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Question about CC Content


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In solstheimWorld at Attriusfarmexterior there is a yellow door marker that is named farmdoor02 but there is no such farm door visible. When you double click on the marker it opens to a small holding cell. The marker and holding cell look to be from ccedhsse002-splkntset (The Spell Knight CC Creation). Why are they showing up in the CK when I only selected Skyrim and it's 3 DLCs and no other mods. Why are there door markers but no physical doors?

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I assume you have game version 1.6.1170.    I still have 1.6.1130

The door (I assume you are talking about 0401E344 - ccASVSSE001_FarmBTrapdoor02)  is defined in Dragonborn.esm.    Maybe in 1.6.1170 it is named different, but in 1130, that is what its name.

The cell in question (ccPlaceholder17Interior01) is defined in Update.esm.   Dragonborn.esm lists Skyrim.esm and Update.esm as masters.   

AE update has placed a number of 'hooks' for certain CC content into the base game.   For example, the 'Survival' keywords added for the CC Survival mod, are defined in Update.esm

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