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Installing collections without Vortex?

Go to solution Solved by Pickysaurus,

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Hello!  ^_^/  So, I downloaded and installed Vortex, and I've been running it for a few hours... and I am absolutely over it already.  I don't mind the incessant errors so much, those you can ignore.  What I cannot ignore, however, is the way it reloads itself every 10 to 20 minutes and pauses all my downloads.  So if I'm not paying attention, everything stops for however long it takes me to glance over and see that, yet again, the darn thing hiccoughed and stalled everything.  Is this a bug?  Or is this some sort of sadistic feature to keep users on their toes?  Is it checking to see if I'm awake?

Anyway, I was just hoping there was an alternate way to download and install collections.  The idea of them is very appealing, and the time people took to create them should not be wasted because the intended installer is buggy.  But, like I said, if this can somehow be turned off.... oh, there it goes again.  I know because it keeps popping up saying "Failed to install the extension "Game: The Witcher 3" from 'github'".  Mind, this error started from the moment I booted up Vortex; I don't own The Witcher 3.  -_-  Frustration rising....

Deep breaths.  Thank you for any help you can offer!  Or just hugs.  I think I need a hug.  ;_;

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I'll give it a try, thank you!  \^_^/

Edit: Er, I guess I should have asked... where should I go to find older versions of Vortex?  ^_^;;

Edit edit: Nevermind, I think my brain is fried.  😛  Thank you again.

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Well, I can't figure out what it is... did clean wipe/fresh install and only difference I got was that with basic extensions added, it gave me blue-screen renderer errors instead of white-screen crash. The strange part is that none of my other collection functions are affected, including testing someone else's unlisted links - so I'm not wasting any more time trying to isolate something that didn't change on my end.
Public collection isn't worth the trouble.

It also refuses to do anything until collection is removed and leaves non-clickable deploy notification that only goes away if pressed on mods tab vs notification, as well as leaving perma notif that can't be seen (reboot clears). Haven't checked other game yet but assume same result.


Edited by vortexposer
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