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Working in LE or SE?


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Do you make your mods in LE and then convert to SE or do you work exclusively in SE now? I was working (and gaming) almost exclusively in LE for quite a while, but I think I'll stop working that way. It's a bit much maintaining two versions especially if you make an update and need to fix both versions. I DO prefer working with the LE nifs in NifSkope, the new nifs for SE, well I find them harder to work with. I suppose I'll get used to it as all my learning has been trial and error.

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the games have  diverged, relatively speaking they are the same, absolutely they are not, you can upgrade any LE to SE, but it is not alway possible to downgrade any SE to LE.. so the development environment totally depends on the mod, it is not set in stone, and needs to be case by case consideration. 

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I play and create my mods in LE, then convert them to port over to SE. Because I build them without any need for SKSE, they work fine with SE, AE, and even the XBox.

Aside from having a thirteen year old computer that can barely run SE, I truly find the LE version of the Creation Kit more stable. It takes a while to load up, I grant you, but it has never crashed for me. 🥳

(And before anyone asks, I do have all the fixes for SE's Creation Kit--and that one still likes to stall out and crash.)

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