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Mod Browsing Overhaul Discussion


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The new site interface is just awful and disgusting. It's very unfamiliar and everything is very stretched out. The pictures are big. I understand that you needed to justify your position as head of design at Nexus Mods, but you didn't have to ruin the usual way of life and remove something that was working well and didn't need repair. I'll probably get blocked or just not listened to after expressing my opinion. At least bring back the ability for users to switch to the old site interface.

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This new UI is atrocious. I don't understand why it had to be changed? Please provide an option to use the old UI again!

Also please provide an option to remove some mods from the download history, I've recently used some Wabbajack modlists and Collections but didn't end up using them. However now when i browse the mods for Fallout or Skyrim, it's incredibly unclear which mods I downloaded myself or which were downloaded as part of a Collection! People have been asking for this change for years, I don't see how this UI change could be more important than a creating a basic feature like this...

Edited by Skyhunter2000
added some stuff
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22 hours ago, mfPixel said:

Hey @Isguros - the search results should be more accurate now (we let you include punctuation and also return partial query matches). Can you point me to any specific functionality or results that are worse with this update and we'll take a look. Thanks

For me, the problem with the search function is that it only lists exact matches (in titles). For instance: if I were to looking for 'troll overhauls' on Skyrim SE's search abomination by typing in 'trolls', it would omit the most popular one since that one doesn't specifically has the plural in its title, and if I'd search for the singular 'troll', I'd get bombarded by tons of controller remaps, sweetroll replacers, and whatnot. I feel like this has lead to the keyword vomit in titles, in the hope they might show up on some searches; cause otherwise no one will find them without the exact wording used in the title. It's even worse if you're looking for a mod from a specific author, cause unless they're "vain" enough to put their own name in their mod titles, you'll only patches from others. So if you want to search for an author, you can't use the search function, but you'll have to go to the mods/all mods page instead, scroll down and search by uploader.

Whatever it is you claim to have done with the search feature hasn't impacted the results whatsoever. As far as I can tell, it only blocks your entire screen to show you some pictures with part of the titles, which isn't especially helpful without either the rest of the title and the description, and of course you'll have to be sure about your choice before clicking on one of the results, cause if you ain't, you can't just press back to go to the results anymore. I'm not saying the old quick-search interface was flawless, but it at least had some usage. This thing does not.

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So apparently the feature that separates your download history by game is no longer there. Like if you were searching mods for a particular game and clicked on your download history from that page it would only show downloaded mods from that game. That's disappointing if that's been intentionally changed/removed. Also, the things people probably don't really care about like collections being over top of the new and popular sections of mods that people actually do care about. This reminds me a lot of windows 11 ui changes all over again. Shame because nexus was great as it was.

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I'm a bit disappointed that the "Popular Collections" option is still in a bad position even though it was mentioned in popular posts on this thread.

Moving it under "More Mods" would let us show more Collections, instead of the top 2 Collections shoved between Trending Mods and More Mods, without taking up space on each game page.

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8 minutes ago, ICETREY1997 said:

So apparently the feature that separates your download history by game is no longer there. Like if you were searching mods for a particular game and clicked on your download history from that page it would only show downloaded mods from that game. That's disappointing if that's been intentionally changed/removed. 

Can you tell me where you are seeing this please?. You should still be seeing a game scoped download history when you click links to your download history when on a game page. 

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The new main mage is wider yet show LESS mods than before. How come it takes more space yet is less practical or pleasing to look at ?

Everything seems overly stretched and blurry.

Again the same question asked too many times to many designers without getting a viable answer. Why the need to change everything when it works and don't need changes ?

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My Feedback:

  • I have almost 800 Mbps, and since the update, I’ve noticed longer delays when loading pages. Everything now takes a second longer before I can interact again. I already noticed this with the change to the mod authors' page, where there was a stark contrast between the regular mod page for games and the authors' page (the authors' page took longer to load).

  • I found the clearly segmented tabs and buttons of the previous design more readable. The newer darker tone makes it harder for my eyes to read the white text.

  • Why are "Popular Collections" always shown under "Trending Mods," and why do they take up so much space? I thought collections already had a separate tab. It just forces the user to scroll further to get to "More Mods" below it.

  • The "More Mods" tab now has bigger thumbnails for each mod, but it only displays 4 instead of 5 in a row, overall reducing the amount of information shown. The same issue applies to the "Trending Mods" section above.

  • The search function now takes up the entire screen when you click on the bar, which is a weird change. It shows a preview of mods that fit your search, but why? You're already going to press enter in a second anyway, making the preview useless clutter that covers your screen every time you quickly want to search for something. The previous preview didn’t take up the entire screen and had the same effect.

  • Why can I search for games in the search function when I’m already on a specific game’s mod page?

Overall, I’m frustrated by the lack of official acknowledgment. 

I’m a paying customer, and it feels like I’m screaming into the void, with my feedback not mattering at all in the end.

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2 hours ago, JustThatKing said:

There is no reason for us to go and respond to every single comment. We're monitoring feedback and recording it. As we have said, that doesn't mean we will be responding to every individual who has a subjective opinion about the changes. 

Repeating the same point doesn't make it more important, you are being disrespectful to other users who want to give feedback. 
You've posted more complaints about other users in this thread than feedback about the changes.
You can either stop aggressively complaining about other users or we'll be forced to remove you from the discussion. 

Of course, you don't have to respond to everyone giving you feedback, but it doesn't seem like you're doing much with the feedback either. Instead you pin a non-apologetic post telling us to get used to it, further indicating that nothing we say will change or alter anything, because now we might be able to search for mods and have a free hand to stick down your pants or whatever.

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