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So, windows f*#@ed up the entire world...

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Wow, windows has hit a new low. Constantly removing features with every version, stealing people's private information, being impossible to remove. Now, they've gone and screwed over the entire world. How is that even possible? Who could've imagined? So glad I use linux and don't have to worry about this anymore. Though I have been having a problem with my internet lagging non-stop for days. Wonder if that's connected? Various computer systems are offline. My roommate's also having an odd problem in that he can't pay his car insurance! They haven't taken the money out on time, and he can't get into contact with them in any shape or form. Only thing I can figure is they're having computer issues.

Windows really needs to be brought under control. Isn't plutocracy fun?

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Utter load of garbage.

A software vendor released a patch that caused a fault.  Windows is not responsible for a software vendor screwing up.

Please actually read something before posting nonsense about it.

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Yeah, someones anti-malware anti-hacking software updated, and smoked windows. One bad file, and a whole host of business are back in the dark ages. 😄 Real curious how that one got past QA.....

And yes, Windows is indeed spyware masquerading as an operating system. You can turn some of the telemetry off, but, even so, windows still phones home several times a day...... What's funny is, at initial setup, you are ASKED what information to send back to MS, most folks just accept the default.... which is EVERYTHING..... so, keystrokes, what you print, etc.... A data miners wet dream. That started with win 10..... Why do you think MS was so willing to let folks upgrade for free???? All the data is incredibly valuable.

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Windows has a WHQL for a reason - and they allowed a vendor to circumvent that process.

So yeah, I'd say Microsoft is culpable.    There is a reason you don't run applications in Ring 0 - and those completely unaware of what Ring 0 is hopefully become more educated.

Edited by fraquar
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On 7/20/2024 at 7:43 AM, showler said:

Utter load of garbage.

A software vendor released a patch that caused a fault.  Windows is not responsible for a software vendor screwing up.

Please actually read something before posting nonsense about it.

Maybe you should instead.   Watch the video by some former Microsoft developers - they explain it in far more detail.

In a nutshell:   That was software operating at Ring 0 (Kernel Mode) that didn't have the proper coding to handle data corruption (which the patch offered) - and since it operates at Ring 0 - it brings down ANY system running it.   No exceptions.    Only way out of that is boots on the ground and rebooting every system it is installed on - in SAFE MODE so you can bypass that software operating at the Kernel level.

ANYTHING that has Ring 0 access - Microsoft is responsible for (because they are the only ones that can authorize it) - that is if they want to have a stable operating system.     You don't just give that out like a donation at a political fundraising event.   😄

Edited by fraquar
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15 hours ago, fraquar said:

Maybe you should instead.   Watch the video by some former Microsoft developers - they explain it in far more detail.

In a nutshell:   That was software operating at Ring 0 (Kernel Mode) that didn't have the proper coding to handle data corruption (which the patch offered) - and since it operates at Ring 0 - it brings down ANY system running it.   No exceptions.    Only way out of that is boots on the ground and rebooting every system it is installed on - in SAFE MODE so you can bypass that software operating at the Kernel level.

ANYTHING that has Ring 0 access - Microsoft is responsible for (because they are the only ones that can authorize it) - that is if they want to have a stable operating system.     You don't just give that out like a donation at a political fundraising event.   😄

MS is NOT responsible for a software vendors failed update. They have zero control of what third-parties do. Sure, they had to authorize initial access, but, it ain't their job to QA every update a THIRD PARTY puts out. Nope. This is ALL on CrowdStrike. They screwed up.

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9 hours ago, HeyYou said:

MS is NOT responsible for a software vendors failed update. They have zero control of what third-parties do. Sure, they had to authorize initial access, but, it ain't their job to QA every update a THIRD PARTY puts out. Nope. This is ALL on CrowdStrike. They screwed up.

This. I don't really care for microsoft either but they don't deserve blame for this one. It's on crowdstrike alone.

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