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Post #41

[8.6][37] The BQuins Arrive in the Gaiareclaimer Level and Get Busy

The target chamber was a great one of curious yellow marble like material lit by glowstone slabs embedded into parts of the ceiling. Statues were there, of carved glowstone that were less bright than the ceiling slabs, of angelic entities with wings swept outward, each having four eyes, four bird like wings, four breasts of two pairs and four arms. They were endowed mostly female like, at the groin, or male like in fewer cases. They were naked but were adorned with crowns or headbands, bracelets, anklets and waistbands with other items attached. They held rods, longer staffs, swords, shields and other devices some being unidentifiable.

Benita spoke out. "Well here is solid evidence of the Burning Angellicini  having at least been here, drawn to battle the Shadowadis at the command of the Burningadis.  So just what did they do and was the Burningadis serving the Celestial Godessgods, in sending such powerful followers here?"

There were the five, old fashioned, looking gridwork gates except that each was surrounded by an energy field of flickering red, yellow white energies.

With a soft, sparkling, shimmer the SQuins materialised, along with the RQuins, as projected individuals.

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Post #42

[9.1][38] Meanwhile, Back at the Gaiareseeker Homebase

The CEEET floated in the air fairly close to Celestiadis and they shared very light, energy, auras of rainbow effect. For a few, of the others, there came an impression that the two were assisting, and boosting each other in each assisting itself or himself.

The SQuins, and RQuins, had been projected off to meet with the BQuins but they were also still in the homebase, as projections. Other Gaiareseekers were there, in the very large commonroom of increasingly exotic nature, but also in the CRC that was in the CQC carrying out research work.

Stanleygo was now one of the new Gaiarecarers looking after small children along with the flora, fauna and fungi of a big, new, garden domechamber that was part of the expanding, evolving, homebase. Batmanbot had become increasingly caring of See3pio and it was apparent that both would become Gaiarecarers. Both had a positive way with the SMix, including even the most dangerous of them.

Shinny, Shorry and Shurry had done some fine pencil drawings as female permafants that, unlike their typical artworks, were quite disturbing. They showed swarms of maddened mutaghoulers battling what appeared to be zombies in a strange city of slowly 'rotting; structures. There was a real sense of 'wrongness' about those buildings, and other features, of that horrific metropolis. Ironically the mutaghoulers came across as being more natural than the zombies.

Shorry spoke at an impromptu meeting of the SQuins and RQuins. It was held at a big round table in one of the multipurpose Round Table Alcoves. "There is a quality about that city that speaks of the Shaztec Empire, somehow. Yet there are destroyed robots, androids and fixed machines there of more modern type technologies. Those flags, banners and symbols are of the UCC, the United Citystates of Centralia. It could help to know where that disturbing metropolis, it seems to have a dome enclosing it, is situated. I would not be surprised to find it is at least quite close to our GaiaArk."

It was said that one reason for the ending of the Shaztec Empire was that it attempted to create technologies based on extremely ancient, Anticelestial, knowledge; that included the generation of electricity for the Shaztecs had had basic electricity based technologies including small power grids.

Rhizzy spoke. "Is there a link between what happened to destruction, of the Shaztec Empire, and the horrific ending of that domed metropolis?"

Sharry spoke. "I wonder if there is a link between the missing CEEETs, the Shaztech Cataclysm and the foolish Shaztec experiments?"

There were too many questions and not enough answers. More research had to be done in the CQCCRC utilising all the data, now there, including that which had come from the vault chambers on the former Gaiareclaimer Level!

Another set, of both RQuins and SQuins, would end up being projected into the CQCCRC to lead the research work being done there.

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Post #43

[10.1][39] Five Mysterious Gates and What Lies Beyond

Sharry took out the keyring, with five old fashioned looking keys, that had come as non inventoried items in a giftbag as gained by one of the RQuins. Detecting that each key had a symbol that was identical to one of the gratework doors, she chose to first approach the first one as to her left. The gates were quite far apart hinting that there might be large, enclosed, areas beyond.

The energy field ceased to be active and the gate slid upwards to disappear into a hidden recess. There was a yellow marble hallway type tunnel dotted with small alcoves on either side with marble seats, little statues on plinths, and closed metallic doors that were just inside some of those alcoves. There was no sign of just how the featureless doors could be opened and so no attempt was made to do so.

Then they were in a large, yellow marble, chamber of oblong shape that went off before them a long distance. There were more angel humanoid statues but also yellow marble dragon like creatures of differing kinds being with wings, wingless, wingless with gills and even wingless with gripping claws. They were angelgons of flight, fast ground running, amphibious nature and agile climbing ability. With them were angelgon humanoids bearing armour and devices, some clearly being kinds of swords, crossbows, shields and javelins while others were not so easily identified. 

Yet it was the great Doomsworld globe projected up into the air from a glowing disk embedded into the yellow marble floor beneath, that dominated the space.

The voice spoke from all directions, from the very air itself, or so it seemed to be; it was deeply sonorous in nature. "Greetings in the name of Burningadis that exists to burn away the Celestial Shadow in the form of Shadowadis.  You see the small flag marked 'YOU ARE HERE', well that is where GaiaArkA0314 is situated and so are you. It is buried beneath the surface of the a great tabletop mountain named, generally, as Highhope Mountain. It is a dome protected plateau with forests, grasslands, rivers, lakes and other features. There dwell mostly manoids, apart from the wildlife. North-East-East from you, away from the Greathope Mountains, of which Highhope Mountain is but one, is the Craterzone, the Cratertowns and the single Cratercity."

Benita spoke out. "Are you of the Burning Angellicini ?"

The response carried, with it, a subtle tone of amusement-bemusement. "No but even the Angellicini normally use that title which is for them, in larger numbers, carrying out the role of burning crusaders. The Angellicini came her as in a small taskforce with angelgons, angelgolems, robots and androids in service to them. Shadowadis had become amazingly powerful, here with Doomsworld, as if driven into a frenzy. We learned of the unknown of GreatEnemy that had somehow captured it and that Shadowadis was trying to escape from. Realising that they were unable to do anything much here, and being needed to help fight a war against a new threat, out there in deepest space, most departed. As a spiritual psychic gifted living computer, an Angelcomp, I was left in charge while there are a fairly small number of Angellicini in status bodycapsules here along with more of the angelgons and angelgolems; robots, and androids, are in their own kind of long term storage. In theory there was to be a bigger taskforce that would have returned but it never happened."

A new threat in deepest space?

Shimmy spoke. "What is the nature of the new threat?"

A response "Call me Angisdococomp51515 or just Angisdoco; all that we knew, before most of the taskforce departed, was that it was a deeply troubling alliance of some kind with at its core a most powerful, deeply malignant, entity and that it seemed to be heading this way, to Doomsworld. All that happened not long after the Doomsdays ended."

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I think that I have worked out the problems, in my novel writing, and so will so will gamble in starting a new story topic!

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