363rdChemicalCompany Posted September 22, 2024 Share Posted September 22, 2024 1) First the "defend X" quests are chasing me all across the wasteland suddenly as of a week ago. At first it was a bit fun but now its becmoming an issue. Even though I have a mod that has a toggle to block them ( which I toggled of course). Theeen...... now I even discover my emergency brake that I use to block defend quests; a box you place into settlement "no defend quest" from another mod; is also not working, as I just got chased to Nipton trailer park settlement, defnded there and when I wanted to build a blocked box I got the message one is already in the settlement. Grrr. 2) Disappering landscape textures are rearing their ugly ahead again, even though I am running this game without any of the usual suspects, no cleaning programs, no scrap everything enabled, no Deep clean and remodel collection ( except Oberland I need oberland for the white tower which is featured in my blueprints. And no issues around Oberland. So far the issues is nonly in Far Harbor (disappering/reappearing trees in some limited locations) and Finch Farm (where i just had to go for a defend quest see item 1) ) and one pillar to the overpass is flickering in and out. My usualy litmus tests for landscape textures flickering are Jamaica Plain / University Poitn areas and the block right beofre you round to the Diamond City entrance. Those are fine go figure. This is my load order: Fallout4.esm DLCRobot.esm DLCworkshop01.esm DLCCoast.esm DLCworkshop02.esm DLCworkshop03.esm DLCNukaWorld.esm Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp ArmorKeywords.esm XDI.esm HUDFramework.esm WorkshopFramework.esm RecruitRESettlers.esl AAF.esm AAFThemes.esl [A0] KT_Framework.esm Dank_MinesBeGone.esl RepopulateSalem.esl TheRooftops.esm Far Harbor Music for Coastal Settlements - All in one.esl TheWilderness.esm CastleSpectacleFerry.esl SubwayRunnnerDynamicLighting.esp TheForest.esm TheMarshland.esm TheFarmlands.esm Far Harbor Music for Spectacle Island.esl VCM_LibrarySupportPlugin_F-ESL.esl Far Harbor Music for Salem.esl ProjectMojave.esm BerettaM9FS.esl Far Harbor Music for Coastal Cottage.esl Far Harbor Music for Kingsport Lighthouse.esl Far Harbor Music for Croup Manor.esl Far Harbor Music for Warwick Homestead.esl SelectRevolver.esl BuildableCabins.esl CUPAPP.esm Couchescountasbeds.esl lnl_settlement_craftable_trees.esl SettlerSpawner.esl SettlerF.esl SettlerM.esl DC Guard Variations.esl RecruitMac.esl Far Harbor Music for Nordhagen Beach.esl SelectAssaultRifle.esl SelectPowerArmor.esl MorePrefabs.esl Devious Devices.esm HiPolyFacesCompanionPlugin.esl Homemaker.esm lnrLMFO4002-AdditionalPubicHairOverlays.esl lnrLMFO4AllInOne-PubesForeverOverlays.esl Minigun Mashup.esl PowerArmorNightVision.esl PreWar_Rabbit_Replacer.esl ChCl.esl RRPW.esl SettlementKeywords.esm EthreonMasterPlan.esm StimpakCompanions.esl Damage Threshold.esm UsefulDecoBuildings.esl Virgil's Courser Chip Decoder.esl vaultbox.esl zsz_patch_SELPA_ESL_TemperedSteel.esl Knockout Framework.esm CBBE.esp PiperCaitCurieDialogueOverhaul.esp A Forest.esp 200-Far-Harbor-Customs.esp Sanctuary_DCnR_F-ESL.esp Hunkered Down.esp SpectacleIsland_DCnR_F-ESL.esp GunnersOverhaul.esp Firelance2.5.esp BetterXandersAidNavmesh.esp ProjectMojaveRevitalization.esp 3DNPC_FO4.esp Shadow Wastelands Rail Road Settlements.esp ASEFarHarbor.esp EchoLakeLumber_DCnR_F-ESL.esp Armorsmith Extended.esp clothingoverhaul.esp MojaveImports.esp NationalParkVC_DCnR_F-ESL.esp NationalParkMainBuildingRebuilt.esp CastleWallsRepaired 3.esp SSTFungalForest.esp Cleaner Far Harbor Environment Indoor and Outdoor.esp Mod01Vault201.esp Atomic World.esp Immersive Nahant.esp biggergoodneighbor.esp SettlementDaltonFarm.esp Generalofthearmy.esp Eli_Armour_Compendium.esp AccessibleBridges.esp spectaclesurprise-01.esp MWIIM4.esp BetterFarHarbor_Open.esp DiamondCityPlus.esp 3DNPC_FO4_DLC.esp FinchFarm_DC_F-ESL.esp Botox.esp SpecticalIslandBridges ESL.esp Healthy Animals.esp W.A.T.Minutemen.esp Minutemenoverhaul.esp DropQuestItems.esp Keep Radiants In Commonwealth.esp CMRQL.esp Crazy_Animation_Rugs.esp ZaZOut4.esp AttackSpawnsOutsideSettlement.esp Settle-SRR.esp PlayerApartment.esp XXXMags-2.esp NAC.esp militaryreadinessmaleversion.esp FunctionalDisplays-Collectibles.esp FunctionalDisplays.esp FunctionalDisplays-MISC-Vanilla.esp AmazingFollowerTweaks.esp a123 Living Sunshine Tindings.esp Unused Map Markers - Cut Content Restored.esp CheatTerminal.esp a123 Living Finch Farm.esp a123 Living Oberland Station.esp a123 Living Somerville Place.esp Ceft_Main.esp Buffed Minutemen.esp a123 Living Marina Egret Tour.esp 3DNPC_FO4Settler.esp FO4E - NPCs - notlight.esp DiamondCityMoreSecurity.esp a123 Living Starlight Drive in.esp CutContentNPCsAiO.esp a123 Living Abernathy Farm.esp CastleApartment.esp RealHandcuffs.esp Ketaros_MissingMags.esp Mod02Vault201.esp PowerArmorT49.esp T49PA_Crafting.esp Concord Revised.esp a123 Living NordHagen Beach.esp VermontWorld.esp a123 Living The Slog.esp FP_FamilyPlanningEnhanced.esp MiscHairstyle.esp companion_charlotte_eslified.esp cambridgefacility.esp a123 Living County Crossing.esp a123 Living Tenpines Bluff.esp Landwer_Interiors_Project.esp a123 Living Graygarden.esp PipPOD.esp JurttusInteriors.esp SkyrimConversions.esp AtomicRadio.esp porcPubes.esp 512StandaloneHairColors.esp SavageCabbage_Animations.esp AAF_SEU.esp ANiceOakTree Hairs.esp ASA.esp Alex_Stripper_Pole_2.esp Animated_GNN_Fountain.esp ArchUniqueSettlers.esp personal paintings.esp AWKCR - Mod Power Armor Engine Glitch Fix.esp ClothingOverhaulSP_XB1_PC.esp FunctionalDisplays-AID-WI.esp FunctionalDisplays-Patch-DLC-ALL.esp ArmoredRaiderLeveledList.esp MODGirlyAnimation.esp AR_to_HandMade.esp Atomic Lust.esp ComRif308Auto.esp PD_LowerWeapon.esp Avatar GAU-90 Autocannon.esp SF Beards N Staches.esp Better_Notes.esp BetterSettlers.esp BetterSettlersCleanFacePack.esp BetterSettlersMortalSoldiersPack.esp GenderRatios.esp BetterSettlersMostlyMale.esp BetterSettlersNoLollygagging.esp BradbertonInteriors.esp BrighterSettlementLights_LongAndSoft.esp Commonwealth Captives.esp VtawWardrobe6.esp VtawWardrobe7.esp VtawWardrobe8.esp VtawWardrobe9.esp tread-cupappfix.esp R97R Camo Power Armor Skins.esp KSHairdos.esp cute.231348.231348.esp DD_All_the_COncrete.esp DLC Timing.esp Aigni_UltraWide.esp FO4HHS_AAF.esp FO4_AnimationsByLeito.esp FactionMaintenance.esp Lazman_dress_mod.esp GCM.esp HHFootsteps.esp Lazmans_highheels_outfits.esp HiPolyFaces.esp Homemaker - Streetlights Use Passive Power.esp Homemaker - Unlocked Institute Objects.esp PA Stagger Immune.esp Move Store and Assign Power Armor.esp JetpackIronMan.esp JetpackUpgraded.esp Butt plugs.esp LevelCap.esp LegendaryModification.esp LegendaryModificationMisc.esp Locksmith.esp LongerHeadlampLight.esp LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp LooksMenu.esp MS SPECIAL Zapper.esp MS Clone Settler Outfit.esp mailbox.esp KSHairdos_oel.esp MidnightCultFix.esp Minigun Buff.esp MinutemenSentinel - UFO4P Patch.esp MinigunRechamber.esp More Durable Power Armor - 75%.esp NACskintonefix.esp NoAffinityCooldown.esp NAC-RemoveMenuItem.esp NAC-FH.esp NAC-NW.esp NPC Can Heal.esp NPC Accuracy Revised.esp NPCs Use Items.esp No Aggro Impact Landing.esp NewShacksBGD00.esp NoLimitsJetpack.esp NoSettlementAttackBox.esp PA increases your speed.esp Custom Comic Framework.esp PeacefulScavengers1.1.esp PinUpRedLipstick.esp PiperFaceFix.esp AzarPonytailHairstyles.esp PowerArmorNightVisionFarHarborPatch.esp Publick Occurrences Expanded.esp Quick Start Settlement Gizmo.esp RB_AehersinEyes.esp RL_Recruit_Framework.esp RohZima_RealAnimatedPoses.esp RealHandcuffs_DD_Compatibility.esp realisticinsectshealth.esp AAF_GrayAnimations.esp sag_GuardPostMarkers.esp Elzee Breathe.esp RustyFaceFixRedux.esp SKKFastStopInstitute.esp AlternateFurniture.esp AlternateSettlements.esp Better Vendor Stalls.esp MinutemenPropaganda.esp NPC Spawner.esp Northland Diggers.esp Northland.esp TD_DLC01Workshop_Addons.esp SettlementMenuManager.esp Shadbase Paintings.esp CrxSE.esp Snappable Covenant Walls.esp Splinterz.esp HN66Fo4_TRS.esp The Eyes Of Beauty.esp Tougher Vertibirds.esp TransferSettlements.esp AllUSArmyAndX01.esp US Army T-series power armor.esp Vadermania[AAF_anims].esp Vault Bed Happiness.esp VHCE.esp VtawWardrobe1 Previews.esp VtawWardrobe2 Previews.esp VtawWardrobe3 Previews.esp VtawWardrobe4 Previews.esp VtawWardrobe5 Previews.esp VtawWardrobe6 Previews.esp VtawWardrobe7 Previews.esp VtawWardrobe8 Previews.esp VtawWardrobe9 Previews.esp VtawTorn.esp WM Heavy Machine Gun - Standalone.esp rxl_bp70_animations.esp KSHairsFemsheppingRadbeetle.esp Kharneth_Slave_Clothes.esp picsels_vanilla_retexture.esp water_no_rads.esp ImTalkingToYou.esp SKKFastStartNewGame.esp OberlandStation_DCnR_F-ESL.esp Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Squirrel97 Posted September 23, 2024 Share Posted September 23, 2024 Maybe a bit off-topic, but I noticed you have the VtawWardrobe1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 Previews.esp from my preview mesh mod in your load order but you only have 4 of Vtaw's wardrobe mods installed (6,7,8 and 9). The ESPs from my mod has Vtaw's ESPs as a master and requires them to be installed. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
363rdChemicalCompany Posted September 23, 2024 Author Share Posted September 23, 2024 1 hour ago, mkh97 said: Maybe a bit off-topic, but I noticed you have the VtawWardrobe1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 Previews.esp from my preview mesh mod in your load order but you only have 4 of Vtaw's wardrobe mods installed (6,7,8 and 9). The ESPs from my mod has Vtaw's ESPs as a master and requires them to be installed. They are not enabled. For some reason it shows enabled or uneabled .esps. I deleted most unenable .esps from the list but did not catch all of them. Also thank you for your efforts, you are doing God's work Sir. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
363rdChemicalCompany Posted September 23, 2024 Author Share Posted September 23, 2024 On another note: I think I have a "trick" to manage this. My bad habit of Vortex profile bloat by creating new ones with every faction entry or of larger groups of mods (as a "fork") will finally come in handy. I have a 5 Sep fork folder than runs thru 18 Se,p just before I added a bunch of mods, the deletion of which was likely not helpful to my game stability. So I will revert to that older profile and see if it truly predates the stability issues. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
363rdChemicalCompany Posted September 23, 2024 Author Share Posted September 23, 2024 Went back to that profile fROm a couple weeks ago. Still have flickering textures in Finch Farm and Visitors Center in Far harbor and a bit at Echo Lake Lumber too. Went to yet another older profile, now going back sveerak weeks. visited Finch Fram and visitor center. Both have the same flickering texture issue. But my usual litmus test locations, blocks next to Diamond City and Jamaica Plains are 100% fine. This profile actually had the full Deep Clean and Remodel series installed. So I must have later deleted it to combat flickering textures. Could this be the cause? These are fairly inconsequential locations and flaws, the flickering pillar and a couple bushes at Finch and flickering trees in Far Harbor, but then there is the random defend quests issue. As someone with tons of settlements and each settlement has X chance to fire.... Well its keeping me busy and keeping me from immersing myself in a given location like the Glowing Sea or Far harbor or the Wilderness. They are only enchanting because one is out of the way, far from support and away from it all. Teleporting back and forth to the commonwealth to defend settlements (that are basically fortresses and that dont need defending) completely wrecks that atmospheric immersion for me. But maybe if I play on this profile for a while and no defend quests come, I will know my quest controls were not wrecked here.... (shrug) And this predate a few other mods like MCM setting manager and workshop rearranged and other invasive mods. Ironically the flickering is no worse here than the other profiles, yet I have nearly a dozen Deep clean and remodel location mods enabled. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Squirrel97 Posted September 23, 2024 Share Posted September 23, 2024 The flickering is probably because of incompatible mods or wrong load order. I also have the Deep Clean mod installed and always have it at the bottom of the load order. I don't remember having any issues with it. It's the only mod I have installed that edits settlements. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
363rdChemicalCompany Posted September 23, 2024 Author Share Posted September 23, 2024 The "defend quest have now returend as well despite me having not one, but two, mods blocking them. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
subaverage Posted September 24, 2024 Share Posted September 24, 2024 Out of my experience: I use "More Attackers - Get off my Buildzone". This mod not only moves the spawn points, but brings new attacks. So I had three types. The radiant quests from Preston, from settlers and from the mod. Preston and settlers stopped after doing several defences. The mod still generates attacks and that's what it's supposed to do. So which are attacks you get? From Preston or setters? Or some that don't have anything to do with these? In this case a mod that you have or had might be the reason. The only mod interfering with attacks in your modlist I recognize is the one that moves the spawn points. Normally that should have no effect on the number of attacks, but who knows. If you still get defence tasks from Preston or settlers this should stop some day. Regarding your flickering objects I see that you have a lot of landscape mods. That might cause problems. You have "BetterXandersAidNavmesh.esp", but I don't see Xander's Aid itself. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
363rdChemicalCompany Posted September 24, 2024 Author Share Posted September 24, 2024 37 minutes ago, subaverage said: Out of my experience: I use "More Attackers - Get off my Buildzone". This mod not only moves the spawn points, but brings new attacks. So I had three types. The radiant quests from Preston, from settlers and from the mod. Preston and settlers stopped after doing several defences. The mod still generates attacks and that's what it's supposed to do. So which are attacks you get? From Preston or setters? Or some that don't have anything to do with these? In this case a mod that you have or had might be the reason. The only mod interfering with attacks in your modlist I recognize is the one that moves the spawn points. Normally that should have no effect on the number of attacks, but who knows. If you still get defence tasks from Preston or settlers this should stop some day. Regarding your flickering objects I see that you have a lot of landscape mods. That might cause problems. You have "BetterXandersAidNavmesh.esp", but I don't see Xander's Aid itself. More about the mystery ( nor arguing with somoen trying t help just pointing out some things that make it mysterious to me: -Moving the spawn points for attackers out of the settlements I been using that for about 2 years ever since the beginning. So I am confident that is not the issue. -The defend quest I dont get directly from Preston I get the Defend Quest via a message appearing on my screen top left. ( I hardely ever see him anymore with all my travels and he doesnt give me any quests when I bump into him, so in that respect the mod mod works at least, screenshot from CMRQLmod in the MC attached) Its this mod has otherwise been working well for months: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/39575 - I also have a Defend quest blocker box I been using lately when the reliability of CMRQP mod came into question. Its this mod, screen shot of Lake Splendid location where i had a recent attack(chasing me all the way from the Far Harbor into The Wilderness New Lands worldspace, but its not just New Lands locations that slip thru my attack blocker mods, but Finch Farm etc as well) - about the flickering objects. I suspect Deep Clean Commonwealth and Remodel may be partially at fault, I see on this older profile it was fully enabled for all locations and all locations that have flickering textures are in the list of locations were it was enabled. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/65565 It has in the past not always caused issues but lately I strongly suspect it and on this older profile I see its fully enabled so my later savegame are all savegames where the plug ins for those locations had been disabled ut clearly the ffect on the files is sitll there. I consider this mystery possibly solved and thankfully these flickerings are realtively few and not in major locations. I had it way worse before in different playthroughs that I had to shut down because of this, University point half the town flickering in and out, larger parts of Hyde park, a couple of city blocks around Bunker hill and Diamond City were just craters etc. Its not as bad as that this time. So I cna live with the flickering but really want to turn off the defend quests. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/53274 Clearly one of my mods interferes or disabled my defen quest blockers. Maybe I will lock one of them to the end of the load order? PS: Xanders aid is in there and working fine even though I also dont see a plug in for it. (shrug) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
363rdChemicalCompany Posted September 24, 2024 Author Share Posted September 24, 2024 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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