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Vortex is storing mods across two different drives

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Good Afternoon,

So today whilst trying to clean out one of my drives, I noticed that vortex was storing the mods across two different drives. I have it set to download into a data drive that I have that is meat to also be the mod staging drive.

The issue is vortex is also placing all of the mods in the same drive as all the games im using it for, taking up double the space. Is there a reason for this? I can't really afford 1tb+ of total mod storage twice over.

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Using the default deployment method the mod staging folder has to be on the same drive as the game.   The downloaded archives can be on a different drive.

However, since it uses links to deploy the mods rather than moving the files, it doesn't actually take up double space.  One file is real, the other is just a pointer to the real file.

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If I read that right, yes.

The mods have to exist in a real form on the drive the game is installed on.  If you use the default method then they deploy to a "staging folder" and then links are created in the game folder.

But if you use the secondary method of move deployment then the mods will be moved to the game folder directly.

In either case they will use up almost exactly the same amount of space on the drive where the game is installed.

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