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Adding items to vanilla chest

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What is the best practice for adding multiple items to an existing chest - in this case a safe one.  Should I use the defaultaddmiscitem script and add it  multiple times (twice in my case) and fill properties, or create a duplicate and fill that, replace and disable the original, or make my own script to add items on load and attach that to the original?



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Not sure if there is a 'best practice' as not all solutions work for every scenario.

I would consider looking into making a quest alias that points to the container and using the inventory section there to add your items.  I know this works for actors and so it should for containers as both have inventories.  By using a quest you can better control when the items are available and when they will not be available.

I would never consider duplicating and replacing the original as that could conflict with other mods.  I also wouldn't attach a script to the original container but rather use a quest record or some other custom object to hold the script that adds the items.

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Depending on where that chest is located, you could add a trigger area, that starts a script when player enters it.     Add another chest somewhere inaccessible, load it with the items you want, and then have the script transfer all the items from this chest to the vanilla one.     Then have the same script disable  this trigger area.

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