved hands with inhumanly long fingers of four joints each including the thumbs. He had a strange expression on his face as if he was under stress.

He turned to look at the Gaiareseeker newcomers and spoke in Panglish. "Shadow and light always reflecting one another, this CEEET has been attacked by the Shadowadis through a shadowa but the shadowa was destroyed in the battle. Shadowadis spoke of gifts to Shadaye if a group of us came to find out what had happened but we can not explain what is it that is happening here. We sometimes serve Shadowadis but only in exchange for gifts, the main one which is always that Shadowadis leaves us alone most of the time. We are leaving for the CEEET was attacked by a flash of anticelestial energies most likely from the treacherous, chaotic, Shadowadis but most likely done so through a Shadowdisin secondary avatar or a semiautonomous Shadowa."

Sharry spoke. "Did you not serve Shadowadis once?"

The Shadayelord winced visibly. "Shadowadis betrayed us just as it more recently it did the Shadowcult that once served us directly. We are negotiating with the Shadowcult to whether they will end up serving us again and the Shadowadis only indirectly, at times, through us. Shadowadis has somehow become locked to Doomsworld perhaps since this world became Doomsworld during the Doomsdays. Take this staff designed, and made, by the Mystadis to deal with the aspects of Shadowadis."

The Shadayelord lightly threw the rod, that he had been holding, to Sharry and then departed with amazingly fast speed, the shadowfolk going with him for clearly they were no more keen to stay there than he was. Most likely there were other Shadayefolk in the area and they would have the means to return to their home dimensional realm.

So began an exotic fight with the CEEET hurling energies at that which surrounded it, with Rainbowishelpis doing the same with Rainbowisitis fighting through the Rainbowishelpis Avatar and with Sharry hurled pale white, flickering, energies from her Mystadis rod.

The Mystadis was also a transdimensional outworlder, as was Shadowadis, but even harder to define than Shadowadis with its evil nature; in contrast the motivations of Mystadis were a complete mystery.

The evil fought back, lashing out at both that which it had entrapped and those outside of itself. It became increasingly evident that this was a previously unknown type of entity being neither a Shadowdisin avatar or semiautonomous Shadowa.

It was an energy entity, that the others were not being of physical nature, and drew on types of power, of the red flash, that seemed to be unique to it. Had the anticelestial flash come from it or was there at least one more like it out there or was it an aspect of... It was evident that more information was needed but it was a disturbing development.

Then it was gone, the evil entity of malignant nature, vanishing away almost instantly.

Everybody went to the Gaiaregainer Homebase including the CEEET.

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Post #28

Note: Important Details So Far (To be extended-edited in future.) Mainly for my use but you could gain something by reading it; no spoilers for future story posts.

Celestial Mentors Benefactors Tributetees, CMBTs

CelestiRaynbeHybribaby or CeRaHyBa

Shadowadis, extensions as Shadowdisin, semiautonomous avatars as Shadowa. New, dangerous, type of energy entity serving Shadowadis.

Attack by mutafolk of mutaghoulers, mutagolems and mutahumans being controlled by cruel Enslaver technologies; expendable diversionary attack. Then flash incident converted into gaiafolk of gaiahumans, gaiagolems and gaiaghoulmans.

Zocyborgs of zocyborgers and zocyborgits attempt to get into red doored vault. Flash incident turns them into gaiacyborgs of gaiacyborgers and gaiacyborgits.

Subtle spiritual psychic deception incident of false intervention and deaths of Gaiavaulters and Gaiaguards that did not exist; linked with a mysterious other celestial presence similar to Rainbowisitis.

First flash incident of yellow white energies.

Rainbow Homebubble discovered and with it Rainbowisitis and Rainbowishelpis. Rainbow Eiffel Tower.

Gaiareseekers Homebase moved to center of the Rainbow Homebubble

- Central Direction Coordination Supervision chamber, the CDCSC

- CQC, Centre of Questing Clues; LittleHelperMan as manifestation avatar of the LittleMainMan and the CQC.

Past experiment disaster, biodroid madness and other problems; Shadowadis dark spiritual psychic influence on biodroids.

Leads to later problems with the farmer biodroids inside the Rainbow Homebubble with biodroids surviving through development of 'eccentric' personalities giving them a sense of purpose and empowerment.

Mission Down to the Gaiareclaimer Level.

- Glimpse of darkatapus child thanks to flares flown down hole being of black, smooth, ropy tentacles. Not of Shadowadis.

- Dealing with Vaults

- Vaults of information in different forms, artefacts, etc.

- Vault that the darkatapus escaped from.

- Shaztec Empire remnants found at that level and known to be in levels even deeper than that as Shaztec Ruins of an underground templecity but also in one of the nine closed vaults investigated not including the bust open, blackened, one.

- Assassin Clones of Bladebrothers and Bladesisters in deepsleep bodycapsules along with related items. Bladeclones or Bladesiblings.

- Vault of preserved clone 'bits and pieces' etc plus five who look like damage SQuins.

- Vault with destroyed Shadowa.

- Vault with biodroid horrors used by Shaztec Elites, mainly the priesthood.

- Vault with more standard types of biodroids, serving the Shaztec Empire, as castes of workers, guards, soldiers, artisans, servitors along with 'special castes'.

Finding of a CEEET, meeting a Shadayelord and shadowfolk, his gifting of a rod to Sharry as made by the Mystadis. A battle and then the departure of the Gaiaregainers back to their homebase along with the CEEET.

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Post #29

[7.1][25] While They Were Busy Below, They and Others Were Busy in the Gaiareseeker Homebase

The palefolk, including palemimics, of former shadowfolk were made welcome and showed to their new quarters but were soon mingling with those already there. They were soon helping in various ways, even the palefangers who spent much time sleeping curled up with each other and-or with non palefangers. Paletasms, palelings, palemimics and palefangers soon fell in love with the SQuins. The newcomers were focused in the big commonroom that was being carefully expanded.

Visits were carried out to the CQC but at first only by adults as it continued to be checked out to make sure it was safe enough for the children to go there. The first to go, apart from the adults, would be the teenagers.

Shapersuits were gained, from the CMBTs, that could become externally one of a choice of multiple shapes to suit different conditions and for infiltration purposes. They also gave forth one, Prime Shapercraft that was 'bigger inside than out' and which could teleport or even phaseshift as in going harmlessly through solids.

Rainbowisitis arrived, as an avatar, along with many avatars of Rainbowishelpis, to start living at the Gaiareseeker permanently.

Shandy, and Sherry, the permababies toddled towards Rhonny, the RQuin, until they clambered into his lap as he was sitting cross legged on a floor mat. He thoughtfully examined the charcoal drawings they had brought with them by dragging it along the floor with hands that they were not using to hold each others' hands. Rhonny made mildly dramatic humming noises to show he was deep interested in the story. The two had living bionappies clad around their nether regions because, unfortunately, they had never found toilet training to be easy.

Whether permababies had been deliberately created or had been an unintended result of living godly experiments, they grew not in size but became more mentally and physical enhanced. Along with other permakind they were prone to strong psychic ability, the younger the more emphasis on empathy there being. They did grow old, and die, as others did. Permababies, as had other permachildren and permateens, had found many forms of work since they had first appeared such as special actors, focused artisans, companions and more though some roles had been both dark, then banned.

The twins were soon sleeping soundly.

Disturbing stick figures but more so what could be seen as shadow tentacles and other 'things' but also a rough rendition of a particular 'S' like symbol of the Shaztecs and their worship of Shadowadis. It was far from the type of subject matter that the permababies happily drew and he psysensed, psychic sensed, that the the pair had used much energy, in psychic drawing the artwork, and were very tired, would sleep a long time. Rhonny ended up holding the pair against himself as they had their heads resting on his shoulders.

Soon other adults were examining the drawing or copies of it.

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Post #30

[7.2][26] While They Were Busy Below, They and Others Were Busy in the Gaiareseeker Homebase

The Rattantwins fought hard against with the gymnasium type games in the CQC. Four more games had appeared, the alcove expanding backwards to actually leave room for even more such games to rise. So it was that they fired laser light pistols, pellet carbines, three darts, rode bicycle races, threw basket balls, shot off quarrels from crossbows, high jumped, struck a pad with a mallet to see how far they could make a metal disk rise to strike a bell, long jumped, bowled bowling balls, rowed a rowing machine and more. The siblings acted with amazing speed, agility, accuracy, strength and stamina but still they were tested heavily to win any of the games.

They paid a lot of gaming tokens, won a few more than they spent, and earned two prize tickets with code numbers on them being each of copper colouration; that was typical for prize tickets were normally colour coded copper, silver or gold depending on how high the score gained and how valuable the prizes were. Yet they also earned a odd purple prize ticket.

They went to the LittleHelperMan and used the tokens, they had earned, to buy a 10pack of one litre QuestCola bottles full. They gained a box of illuminating bullets that would light up an area but which no harm to anybody and a box of 10 QuestBar foodbars.

The purple prize ticket gained a small, black, cubecanister with the instructions that it  was to be taken to the SQuins to be opened by them. They left with two giftbags, planning to open them back with the others to reveal what was in them.

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