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Impossible to change mod options after inital installation


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I've recently decided to come back to skyrim and tried downloading the mod "PapyrusUtil SE" with the AE/SE version. After I downloaded it I chose the SE version before I realized I updated the game to 1.61.First I tried to reinstall the mod,it didn't work.I've tried to check if there were any conflicts or older versions of Util in my others mods,I found nothing.I've tried searching the web I found 2 disscusions about this,nothing said there really helped.So I decided to nuke the mod files,then I verified the game files and tried to install the mod again and it still wouldn't give me the mod options menu.I know that I can just revert to 1.5,but it would be a huge help if someone found a way to make this work (mostly I just wanna see new stuff).Also I know I am a dumbass for downloading the SE version in the first place.Help would be very much appreciated :D.

Full name of the mod: PapyrusUtil SE - Modders Scripting Utility Functions

Game name and version: Skyrim Special Edition - 161.1170.0

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Did you install the requirements of SKSE and Address Library? Mod won't work without them. 


IMPORTANT: If you are using Skyrim version 1.6+, you must install the AE version of PapyrusUtil and Address Library. It DOES NOT MATTER if you don't have the Anniversary Edition DLC; any version past 1.5.97 is considered AE. 

Make sure your Address Library and SKSE64 install are fully up to date.

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Additionally, if you have any mods installed that are not compatible w/the version of SKSE that is installed for your game, you will have problems launching the game.

Go to ( https://modding.wiki/en/skyrim/users/skse-plugins ) to check to see if which mods are compatible with your specific version of SKSE and game version.  It also lists a few replacements/substitutes for some older favorites.

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