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Porting from Skyrim Special edition to Legendary edition


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Hello, I'm new to the topic of mods and so on and I would love to get into the topic of porting from Skyrim Special to legendary because due to my own situations I can't get the Special version of it and there are mods there that have not yet been ported to legendary, mods that of course I would love to use in my game, someone could help me or advise me in this aspect, a mod x example that I want to port is the acclaimed DacOda de vicn. 

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Going backwards via "porting" is not recommended.  Re-doing the mod from scratch would be the best approach as there are features present in SSE that are not present in LE.  Furthermore, an SSE mod might utilize third party utilities that either do not exist for LE or do not have the same functionality as the SSE version.

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3 hours ago, showler said:

Creo que de todos modos probablemente necesitarías tener la Edición Especial para poder hacer un port.

Además, el mod que mencionaste tiene dependencias que podrían no estar disponibles o no funcionar en la Edición Legendaria.

As I researched the requirements of the mod asks for SKSE and the complement of silent voices which are available for the legendary version, porting should be possible, right?As I researched the requirements of the mod asks for SKSE and the complement of silent voices, which are available for the legendary version, porting should be possible, right? 

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4 hours ago, IsharaMeradin said:

No se recomienda volver atrás mediante la "transferencia". Rehacer el mod desde cero sería el mejor enfoque, ya que hay características presentes en SSE que no están presentes en LE. Además, un mod de SSE podría utilizar utilidades de terceros que no existen para LE o que no tienen la misma funcionalidad que la versión de SSE.

As I researched the requirements of the mod asks for SKSE and the silent voices plugin that are available for the legendary version, portability should be possible, right? As I researched the requirements of the mod asks for SKSE and the silent voices plugin that are available for the legendary version, portability should be possible, right? 

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Let's break down the common file types:

  • script files (PSC / PEX): As long as they do not use SSE specific code, could potentially be back ported as-is.
  • texture files (DDS): These would need to be re-compressed into older formats acceptable by the LE game if using a newer compression type.
  • mesh files (NIF):  Depending upon the type of mesh in use, there may need to be modifications made to prevent crashing.  Thorough testing would be needed to verify whether a particular SSE mesh works properly in LE
  • Plugins (ESM, ESP & ESP flagged as ESM):  The 32-bit Creation Kit was not updated to properly support the loading, modification and saving of 64-bit plugins. Nor was the LE game updated to properly support the loading and usage of 64-bit plugins. As such some "conversions" may appear to work. But it is unknown what could have been stripped out during the "conversion" from 64-bit to 32-bit and how it may affect usage of the plugin throughout gameplay.
  • Plugins (ESL): LE has no capacity to load these.  The 32-bit Creation Kit has no idea what to do with them.  Any such plugin would have to be re-built from scratch as an ESP.
  • Plugins (SKSE DLL):  These are dependent upon the version of SKSE they were built with.  The LE SKSE and SSE SKSE have different hooks into the game, as such, DLL plugins would need to be re-done with the LE SKSE. 

The mod you are looking at backporting DAc0da is unable to show a preview of the file contents for some reason.  As such, I can only speculate based on its requirements and other described features that attempting to back port would most likely fail.

Do note that asset files (meshes, textures, scripts) could potentially be backported with some effort and testing.  Plugins, on the other hand, would be better off done as a rebuild from scratch rather than attempting to backport.

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