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The Plan For World Peace?

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14 minutes ago, HeyYou said:

Your car won't run on diesel...... 🙂 Your diesel will basically disassemble itself if you run it on gasoline.

Unless you drive a vehicle that runs on diesel.

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39 minutes ago, HeyYou said:

True. If it is designed for it, then that's what you run. Otherwise... run what it calls for, otherwise, it doesn't run. 😄

Either way, diesel is still a less explosive version of gasoline. That was the point I was trying to make.

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7 hours ago, RedHeadAngel said:

Either way, diesel is still a less explosive version of gasoline. That was the point I was trying to make.

Diesel actually has more energy per unit volume, than gasoline. It's just a bit harder to ignite. It still burns pretty enthusiastically, once it gets going. 😄

But, we are WAY off topic here...... What were we talking about before? 🙂

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12 minutes ago, showler said:

"A good guy with a gun"  Like the sheriff who murdered the judge.

Because it's so dang easy to tell which violent people are the correct violent people.

Under the right circumstances, everyone can be violent.... the gun just doesn't matter, it is only a tool. If it wasn't a gun, it would be something else.

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Modern humans have existed for at least 160,000 years. If "world peace" were possible, we would have achieved it by now. However, as long as there is something to fight over, people will find it.

Also, conflict inspires peace. That's just the way it is. Someone creates conflict, it gets resolved, peace goes on for a while, and then conflict starts up again. It's a never-ending cycle.

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1 hour ago, HeyYou said:

Under the right circumstances, everyone can be violent.... the gun just doesn't matter, it is only a tool. If it wasn't a gun, it would be something else.

And all those "something else"'s have a better survival rate for victims and decreased numbers of victims.

But my point was more about the idea that violence is good as long as the right people are violent.  And that the police are the right people.

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49 minutes ago, showler said:

And all those "something else"'s have a better survival rate for victims and decreased numbers of victims.

But my point was more about the idea that violence is good as long as the right people are violent.  And that the police are the right people.

I would prefer to avoid violence, regardless of who is handing it out..... It would also be nice if the police didn't NEED to be violent, but, that's a pretty forlorn hope..... And yeah, some cops do indeed abuse their position.... but, they are the exception, rather than the rule.

Ask the folks at Oklahoma City if they would have preferred a guy with a gun, over a guy with a truck bomb......

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