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[Noob Question] How do I make sure objects can be scrapped (Precombines)

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I have a cell with precombined meshes. How do I make sure that certain objects can be scrapped after I generate precombined meshes?


Btw I put everything in a layer, which I made hidden during precombined generation but that didn't help.

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Are these steps what you did ?

Menu: View/Layers new PREFIX_DisableForPrecombineLayer (thanks to RedRocketTV for this)
Make that layer active, lock all other layers.
Right click add any stuff that needs to be excluded from precombine so it works (but is not scrappable) on that layer. 

(-) minus key to group select in the batch window set Starts Disabled [DO IT]

Menu: World/PrecombineGeometry for each modified cell (B in the render window shows cell boundaries).
Menu: Visibility/Generate Precombined Visibility for each modified cell.  
(-) minus key to group select in the batch window set Starts Disabled checkbox clear [DO IT]



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Another solution I found: Include it in a scrap recipe.

Put the statics into a formlist -> make a scrap recipe -> make a condition that prevents you from scrapping it (optional) -> Redo precombs and previs

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Make the static non-occluder,

or make the static a moveable static,

or all objects not static objects are not precombined.

I think non-occluder flag is the way to go.

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Objects with any sort of recipe in within a settlement boundary are not precombined. Otherwise add the NoObjectCombinationReftype location ref type to their reference. Or add a linked ref to/from them. All listed in my guide.

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