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About File Sizes of Saved Game Plays


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I've read where people have told others to "go to a previous save game" to undo a lot of problems that have come up.  However, in my mind, all of those saves seem like it would take up a lot of hard drive (or SSD) space on your PC (or XBox, etc).

So, I "Save Over This Game," instead of creating a "New Save."  I realize that means that I can't go back to a particular spot to undo some mistake, but I want to save disk space.

Am I saving hard drive space by doing that, or am I just making one ginormous save file instead of a bunch of smaller save files and not really saving any space on my drive?

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I don't think that you are creating a monster file, but here's what I do:

I make a shortcut to the game save folder on the desktop, and periodically move older saves to a folder (can be on a different drive).  You should at least keep the last five saves or so untouched, but move all older saves to the backup folder ( I usually title the folder w/the character's name).  After you are sure that you do not need any of the saves, you could delete 4 of every 5, or 9 of every 10, compact them with 7zip or similar, and still have a set of saves to help you recover a lengthy playthrough.  They could be moved to an external flash drive, if necessary, but I haven't had the best of luck WRT their reliability.

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It really isn’t all that memory intensive to leave saved files for a week or two just to be sure you didn’t glitch your game.

Heck, when I was new to gaming I didn’t realize they were saved to my files, and I thought deleting them in game was all I needed to do, imagine my surprise when I finally looked and saw hundreds of saves from years ago.

My SSD drive is luckily large enough that it still has considerable space, even with TES, Cyberpunk, Fallout 3 and 4, Starfield, and all their mods and at least 7 other games on it  

I had to deactivate Cloud saves though, it kept reloading old deleted saves onto my drive every time I logged in. 

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A typical save is only a few megabytes.   Considering current prices of ssd drives (like $250 for a 4TB), you really should not have to worry.  You can have several thousand saves, and they will still take up way less than 100Gb

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