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On 6/27/2024 at 9:40 AM, showler said:

Saints and Seducers, along with all the CC content they added, is still a separate file.  They don't give you the option to disable it in the menu but you can still just remove the file from the data directory.


I got ( sadly ) the latest version that is on STEAM - thus it is packaged and locked into the base program. 

> No, at least I've not been able to Disable and/or move them to a different directory and have the game load. IT CTD's and does not even get to any screen.

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I literally downloaded it from Steam when I started participating it this thread.   Have you actually looked to see if that file is in your Data directory?

Have you checked to see if you have any mods that depend on that file as a master?  Leaving such a mod enabled could crash the game.

In any case, I can assure you that Bethesda did not do anything to sabotage your game by making CC content "locked into the base program".

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On 6/27/2024 at 9:40 AM, showler said:

Saints and Seducers, along with all the CC content they added, is still a separate file.  They don't give you the option to disable it in the menu but you can still just remove the file from the data directory.

No - This is not correct, *IF* it's the newer version of Skyrim AE. They are indeed HARDSET into the game and no you cannot "remove the file from the data directory" .. as the game then will simply CTD and not load.

-> I know this for a fact. I even tried w/a brand new game. Beth in their stupidity HARDSET it into the game.

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47 minutes ago, jjb54 said:

> I know this for a fact. I even tried w/a brand new game. Beth in their stupidity HARDSET it into the game.

And so did I without any problems.

So, apparently the version of Skyrim AE you download from Steam is different from the version I get.  And different from the version every single person who uses the USSEP downloads since it also depends on the Saints and Seducers master file being there.

What is more likely, in my opinion, is that you are trying to start the game with other mods that depend on Saints and Seducers as a master file still active.  Like, for instance, the USSEP.  Sadly, because the USSEP depends on the Saints and Seducers master file and so many other mods depend on the USSEP you are unlikely to be able to deactivate all of them and start your game.

But that's not something Bethesda did.  That's a result of having a heavily modded game.

At any rate, there's almost certainly no workable solution to this.

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6 hours ago, showler said:

At any rate, there's almost certainly no workable solution to this.

Aside from maybe a version of the USSEP for 1.5.97.  (The Unofficial Patch Team hide all their old files, because they only support the current version.  But you can still get to them if you can find a Nexus file link somewhere -- like in a downgrade collection, or by searching around.) 

Or running a downgrade patcher on the current USSEP version, to remove the CC-dependent edits.

(Full disclosure: I run the current SE 1.6.1170 with the free CC plugins.  So I haven't messed with removing them, or with downgrade-adjacent stuff myself.)

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I understood that what they wanted to do was disable the Saints and Seducers ESL, load and re-save the game to reset the quest data in their save game, and then re-enable the S&S ESL so they could restart the quest.

Which is a terrible idea in the first place, but if they have to mess around with changing USSEP versions as well I doubt it would do anything but completely mess up their save game.

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17 hours ago, showler said:

I understood that what they wanted to do was disable the Saints and Seducers ESL, load and re-save the game to reset the quest data in their save game, and then re-enable the S&S ESL so they could restart the quest.

Which is a terrible idea in the first place, but if they have to mess around with changing USSEP versions as well I doubt it would do anything but completely mess up their save game.

Ahh.  I might've misunderstood, then.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry for the late post - RL is busy.

I did go back to a very early save and was able to move forward with the CC - Saints & Seducers and was able to do the quest correctly. I just lost a lot of game time ... but back to normal.

. o O ( What ever "normal" means??? )


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