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Vortex Showing a MOD Update but NOT Highlighting any MODS


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Using Vortex v1.13.5 with Fallout 4, Next Gen update.


I click on the mods tab and scan for any mod updates, Vortex states it found a single update but did NOT highlight the affected MOD.


Any ideas on this one ?


I've used this tool before with FO4 and it would highlight said affected mod/mods.


Same thing with Starfield and Skyrim SE, it would again highlight the affected mod/mods needing to be updated.


This falls more in the annoyance category but wanted to point it out as it has been happening for the past couple of weeks now.



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Thanks, however Vortex would highlight the mod/mods that need to be updated in an ORANGE color with the version number and a link to download said update directly.


I scanned again and tried the filter to force showing updated mods however it filtered zero so maybe something is broken in my FO4 modlist ?

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When modding Skyrim, the update highlights only occur if the mod has the exact same name as the update file, try the 'Installation Time' column filter on descending order, you can find the latest d/l update there, or just look at your latest downloads in the download tab.

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14 hours ago, 7531Leonidas said:

When modding Skyrim, the update highlights only occur if the mod has the exact same name as the update file, try the 'Installation Time' column filter on descending order, you can find the latest d/l update there, or just look at your latest downloads in the download tab.

Thanks, however this didn't find anything either, but Vortex IS showing 1 MOD needs to be updated after scanning.


I sorted both ways to confirm I didn't overlook something.


Could this be related to the COLLECTION i created for FO4 ?


I never used this function before so maybe Vortex thinks I added a new mod to the modlist and now IT needs to be updated ?

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I haven't used collections, I get myself into enough trouble building a few at a time (over 2000 now).  I just know that I still have a few older mods w/an update notification in orange, but not the orange box highlight.  That means that the mod has changed greatly, at least in name/version, or even total content.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've rolled a new toon in Cyberpunk 2077 and installed a few mods using Vortex.


When I scan this game and it finds an updated MOD it does indeed Highlight that mod/mods that need to be updated just like I was seeing in Skyrim SE.


There just seems to be something with Fallout 4 it appears 😞

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There might be some funky metadata in the back end... Or there's a an old variant of a mod that has an update. Best way to tell is using the column filters. If nothing comes up it'll be under one of the version drop-downs where you have several versions of that mod installed. 

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