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Well there where other videos there, and I still have to find the 1 hour show that they did run on Swedish television. Meanwhile, have a peek at this fun video. How to provoke an AI to ask beg for mercy.  😄  That teacher, did actually marry that robot you see in the right corner, at a later point.  I think I as a player did have something to do with it, as I did put them together but they liked each others before that. So maybe Brainfrog is not so wrong after all? Why on earth would a human marry a robot otherwise??  Well, no one really knows? Fallout is weird as it is anyway. Well meanwhile, I will find that other video.  😄

So sick...

Well that was dramatic...  😮

Travis did have a girlfriend, well same thing there really, as the player had to put them together. The daughter of the bar and Inn owner do like Travis, but she  is also to shy to admit it...  So the player has to fish, finding it out and point those 2 doves in the right direction. One way is really to put Travis into a hero, making him believe in himself.  😄   Which was not that hard really.  😉  It did have some effect on that girl for sure.

-Travis, my hero.  😄

Is he not a bit look a like a young Todd Howard?  😉  Member of the chess club?

Who is the dangerous one here? The true villain? Sheffield? Well, he will do anything for Nuke, you can also offer him a real job at your settlement and you can save him from his addictions. He will also get more fresh and straighten up, but what he did here, was not nice. Well Brainfrog did pull the trigger, but not without Sheffield's nice and friendly tips. 😉

It is not easy to really find a video that claims, AI is dangerous...  Proof? There is no proof, not yet...  This is a fun talk show, that I will look at before I take my daily nap.


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@RomanRWell, the real problem in that Fallout AI video is the Nuka-Cola. It is addictive and you need to drink 5 I think and the addiction kicks in that will make anyone, the player included very tired, and lack of energy. There is however meds against addictions in game.

What role does Travis really play? The DJ? Well he will follow the players actions and talk about them in his radio, making the player famous, so if we kill him? Who will spread the words? Well maybe someone else takes over? IDK? Is it important at all? Well in one way it is, as the player is the savior of the city. Well cannot we save the city without someone is babbling about it all the time? Well of course we can and not everyone is listen to the radio.

Well, I did check it at the WIKI, someone else do take over. SO it is not possible to shut the radio station down. The Voice actor also got a TV-series after he was in Fallout, as that role was so vital, well, if you did turn your radio on, you would hear him talk 24/7, mixed with music, some made by our cool voice actor Lynda Carter, as she is not only performing her cool songs but she also made them. Lynda is the Nords and Orcs in Oblivion. I bet you recognize her voice? Train train, is my absolute favorite. It sounds like it was written 80 years ago, but she wrote it for Fallout 4. After the player have visited Magnolia in the Godneighbor bar, her songs will appear on the radio show.

I really like when she tells the player in Oblivion, the female nord smith in Skingrad:

"Not so loud, please. What a headache I've got. I'm Agnete the Smith. 'The Pickled' they call me. Sure wish I was pickled right now."






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I am bored and a bit tired, again, and that is then I usually just sit down and peek at videos, instead of making mods or play the games.

Well this one is only 9 hours old. These videos do have one problem as I see it, they are a mix max of clips, very nice clips I must add, narrated by a single analyzer and narrator. So what is true and not true? Is this a journalist that has been there and interviewed people? Is thee any interviews at all confirming anything? Well you can also confirm anything, true or not true as well of course. Well so what is it? Propaganda?  IDK??  Entertaining? Yes it sure is.  😄  Do I follow the news? Well not so often really, which I should. My GF who watch the TV more than I do, informs me when something special happens. I should peek at the mews daily, well I do that after I am done with this video.

We did see similar stuff happen in Afghanistan around 1980 when a couple of soldiers did switch side fighting for enemy instead and also some that did that in Vietnam. Will it change anything in the long run? Well if someone do switch side, is it equal as the enemy suddenly have 2 more soldiers than the other side has. First one side do loose a soldier and the other side gets one more and that is 2 more.  😄  Simple and basic math.  😄 

Why would anyone switch side?  Honestly, who would wanna live in such countries like those in these videos that lacks any form of democracy and real propaganda free education? My society teacher did accuse me for not being neutral, to do propaganda, take side...  Well I told him, that is how I am...  😉  Well try at least, do try to see things from all perspectives he replied. It is often easiest to say what is wrong, talking about the problems instead of solutions. How the hell do we actually fix broken stuff?  😉

The channel is called: The Military Show. So what is that?  A single person or an organization or what?  When I am done with the video, I will try to figure that out.

So what did I find out so far? Mot much really. They live in US, produce the Channel in the US, they do not say "I" as they say "we", and they is looking for more crew members and their goal is to produce daily videos. They have over 1M subscribers and the 20 times as many viewers. They sure effect their viewers. But I do enjoy their analyzes but honestly, it is so much information in every video that I get more tired in my head watching the videos than I was before i looked at them  😄  Does that narrator ever breath? There is not much air in between all statements really.

I did just find a video from Hungary. A show off of our plane, as it seems also Hungary bought some.  🙂  How can this plane do all that stuff? Well it is its computers, and the front wings that makes it possible + the whole plane is unstable, and wants to turn around, flying with its back first, which also is prevented by the front wings and the computers. I guess this pilot does not feel so well after this ride.



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I am not up to date honestly. New countries bought JAS 39 it seems. Czech Republic is the latest buyer but in the video below, Hungary is not mentioned. In every different video I have seen so far, the cost for each plane and configuration differ a lot. I do guess it is a secret and also a something that is negotiated before every deal is closed.  😄 So who is flying the planes in the previous videos??  Well IDK??  It was filmed in Hungary but they did not say who was flying them. Does it really matter?  Well no, the planes can fly without pilots really, but a human pilot is always better than a computer, no doubt and they will always be needed.

I did take a peek at the news, well they where a bit boring...  1 hour about the current environment negotiations in Baku?  They are important, no doubt. Still, India, China and Saudi-Arabia will not pay a single dime. North Corea still owe Sweden for a couple of Volvo 144 they bought 50 years ago.  😄  They now own us several million dollars in rent for those cars. Sweden is sending new bills every year "for those advanced up to date cars".  😄  Damn that is funny really.

So what is not funny?  I did see Swedish documentaries about the Swedes in Ukraine. Why go there? Some cannot resist and those that go, are specialists that cannot sit still. Some did die fast. I will see if some of these videos may be available on YouTube as this was on the Swedish television and you can only see that if you are in Sweden and also in Norway. Do they make a difference, well they think they actually do.  I do not find it on YouTube but I did find this one.


In the Swedish TV documentary, we do follow a Swede from the North, his frustration about loosing friends, his stress, well what is driving him to do this at all. At first look, he is just an ordinary guy, trained within health care, but became something different, a sniper. Maybe we can see it later on Youtube as it sure did show some reality, his own camera shots, in the middle of all chaos, when he lost his hole battalion and he did survive. I guess that if we wanna see what is really going on there, this is the closest we get.

We also did see lots of dead Russians but he did cover them, not showing their faces and the SVT also did gray out those that he did not mange to cover during the filming but he also said that they should stayed at home, not coming here in the first place and that is true.  😄  What about him self?  Well that is different, he is fighting the good fight he claims.  😉  He will not stop doing it until this mess is sorted out or he gets killed. I do think it is fascinating honestly. Volunteering to his own death...  😮   I bet it is more safe to join the chess-club.

I do also send the link here, it can maybe be used with a VPN but then with no subs, only Swedish language and also Norwegian, nothing else. There is only a slight difference between Swedish and Norwegian, nothing else. Well except Stavanger, as if you are from Oslo, you cannot understand what they say in Stavanger. No one does. My moms cousins wife was from there, it took me ages to understand her as we used to be there as kids. Well i bet you can get used to any odd language really.  😄 Their kid, well Johan who is 1 year older than me, lives only 1 km from me. I did met him last weekend briefly in our big shopping mall when I was on my way to the bus. Nice fellow.  😄  As I got ache in my legs, I go in there, using the elevator stairs, so I can rest 10 seconds. We do take a coffee there time to time, in the shopping center, talking about old memories. Can he talk Norweigan still? I bet he can but he refuse to do that. Is it possible to hear any Norweigan from him at all, well yes it is. Slightly, Oslo colored words.

The differences is so huge, they did make comedy videos about it but this one is more realistic. It will be fun to listen to these 2 girls, specially if I can understand the left one or not. Lets find out.  😄



Damn, my memory did fail me. She was from Bergen. Stavanger dialect was easy...  Bergen is not.  Well, she is so cute, I keep it. 😄  This is much harder but I do understand what he is saying never the less, well at first, but only after 1 min, I did not understand him. Well I guess I ended up at 30%. So much odd words in 4 min.  😄  This is how she did talk, my moms cousins wife.  😄   He was from Oslo and talked like the girl is doing down below. Very easy to understand if you ask me.

So what is special with Norweigan anyway?  Well they do sound so sweet and cute. Sweet and cute vikings??  Well the vikings did talk Icelandic. But sill, all the nordic languages did all come from the Icelandic base language.  😉  Well they did adapt to new challenges, imported words from France, Germany, England and so on, well we did and also Norway and Denmark. So why did not Icelandic language change? They refuse to import any words as they make up new ones if needed and keep the old original ones as they do feel it is extremely important to keep their ancestors language as intact as possible. Can I understand it? Not a single word. How many do speak that old language?  Well 500.000 approx.

Which is the most famous Icelandic movie? I would Say, The raven id Flying. it is a master piece. All in the old original language by Icelandic actors.


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On 11/24/2024 at 12:34 PM, Pellape said:

I am not up to date honestly. New countries bought JAS 39 it seems. Czech Republic is the latest buyer but in the video below, Hungary is not mentioned.

I don't know, my country sure rented Gripens for many years, but I think we bought some F-35 instead (and army got scolded for this). 

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@RomanRWell, I do think they did a mistake or 2, well there are cheaper versions available of Gripen but if you buy one today, I am sure you do wan the newest one, not old ones.

  1. One JAS 39 E xost beween $60-90 million to buy
  2. Using those dollars for soldiers? How many can you keep running for 10, or even 20 years?

In one of the videos I did post, duells between Gripen and F16 was presented. Gripen did not loose a single battle. Duell 2: In Alaska, 1 Gripen blew up 5 F16 and chased one away in a simulation. They call these duells red fights or something like that, they do in the US time to time. Invite other pilots for such events, from all over the world.

We have similar events in Sweden. 1984 the Norweigan Air Force (F16) was invited to Luleå and battled with our older JA 37 Viggen and the same did happen. Viggen won and our mechanics did scare the F16 crew when they as usual had to jump at our planes to make that bloody lamp to light up, the fuel lamp...  Should such a plane really have such a bug in a sensor??  It does not matter today. JA 37 was retired by right 25 years ago.  So what did happen?  Well Viggen is allowed, well all our fighters are allowed to fly at 10m height and I suppose that the minimi height for F16 is 50-100m or something like that so I guess that the Norwegians did not broke their own laws. They are not trained for such low flights. I even think we did increase the minimi heigt in Sweden, as accidents did happen. These days, we have a more human security policy, which we did not have during the cold war. The pilots where forced to take unnecessary risks to be the best ones. How to control their performance?  With the red box, which is really a black box. Viggen had 2 boxes. One for the plane and one for the pilot, so when they came down to the planes, they always did carry their own black box with them, installed them them self and removed them after the flight was over, back up stairs, analyze it with a higher ranked officer or with the whole team. Every day, it was the same routines, with different missions.

So is it worth, lets say $100M for a single JAS 39 Gripen?

Is it possible to shoot it down?  Well anything is possible, but is it easy?  No. The plane computers track everything that comes towards the plane. It will do impossible movements, side steps, in the right moment, which is only possible to do with those front wings. What will happen to the pilot during these movements?  Well he might get knocked out really. I have never seen that movement in any video, but I know it can do it. So what use is knocked out pilot then?  Well the plane could take him anywhere, by auto, hopefully home or to a hospital.  😄  We did see similar movements in that Hungarion video. Another move the plane can do, is not in any video, and it is to fly with its noose tipped to the left or to the right, down or up, aiming for firering their cannons. Will they hit the targets?  I guess so as at least one shot should hit. Viggen did shoot 6 shots every second with 30mm ammo (JAS use 40mm). It was a pure hell cleaning that cannon after it was used. Damn...  Lucky for me, they did only use the cannons for a week when I was in duty but I sure was damn tired of cleaning them. Viggen could not move like that, it could only fly straight towards the target and then change direction in the last minute. Gripen do not need to do that. They may look similar, but they are not.

So can a battalion of soldiers do the same when or if they get knocked out?  Well...  That is a tricky question to answer.  How does an injured soldier get to the hospital?  At least 2 persons need to carry him. Well a single person might be able as well, but how far?  The JAS 39 has not been in any real battles yet not that I know off. We will maybe know later when or if any of the get shot down or not?  It must be tested at some point?

How much does a F15 cost per hour?  I know that JAS 39 is very cheap per hour compared to all other similar planes. I know that some US planes cost 5-10 as much each hour to run. Well it is still a lot compare to what a single person cost a company per hour, or the cost for a single soldier. In the end, what is the benefits?

Ground soldiers are always needed, specially to find and eliminate hidden enemies,

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On 11/26/2024 at 12:02 PM, Pellape said:

Well, I do think they did a mistake or 2, well there are cheaper versions available of Gripen but if you buy one today, I am sure you do wan the newest one, not old ones.

Ah, don't worry. It's not like we are tossing these beauties right away. It will be propably many years before we see any of F-35 with czech flags and markings on them. And if things not change, given how "stable" is our goverment often in its decissions.

However I noticed nice clock on a wall in one of your Hobbit Home videos. May I ask, how was it done? 

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Its a painting frame with the same texture, or a bit of the texture you see at the ceiling, as the background.



The numbers are from a Font, simple black to start with. I wrote them at a separate layer, first with a white bottom, well you can choose any color for the bottom really, as ...  I think I did use a wooden background for the numbers in a new layer, mark all around the number, inverted the marking and also marked the inside by holding ctrl i gimp, I prefer gimp. So when everything where marked, I inverted the markings again, changed layer to the darker wood texture, a mahogny, I think it was and pushed delete.  It could also be a cupper plate as it looks so in this screenshot.

To get them to look 3D, which is fake as they are flat textures, nothing else, I used a filter called bevel and there is one as standard in gimp, but the bevel 2 is much better and have more options. I have used this simple technique many many times and if you look at my books, you see the same at my book cover texts as well. Each number where then placed in a square 256x256 or 128x128, well I do not remember, but something like that. The mesh I think was just a simple flat square where I added the alpha channeled number at in Blender.

All numbers have their own 3D object. All are disabled by default. So every second, an object is disabled, lets say 1 and 2 is enabled, well their persistent references are of course.

I think it is 33 if in that script + a timer or 3 timers, 1 for seconds and one for minutes and one for hours, well I do not remember. A quest script set to 0.2s or similar, to get it work smoothly, well anything between 0.1-0.5s will work as if we set the timer to 1s, then it can miss a second, which you only see if you stand still and watch it of course. Using ordinary object scripts is out of the question and I use those rarely or as little as possible. Quest scripts rules and rocks, for performance.

Books with the same type of bevels. It looks 3D but the books are flat. The normals do give them a 3D feeling in game as well. The ground texture I made for my book covers 2005, was made by hand, every single line, started with a light grey line and made a slight darker one next to it, until all where done, and then I made that layer 40-60 transparent or similar. The ground texture is shipped with my painting resource, if you ever wanna use it. So how many different books have I made? Well over 500 or similar??  IDK??  I did make a separate release for COBL. Seems popular, with 1500 DLs  😄



I did use bevel on house I tried to make 2008 as well.  😄  All golden items are just flat...  Beveled.    So damn nice filter plugin, so damn useful. Sooo faaake.  😄



And also at Crazy Bettans Shoe shop. I did remade that one for my dynamic shop mod idea I had...  Same bevel again.



This video will show you more about bevel. I do not use any other filters really, than Bevel, which I use a lot.


Damn, I try to make Mantella AI to work in Skyrim...  😕   Installed over 10Gb with AI stuff, was able to start a single comversation that did not have a flow at all...  😕


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