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Plugin Rules from Skyrim showing in the Fallout 4 Plugin rules... Vortex 1.11.7

Go to solution Solved by Pickysaurus,

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Both games from Steam. I have recently started playing/modding FO4 and when I open the plugin rules in FO4, I am seeing all of the rules from my Skyrim profile listed with the remove/delete button next to them. Now obviously these rules aren't active - but I am really scared that if I delete the rules in FO4 they will actually disappear from Skyrim as well. Does anyone know if the rules are linked in anyway - and if not why are they showing in my FO4 list? Here is a screenshot: https://ibb.co/xgS1qrv


Edited by bongodoctor
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I have no idea how you got into this state. Vortexposer's suggestion of two lists getting merged sounds plausible. 

There's no harm in them being there from a technical perspective. 

You might want to check the actual files which are at:

  • %appdata%\Vortex\fallout4\userlist.yaml
  • %appdata%\Vortex\skyrimse\userlist.yaml

If the rules exist in both files, it's safe to remove them from the UI in Fallout 4 without impacting Skyrim's list

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Thanks both - you were correct somehow the FO4 list inherited rules from the Skyrim list - I am not sure how this happened as I haven't done any manual editing myself. I had Skyrim managed by itself originally, then last year I installed FO4, didn't get far with it and removed it. This year I reinstalled it and when I added some rules the old Skyrim rules appeared. I checked the .yaml files and the Skyrim entries were in both, but the new FO4 rules had been added to the FO4 .yaml - so I took a backup of both, then I deleted the Skyrim rules from the FO4 rules using Vortex - this removed them and didn't change the Skyrim list. I then checked the .yaml files again and the Skyrim rules are still there - I don't think Vortex deletes old rules as they can be used again  I suppose. So I deleted them manually from the FO4 .yaml and everything seems to be working ok. It is very puzzling as to how it happened though - I would have been less surprised if somehow SE and Skyrim VR got confused because they use the many of the same plugins, but Skyrim > FO4 seems very strange... 

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