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Serana hidden inventory


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Guest deleted80903

I use Extensible Follower Framework (EFF) because it not only allows things like recruiting anyone in Skyrim, fixing NPCs, and changing up follower essential status, but you can set follower home locations and access their outfit inventory as well.

Just be careful with certain followers.  Serana has more AI than base game NPCs.  Once you're familiar with EFF you can even use it with modded NPCs if you know what you're doing.

Serana's hood, by the way, is specially scripted so it's not just an outfit item.  The script adds and equips her hood dynamically based on whether she's outside.  You might need another mod to either directly remove this feature or hide follower headgear.

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I personally would recommend "dress up lover"


one issue though: some npcs like mjoll always have belted tunic in their inventory as their sleepwear, and would sometimes equip it whenever you manage their inventory, and everytime you give them a new outfit with dress up lover, the belted tunic would return to their inventory so you have to manually get rid of it again. You can use outfit manager to change their sleepwear to "empty outfit" using "outfit manager"


(dont bother with the "advanced behavior" of that mod, its hard to use beyond frustration)


if even after using these 2 mods, serana still has her hood with her, simply remove it thru console command.

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It is not 'hidden inventory'.  Each in-game NPC has an 'Outfit' parameter indicating their outfit form.   Whenever an NPC is loaded, they will by default equip items listed in the outfit, regardless if they actually have them in their inventory or not.

The outfit can be changed via a script, if so desired.  If outfit is unset or empty, the NPC will be naked, even if they have other armor/clothing in their inventory.  An NPC needs to evaluate a particular AI package in order to check their inventory and equip best stuff.  Active followers typically do this, others don't.  

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