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I don't know why but all the crimson fleet ships (even the Key) are invisible except for certain objects on them like hatches and normally it wouldn't be a big deal although it looks funny but because of this there is no shuttle in the lock shuttle bay so the crimson fleet questline is broken. If I use the console to get out of the lock and finish the quest then the game still thinks Im in the lock and won't let me travel anywhere no matter where I am, even in my ship. I tried going into the ck but found that none of the lock cells have the "can't travel from here" box checked, which means it must be be controlled solely by a quest trigger, which means I'm f*#@ED. (And yes ive tried every other way to fix this, but its even baked to my save, so turning off and turning back on the game doesn't do jackshit.) Can someone please make a mod that removes whatever script prevents you from fast traveling during the quest and upload it RIGHT THE f*#@ NOW?!!!!!!!!!! And in the meantime to the ones responsible for this I say THANK YOU VERY MUCH f*#@THESDICK YOU RAT-FACED SONS OF BITCHES. I HOPE YOUR f*#@ING HQ GETS NUKED BY NORTH KOREA OR SOMETHING. f*#@ YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬

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46 minutes ago, HeyYou said:

You have a mod that is breaking ships.

That and there used to be a weird vanilla bug where the shuttle landing bay hatch wouldn't open (you could TCL through it and get to the ladder).

Could try spawning the shuttle from the lock shuttle bay:  player.placeatme 001E29E5

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52 minutes ago, aurreth said:

That and there used to be a weird vanilla bug where the shuttle landing bay hatch wouldn't open (you could TCL through it and get to the ladder).

Could try spawning the shuttle from the lock shuttle bay:  player.placeatme 001E29E5

DOesn't work sadly. However I did find that there is a seperate quest (if you can call it that) that controls the shuttle thing that is stopped and no matter what commands I try I cannot get it out of that state. Screenshot below so you can see what im talking about:


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For your ships not appearing (windows,hatches only visible), had the same issue, mine, too many mods.  I had 115 running before updates. Now with the updates and mod updates and increasing size of the mods my list has gone down to 95 wirhout crashes or missing ships...

How many mods you running?  

As for the shuttle quest, mine bugged one time to access the hatch, so went through aetting quest stages till I got to 'talk to Delgado' I think, then spammed jetpack till I boosted out launchpad opening , then back to my ship and went to Key. Questline seemed to work after.  If you need you can set booatpack thrust and stuff via consol commands, believe I might have done that.


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Ended up having to reload to the save before I started the CF questline and using a panel thingy to clear my bounty. However the invisible ship glitch still caused issues for me, but ultimately disabling/uninstalling all the mods from bugthesda.net/creations and installing the same mods from here on the nexus fixed it. f*#@ing crazy.😆


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