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Vortex no longer showing me "enable mod" notification after installation on the newest update

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I just installed Vortex on a new computer.  It already showed "2 notifications being suppressed".  I pushed the button to reset the notifications and it went to zero.

Can someone with this problem try resetting their notifications?  Perhaps the new version is coming with those notifications already suppressed for some reason?

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19 hours ago, ChemBoy1 said:

You have the "Enable Mods when installed" option turned OFF. Vortex is NOT going to notify you to enable installed mods because you have that setting OFF. 

@SSGSSVegetto - The default option for this setting is ON. You must have turned it OFF previously.

The only time Vortex gives that notification is if you Reinstall a mod that was already set as Disabled AND you have the "Enable Mods when installed" setting ON. Vortex does not force-enable the mod after it was previously in a Disabled state, but gives you the notification to check if you want to Enable.

Also, it's faster to click the button next to the mod name to Enable, and you can do it for multiple mods at once using shift/ctrl-click. 

I don't know why you're acting like I don't know how to read, but I can assure you that when I turned the "enable mods when installed" option to ON, all it did was auto-enable mods when I install them, it did not bring the "enable" notification pop-up back. And I can assure you it's definitely not faster to look through 800 mods to find one that starts with A and one that starts with U and enable them compared to clicking "enable all" in the pop-up notification.


43 minutes ago, ChemBoy1 said:

I just installed Vortex on a new PC within the last year. Never touched those settings. My mods auto install after download. Enable after Install. And Deploy when Enabled.

The facts do not agree with you.

That is not even the issue we're discussing. Yes, if you turn on those options in Automation, your mods will auto-install, auto-enable, auto-deploy. What WE'RE talking about is the fact that the "enable" and "enable all" notifications no longer appear after a manual install with these settings OFF. If you have nothing more to contribute to this discussion, then move on

Edited by SSGSSVegetto
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2 minutes ago, showler said:

I just installed Vortex on a new computer.  It already showed "2 notifications being suppressed".  I pushed the button to reset the notifications and it went to zero.

Can someone with this problem try resetting their notifications?  Perhaps the new version is coming with those notifications already suppressed for some reason?

I had the same issue and tried resetting the notifications, it didn't change anything on my end.

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21 minutes ago, SSGSSVegetto said:

I don't know why you're acting like I don't know how to read, but I can assure you that when I turned the "enable mods when installed" option to ON, all it did was auto-enable mods when I install them, it did not bring the "enable" notification pop-up back. And I can assure you it's definitely not faster to look through 800 mods to find one that starts with A and one that starts with U and enable them compared to clicking "enable all" in the pop-up notification.


That is not even the issue we're discussing. Yes, if you turn on those options in Automation, your mods will auto-install, auto-enable, auto-deploy. What WE'RE talking about is the fact that the "enable" and "enable all" notifications no longer appear after a manual install with these settings OFF. If you have nothing more to contribute to this discussion, then move on

My question is: Why do you want an enable notification when you have auto-enabled turned off? Why not just turn on auto-enable?

You know you can sort your mod list by downloaded/enabled/installed time? Why are you manually scrolling through mods to find the ones you just installed when you can sort?

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17 minutes ago, ChemBoy1 said:

My question is: Why do you want an enable notification when you have auto-enabled turned off? Why not just turn on auto-enable?

Because "auto-enable" auto-enables all of them and some people prefer to enable them individually sometimes and as group at other times?

And why are you questioning why someone would want an obvious bug fixed?

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2 hours ago, showler said:

Because "auto-enable" auto-enables all of them and some people prefer to enable them individually sometimes and as group at other times?

And why are you questioning why someone would want an obvious bug fixed?

Obvious bug? That only is noticeable when you deviate from the default configuration?

This is not a "bug". This is someone complaining that their non-standard use of a software stopped working in the non-standard way they want it to work. They should learn to use the software properly instead of wanting to complain to the 2 developers still working on Vortex to waste their time fixing something that is not a real issue. 

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4 hours ago, ChemBoy1 said:

I just installed Vortex on a new PC within the last year. Never touched those settings. My mods auto install after download. Enable after Install. And Deploy when Enabled.

The facts do not agree with you.

So did I 4 months ago after formating my pc. Guess what; No auto install, no auto enable, so cut the crap already. Facts my a** 

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4 hours ago, ChemBoy1 said:

I just installed Vortex on a new PC within the last year. Never touched those settings. My mods auto install after download. Enable after Install. And Deploy when Enabled.

The facts do not agree with you.

And how did you install Vortex? Directly to your WIndows folder (Standard installation)? Or did you install the custom location version? The facts do agree with me, but different installation paths can often have impacts on default settings. The enclosed screenshot is my current settings for automation, and the only thing I did was turn on the option for Vortex to run when my computer starts up. Didn't "disable" any of them.

Edit: Actually the facts do support me. I just uninstalled Vortex and did a fresh install of it after downloading the latest version, and because I always choose to install on my D drive, where my games are installed, It freshly installed with all the settings how I had them. Now if I were to completely uninstall everything, delete evrything off the D drive and completely defrag the drive I would probably see 0 of those Automation options checked off.

Screenshot (40).png

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