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How Do I Identify a Mod?


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Does anyone know from which Mod this script comes?


Many people identify their resources by adding something to the start of the name, EG my mods have _shb_ at the start to make it easy to uninstall.

But I cannot think who _de_ is.





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have you seen Eddie Murphy Delirious anywho


Lord Help Me Jesus I'm falling down the steps

try adding these scripts to your chopping block in the cell window


property values are:




there is no bug or other mod conflicting with any thing,  took me 20 seconds to problem solve that..

BTW no cheating and adding extra wood, do the hard work chopping 😄😄😄😄

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On 9/18/2024 at 2:50 AM, PeterMartyr said:

try adding these scripts to your chopping block in the cell window


...took me 20 seconds to problem solve that.

All the chopping blocks already have those scripts, but that's not the issue.

You did not solve anything as I was asking who _de_ is.

But I have resolved the problem with the chopping blocks.

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On 9/18/2024 at 3:51 AM, scorrp10 said:

If you use Vortex as your mod manager, just delete that file from Data\Scripts, and hit 'Deploy' button.   Vortex will complain that a file is missing (and will tell you which mod is it from).    Just choose the 'Restore' option.

Ah, I never use Mod Manglers. I tried one once and it broke UFO (and another mod), which must never be installed with a Mod Mangler as it has its own scripts for installing and uninstalling, and MUST go last in load order.

That IS a useful function, though.



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A mod manager is your friend.  But if you insist on doing things the hard way, you pretty much have to keep your own track of every file.    Assuming you got mod zip files stashed somewhere, you could use WinRAR to look for that script file in them.

For one thing, with Vortex, if you need to install a mod outside of it, you can do so - you just need to use Vortex to enable the .esp.  and yes, you can tell Vortex to put a given plugin at the bottom of your load order.

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On 9/21/2024 at 10:13 PM, scorrp10 said:

A mod manager is your friend. 

No it's not!  🤣

On 9/21/2024 at 10:13 PM, scorrp10 said:

you pretty much have to keep your own track of every file.

I realise that. It also means I learned how mods work and how to install and uninstall them correctly instead of relying on a third party tool and learning nothing.

But my storage drive with all my mod backups is screwed. I don't play Skyrim as much as I did, but I just fixed the wood chopping and ore mining bug, but now I'm trying to work out which mod that script comes from. It's probably one I tried years ago and abandoned.



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NMM was a pain to work with, no argument there.   There are reasons I dislike MO2, but for me, Vortex is where it's at.   It does a most excellent job of handling all the 'normally installed' mods, keeping track of all their files and what not, but I can directly mess with files under my Data folder, create new stuff, and so on.   

Now, about that script file  (_de_woodharvestscript.pex) It is not an overwrite of one of vanilla scripts (none of them start with an underscore).   In order for an add-on script to be relevant, there has to be an active .esp plugin referencing it.   Otherwise, it is unused.   Have you tried opening your save in ReSaver?    If you expand the Script Instances category, you can easily see if there are any instances of that script running.  (The ones starting with underscore will be in 0 subcategory, and clicking on a given script instance should tell you which .esp it comes from.


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Are you able to compile and run scripts in your game? If so you can use my mod Dylbills Papyrus Functions: 
which has 2 functions that will help. GetAllFormsWithScriptAttached and GetModOriginName

Here's an example script that will log all forms with the _de_woodharvestscript script attached

Event OnInit()

Function LogScriptForms(string akScriptName)
    Form[] akForms = DbSkseFunctions.GetAllFormsWithScriptAttached(akScriptName)
    Debug.trace("printing " + akForms.length + " forms for " + akScriptName)
    int i = 0 
    while i < akForms.length 
        if akForms[i]
            Debug.trace("\n" + i + ": ")
            ObjectReference ref = akForms[i] as ObjectReference 
            if ref 
                Form bas = ref.GetBaseObject()
                Debug.trace("refr: " + ref + " mod: " + DbMiscFunctions.GetModOriginName(ref))
                Debug.trace("base: " + bas + " mod: " + DbMiscFunctions.GetModOriginName(bas))
                Debug.trace("form: " + akForms[i] + " mod: " + DbMiscFunctions.GetModOriginName(akForms[i]))
        i += 1

    Debug.Notification("done logging")

This of course is assuming the mod that the script comes from is active in your game

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