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How do I find/keep track of comment history for main site mod pages?

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Hello! Tried posting in the 'site questions/feedback' thread but didn't get a response. It used to be possible to keep track of comments you made on nexus mod pages through the mirrored threads here on the forums and the 'recently posted in' list. Is there still a site feature showing some kind of comment/posting history on mod-specific threads? I'm unable to find anything like it.

Help greatly appreciated—thanks for reading.

Edited by Stiffkittin
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It's something we definitely want to add. It's difficult now to add it because the comments on the website are straddled across two systems. Once the majority of comments are on our new system it'll be easier to show all your comments in one place. 

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19 hours ago, Pickysaurus said:

It's something we definitely want to add. It's difficult now to add it because the comments on the website are straddled across two systems. Once the majority of comments are on our new system it'll be easier to show all your comments in one place. 

Thanks for your response. I can understand the enormous difficulty of upgrading and consolidating multiple legacy forum architectures. As someone who only ever used these forums for this one purpose, I'd love to see a simple linked comment history over on the main site dedicated to the mod threads.

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