Pellape Posted November 15, 2024 Share Posted November 15, 2024 (edited) Damn, I really forgot... The last video That I did include here, really cover a lot of Oblvion crafting as I made a lot of that, with Quest Scripts, and specially with OBSE coding... Without obse, nvse, fose. that would be a bit hard really. Specially that harvesting method that Maskar made or even invented as without his extremely well made scripts, I would not know what I know about nvse today. It depends if nvse really is a full version of obse that is. I do suspect it is. Can we implement his stuff in FNV? Well I really think we can. How long time will that take? IDK!!! It is hard to read his scripts sometime, but with a lot of adding of debug codes and dumping info and variables to the console, it can be pulled off. His mod has 500 scripts or so, nested, with a lot of functions. Well I chat with him often, so I can also just ask him really. Will he share it? Yes, I think so? If not? I solve it myself. I usually do really as I like challenges. His code is not a secret, Papyrus is secret moslty and I dislike the F4 modders that refuse to include their sources with their projects, as that really sux and do not benefit the other modder's at all. But the Bethesda codes are public? Yes, but they do not use obse, nvse or fose, only basic scripts. We must read and learn from other modder's to pull this off or something like this off. I did fotgot to mention JIP and Johnny Guitar as well, as theose might also be needed. IDK?? Each command is listed here. To make any sense out of each command, we need to see it used in examples, follow each step to understand when to use it or if we need to use that command at all. Time for me to play some F3... Well , think about it Why did I debug his, well maskar's scripts in the first place? Solve a bug I have and he dos not. We still debate that one. He refuse to fix it, at least right now. I also await his respons, as I added more info to him 3 hours ago. he really try to aid me, he really do. When is modding fun? That is when you see your stuff in game, invent new stuff try your own limits. Getting there is usually just a pain in the rear but it also gets easier for each day that passes by. So why doing it? IDK!!!! F3 here I COME!!!! Edited November 15, 2024 by Pellape Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pellape Posted November 15, 2024 Share Posted November 15, 2024 (edited) In the Venician sceene, in film 3, Monraker that is, they use my old weapon, the Swedish M45 I thought that I had seen that specific weapon somewhere before As you see, it is also useless, as they cannot hit properly with it on that range. How do they aim? Bloody Amateurs... What did make this movie so bad? Well, it was porly made, specially the space action in the end. It sure had its moments, no doubt and Venician glass but in the end fighting shenes, the audience in my cimema start to laugh out loud, hysteric and also started to leave the cinema, it was that bad. Well some effects was ectremely well made without CGI as thus was the best they could do without it at that point, 1979. So which movie was the first true CGI movie? I think it was the Last Starfighter from 1984. So 1 year after Star Wars XI was made as it came 1983, one year earlier. Was it good? Well I remember I did like it really. I will see if I like it now. Nope. That one is terrible. You must start somewhere, the demands for quality have raised since then. Well you know what I mean really. Realism... perfection... Appealing to the eye. Making our fantasy real. Was games good back then? Yes they where, what I can recall, I did like them myself and I bought my first comp 1987 and played that game too, the Starfighter game or similar. Was all games good? No way, far from it. Is Morrowind good compare to the standard we set today? No way it is. It is bad, boring dungeons but still nice scripting and very good stories. I do hate Morrowind dungeons, I hate them so much that I made my own. As good as it could ever be made, in 2 years. Yes, it sure took 2 years to make. How big is it? Well very very big. 5 hours from start to goal. If you are good at fighting that is. Edited November 15, 2024 by Pellape Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
laclongquan Posted November 15, 2024 Share Posted November 15, 2024 On 11/11/2024 at 6:00 PM, Pellape said: @RLTheCoolStudiosIn one way, that would break the current lore but honestly does it matter? Does it? Let me think... We have flying vehicles but I have never seen cars in game. We do have one working train in Washington D.C, one single subway train in the Presidental subway. We do not have any cars, not as I know off and how do we get energy for the cars? Expand What do you mean you never see any cars? You shoot the sheeet out of those cars in DC. You can even drive one in California in Fallout 2. Its energy source is energy ammo like microfusion cells or small energy cells. And finally, you are free to break the lore anyway you like. Just as I am, and we are, free to dislike your mods for hamfistedly breaking the lore everywhich way. Just because you are a modder is not an excuse to be free of criticism, which a lot of modders here forget. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pellape Posted November 15, 2024 Share Posted November 15, 2024 (edited) On 11/15/2024 at 9:45 AM, laclongquan said: What do you mean you never see any cars? You shoot the sheeet out of those cars in DC. You can even drive one in California in Fallout 2. Its energy source is energy ammo like microfusion cells or small energy cells. And finally, you are free to break the lore anyway you like. Just as I am, and we are, free to dislike your mods for hamfistedly breaking the lore everywhich way. Just because you are a modder is not an excuse to be free of criticism, which a lot of modders here forget. Expand Well continue to read my solutions. You will see that I am not a purist nor criticize these ideas at all and I also do that conclustion about energy as well. The power cells. We also need to be realistic about energy, as you know as I do the the power Cells are limited. Well we can buy them I guess, but who makes new ones? Where does the energy come from? We can solve that, with more solar panels or dig up more Uranium from the ground. Does NCR dig for uranium in game? Can your character do it? Can the settlers do it? Yes they can. Do they? I do think that the settlers are a lazy bunch and they need to pull them self together. How is it solved in SS2 F4? With energy plots. How are they made? Well with magic. No one really understand it and that is also part of the quest line. It is powered by Robo-Corp, a small device called, well what what is called now again? Lets hear kinggath expolain it, shall we? Can we pull similar off? Well within limits we can, not build stuff in the way it is done, well we can, Maskar is doing it in Oblivion and so can we really. Is it advanced? Extremely advanced. How is it possible? OBSE!!! Would I pull it off? Maybe... I love SS2 but it is a shame it really not work 100%, well not after I built the HQ that is as then game lags and all setllements lag, for me that is. Most likely a conflict. Never Mind. Is Kinggath a purist? Yes he is and I am not. What is needed is new 3D models I guess ans some nvse coding, that's all. Well Blender, nif exporter and NifSkope of course. Yes, it is called ASAM. Ashame? No ASAM. One NPC calls it Assam. Well it is called ASAM... Damn it. Well, yes, I said so, Assam. How does the settlement builders react about SS2, those at Reddit? Well they are even more purists than Kinggath. I did try to have a conversation with them and they was clear, they did not like my odd solutions, designs nor SS2 or my screenshots. They just want everything as pure and simple as it already is. A simple bed, shelf, broken houses, broken stuff, well everything is just broken and not painted. How do you make paint? Well that is not always simple but not hard with the right equipment and resources. I mean, at least, paint your dam wooden syuff and it looks better and will also not get more rutten than it already is? Can we paint rutten wood? Well actually not. Can we really build houses with rutten wood? Nope. Well there is no wood in Vegas... Only cactuses... I forgot about it... ;/ I did promote SS2 some. I got told: -You cant come here and tell me how to play my game, not how to build my settlement. Well did I? Not what I could recall really. I just wanted to inform them that there is more options than just making simple stuff and also boring stuff. What SS2 is doing, is to make each plot grow, and develop over time, rebuild it self. So they did ask me, what is the sport in that? Well that is a good question really. Do I like what I see at Reddit house builders or what it is called? Well not really. Well some builds are just damn cool really. Just took a peek. I really did try to make a plot in CK, after kinggath instructions. Was it easy? Nope it was not. Did it work? Well, not really as at some point, they made an update, but forgot to document it properly, that is my conclusion. When I asked at their forum, well then I was asked, have you read this and this and that document? Hmm... Sorry I missed that in all info... It is nuts. Is CK easy and clear? Not really... GECK? Easier... Clear? Nope. I felt I was drowning in documents. Is kinggath good at making them? I really think he is. pedagogic? Yes. But still it is hard to follow and edit the game at the same time, finding back where you where and suddenly you did miss something in the process. Well, peek at it. It is nuts. The videos? Well better I guess: I did loose it, I did use 2 monitors even... Edited November 15, 2024 by Pellape Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
laclongquan Posted November 15, 2024 Share Posted November 15, 2024 I dont mix TV shows or movies with games. Think of them as different alternate universes that way and your lore compass will thank you for it. Fallout Earth is not Earth in our most basic understanding of it. Its humans (or plants and animals for that matter) can evolve into different life forms pretty easily if you lookat it from science view: radiation, FEV. Ghouls can convert energy from radiation. Hell, Zeta snooped around earth at different timeline so who know what science magick they infect Earth with?!~ 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pellape Posted November 15, 2024 Share Posted November 15, 2024 (edited) @laclongquanYes, You are absolutely right and we also are able to do whatever we want. It is our own imaginations that sets the limits, nothing else. As long as it just feels good doing it or making it, that we get a thrill making it and playing it. Nothing else really matters. But we must not forget the main question that @RLTheCoolStudiosdid ask several times. Is this proper to make something like this? I think it is. If he just go to Reddit and ask the same questions, we will know how the players will react. It is the place where all kind of players/modders do hang out mostly these days. Also. In my arguments, I do relate mostly towards how NCR would react, as they do make things in a similar way that the real Roman Legion did, building proper roads, houses that still stand and so on, by devastating Europe in the process and use up loads of limited resources doing it. Not necessary like the FNV Legion is doing. So will the FNV Legion ever help settlers or build up stuff and not just destroy everything? IDK??? What about mr House or Yes man? What we know is that mr House dislike slavery and he is not interested of helping anyone else but himself. His goal is to get the chip and make his robots greater not to aid a settlement in need. He does not care about that. There is only one single reason he accept the player, and that is to get the chip back. Yes man? Well he seems nice, but still, he is just a robot. Side with him will stop your interaction with NCR. All progress stops. Would he help a settlement in need? I doubt it. So my conclusion is really, only way to rebuild that village is with help of the NCR or maybe the BOS, but I do doubt the Legion will help but we never know, do we? Will it benefit the FNV legion to do it? Well it really does. All progress benefits everyone. But what are their real goals really? Make life easier with slaves. Lazy bastards. Why did Bethesda or Obsidian make the Legion in this way? Well, some factions must be pure evil in a RP game. The real world is more complex. What about real people like Putin? Does he do anything right? IDK really. Did Julius Caesar do anything right? Yes, he did stop the right for the senators to take land from farmers, did he not? His goal was to be glorious, to get the citizens to desire him, therefor he also acted on their behalf, to get more votes. When he became the dictator, only way of making it happen was to get the citizens trust and their votes. The dictator was a similar role as the president is today. You cannot win if no ones is trusting you, no matter if you lie or not and give them false hopes as that does not matter at all. What he did later, was to make the dictator to role on life time. How he did succeed doing it, I cannot recall, but it did get him killed. What if he had stayed at home that day? That would not have mattered, as it was 7 senators that used weapons against him, right in the senate building. What if he had guards, like the Swiss life guards? Well he did not have that, as that was introduced first after the murder of Julius, not before. Was Augustus afraid? Yes, sure he was and damn smart, sharp and brilliant as well. He did dislike that the month August only had 30 days in Julius Caesars calendar and July had 31, so he changed that as he did not want to have less days than Julius had, his old uncle. February was the first month of the Roman year. Therefor month 8 was called October, like octa, 9 Nova became November, deci December. I bet July would had a different name before Julius made his calendar. Sixtius something? What about August? I do not recall what the number 7 was named as I pull this from memory, and it does not matter. Augustus just wanted to become as famous as Julius was. Was it meant for Octavius to become Caesar Augustus? Well no, Mark Antonio, the Caesars friend and officer, stood next in line and he also married Cleopatra after Julius was killed, and she did make another mistake doing so. He lost the civil war against Octavius. He and Cleopatra did commit suicide in Alexandria when Octavius troops reached the royal palace in Alexandria. What a mess. Did any other dictators use Norse warriors as guards outside Rom? Well yes, in Constantinople, they used Vikings, Swedish ones, from around 800-1000 approxly, not only Swiss ones. Is there any difference between Swiss or Swedish? Well is there? Are they not all mad and crazy? :D How did the Swedes get there? With help of Russian rivers and smaller dragon boats and the Swedes also made Russia into a separate kingdom, by creating the settlement Novgorod. The second generation would of course speak Russian, not Swedish. Edited November 15, 2024 by Pellape Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pellape Posted November 15, 2024 Share Posted November 15, 2024 (edited) 3 Emporers at least was completely nuts. Tiberius, Caligula and Nero. Was they related? Well Caligula was son to Tiberius, but Nero was stepson to Tiberius younger brother Claudius. So why did those 3 got so crazy and mad? Well I guess 2 or maybe 3 reasons. Lead poisoning and Syphilis but maybe also by related parents, who knows? What is odd that those 3 did rule right adter eachothers, exception Caeser Claudius. So was he not mad? Well not as much, just limp and could not speak much, which made him very shy. He did write it all down though, which I did mention earlier. Can we trust that book? Well, not if it is the only source of this madness, no. But it feels like it is true anyway? Why would he otherwise write such things? Well he might been mad as well. He was very afraid of his life and Nero and Nero's mum did kill him. He was poisoned. Did Nero burn down Rome to be able to build his palace? Well a majority think he did. What was amazing was his servant robots as they where magnificent. I cannot find his robots and carousel tower, but this will do anyway. So is this the one that Bethesda and Obsidian did use as a referrnce when they made the FNCV Caesar? I really think so. He fits the bill much better than Julius Caesar but so does also Tiberius and Caligula. They where all nad and crazy, no doubt. So, Nero was related to Augustus as well? Yes... What about Tiberius? Well I do recall he was just a stepson. Lets see what they know about him as he is less known than Caligula and Nero. Still it is an odd story. He was very evil. The looks fit the bill. Do we really want to know more? How much madness could we take? Caligula? While we at it, just look at this and also narrated by a famous British historian as well, so I cannot resist this one. It is long though, 1 hour. Well, honestly, I think FNV Caesar is a mix of all 3 of these weirdos. By the way, I just did recall. 7 is septi -> September Edited November 15, 2024 by Pellape 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RLTheCoolStudios Posted November 16, 2024 Author Share Posted November 16, 2024 @JimboUK @laclongquan @Pellape I think that within today and the next two weeks, I will have released the mod. Currently, the map and the dialogues with voiceovers are ready, but the quests are not yet implemented. I tried not to fix Hopeville too much, so the storm is still there... But if you think it's too repaired, let me know. I also added a 'junkyard' for more realism. And yes, I read all your recommendations, Pellape, and used some of them. Thanks 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pellape Posted November 19, 2024 Share Posted November 19, 2024 (edited) @RLTheCoolStudiosIt will be fun to see what you have done with that place. Honestly, anything is better than it looks like now for everyone involved in that pit hole really. But the question is, how have you managed to hide tents and stuff, to exchange them with real buildings? I mean they are static after all are they not? That should not matter at all really. Easiest might just have been to make everything that needs to be hidden into Persistent References, and just disabled them with a script during the quest process, adding new buildings below the surface, persistent, change their z position with a script or result, well to a proper value, from the editor, well GECK, where you first place the building. But if it is a big building that cover a big area, those tents should just stay inside the large building and no one that do not TCL inside, will see it. There are so many ways to make this. Honestly... Add it right in, make it disabled as persistent reference... Enable it with a script or result Disable all old stuff, no longer needed -> Script or quest result It cannot get faster and more simple than that, same with the solar panels. I really have been thinking about something similar, but elsewhere. But first, damn, I just took a peek how many weapons there is in the game that I must force myself to make quests for.... That is my prio 1... Keep us updated. Edited November 19, 2024 by Pellape Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pellape Posted November 19, 2024 Share Posted November 19, 2024 (edited) @RLTheCoolStudios I forgot to mention one very important thing, which you might already thought about, but we have never talked about it nor mentioned it anywhere here: Nav-Meshing It is very important to edit the Nav-Meshing, making it fit with the new buildings. I did this in my projects, but a majority of the Dungeon makers for Oblivion, did miss to edit or even add Nav-Meshing and in Oblivion it is called Pathing. So when I tested dungeons other players had made, I had to add pathes in every one, which was boring in the end so I stopped playing other players dungeons. It was pointless and not realistic, seeing their critters, trying to walk through walls. I got a bit pissed off really. But I did miss it in my first Morrowind Dungeon as well, which I did add 2020. It also made me learn the layout, which made it less fun as well. While exploring, you want to see something you never seen before. Right? U write down the basics of how it works, in case you do not know it already. THE NPC's or rather the AI cannot see or follow the visible meshes. They cannot pass collisions, so they can only follow the Nav-Mesh, nothing else. Does it matter? Well actually yes and I will give a F4 example where it can corrupt your game even. If an NPC cannot complete its path, they will try to jump, well take a new position at the Nav-Mesh, that seems to be hard coded but if they fail finding the path, it might even corrupt your save file. Pathing in FNV is more correct than it is in Oblivion. I do think you can follow the tutorials for F4 when it comes to pathing, as it should be similar as it is only a year between GECK and the Oblivion CK in release. So how did my pathing look like in Oblivion? Well I do have some screenshots. It is extremely primitive in Oblivion, still accurate, as the NPC and critters will follow it perfect. If you have companions, they will not follow you, they will follow the Nav-Mesh, towards you if the package is a follow package. In the right picture, you see a gap and that is where I add a house with an addon, so the nav-meshing is made with everything added into the game, as I do have 5 addons I guess to this main mod. I had to make sure that nothing got saved in the main file from the addons as well and I think I did remove them later, with CS or Xedit. Honestly, I do have issues in these cells right now, and maybe that is why as well, I did delete the addons from the main esp or did forget to compile all the scripts. Never Mind, do edit the Nav-Mesh after the new buildings, nothing else. The blue and yellow plates are collisions, as I had to cheat making them with my meshes here. Sometimes I managed to make proper collisions, sometimes it failed. You can never edit a Collision mesh after it is created in Blender, so here I have full visible control over the collisions and the pathes. It is the yellow lines that they do follow. They can cross them, walk from one line to the other, but that is rare. I did make these 30 degree ramps so my smallest cats and dogs, hens and chickens did not had issues, which they did have with the original stairs. All those small critters are player made modded resources. I could find a chicken up at the roof even. The plates is original carpets, with a 64x64 texture, set to be hidden in NifSkope. That makes the Collision to be enabled, and make the mesh to be invisible in game. To see it in the CS, I had to set the visible flag in NifSkope, save and edit and load them back to NifSkope, change the flag. You can also use 2 meshes and just rename them really, one visible and one invisible, it does not matter. It was a mess to change the angels but also a fun challenge. The house is not aligned in 90 degrees as I think it is 70, if I recall right, which makes angles extremely messy to deal with. Try and see your self. Why? As it sure looked better if the house was aligned to the road from Anvil to Kvatch. Well 20 or 70, which is the same thing really... Or is it 10 and 80? NM... Well this is the exterior, the internal cells are in placed in 0 and 90 with a map arrow. I can be wrong. The video below was made after the pathing was made in the screenshots. I have made something that make this cell to crash though and I cannot figure out what is causing it. Not yet. Well NM... We do see the addon house, a workshop at the south side, with perfect pathing around it. So how does it look like in the reality? Well look at my furniture's, plants, rugs, and my garden in this video, do peek at the critters and my staff and my companions, which also have dynamic packages, added to them with scripts, depending on time of the day and which of my 5 pre-made schedules they are following. The schedules are scripted into an array each, so they are first references, -> Array -> Reference again, if I recall right... Well it was a mess to make it, for sure. I might already show this one? It does not matter, see how they all walk. They did get new packages from a quest script. It is extremely cool and fun to play with packages and the clock. Every sinlge NPC and critter os moving perfect, around the obstacles and from room to room. This is often also missed in player made homes and I made this because of that specific reason, no working pathes for my companions and small and narrow houses as well. I did need space and I got lots of space, more than anyone ever need. Well honestly, who has not brought companions to Bethesda's small interiors and they are on your way all the time? It is messy... Castles? I do not want a castle, I want a farm house. A simple cozy house with warm fire places. Simple?? Yes, it looks simple for sure. Is it? No way... This is a complex project, well it was not meant to be, but it ended up as one. Well making the Nav-mesh should be easy, and as kinggath say in his video about it, really fun as well, if not a bit tedious. I do think you can use his Bethesda School for Nav-Meshing FNV. He do say it is relaxing even. I also do recall he mention the priority of pathes, like when you add a mesh, and add a Nav-Mesh above a Van-Mesh in the landscape, the priority goes to the added object and the AI will follow the new one. Trial and errors, is the best way to see which is working or not. Use a companion when you test the pathing or add schedules, well AI-packages, where NPC's are forced to walk from A to B and back again. Edited November 20, 2024 by Pellape Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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