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Mod Browsing Overhaul Discussion


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add a layout that matches the old system and it would be received alot better. an option to customize the page easily would also be smart. we have less information taking up more space so im not sure what the goal of the overhaul was other than to make it look smooth. theres so much extra space on the side of the site thats deadspace, i assume if i wasnt a premium member they would be chock full of ads. which is disappointing to think that might be the reason. make people scroll longer to get to the mods they do care about so you get more ad numbers.

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Seems like the developers of this new design live a life without daylight.

Now that it's night and only a lamp is illuminating my room, I can clearly see the elements in the new design. Even on a screen brightness of 30% they seem definitely brighter then the background. Now it's actually a dark and minimalistic looking design. But just some hours ago, when this gigantic fusion reaction sphere in the sky we bathing my livingroom in an unholy amount of photons, even with my screen set to 100% brightness I could just barely make out the borders of the elements.

I know, since this is a website meant for gamers, that might never be a problem, since gamers too sit in their darkened sun blocking rooms all day long and only ever see actual daylight when the rising sun is telling them to go to bed. ... Jokes aside. The darkmode theme, as nice as it might have meant to be, is just WAY TOO DARK to be practical. I know, blacks are better for OLED panels, but pleasing the monitors energy efficiancy should not have priority over pleasing the users viewing experiences.


But besides all this sarcasm and humor, I also want to add some constructive feedback. How about adding a costumization option where each user can select their prefered color palet?

Maybe some themes like "true dark" (new one), "orange n gray" (old one) and "outside" (light mode) and so on?

Edited by LiloLila
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Hey, long time user here.  How do I disable this UI update?  It's very disorganised and confusing to look at, and there are many useless features (collections) taking up a lot of space.  Thank you.

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4 minutes ago, MysticRunner said:

Hey, long time user here.  How do I disable this UI update?  It's very disorganised and confusing to look at, and there are many useless features (collections) taking up a lot of space.  Thank you.

That's the neat part: You don't. Because Nexus staff have decided, in their infinite wisdom, that nobody could possibly dislike this new UI, and that there will be absolutely no option ever to switch back to the old UI. Guess this was someone's pwecious widdle pet pwoject, and their feefees got hurt that people didn't like it. Certainly comes across that way, at least.

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5 minutes ago, MysticRunner said:

Hey, long time user here.  How do I disable this UI update?  It's very disorganised and confusing to look at, and there are many useless features (collections) taking up a lot of space.  Thank you.

There is a workaround by removing "games/" from the url when being on the games main page. (.com/games/witcher3 > .com/witcher3) But who knows how long the old websites are still online.

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Hi, just my 2 cents.

This redesign blows. Usability is much worse even though its "prettier," its more cumbersome to navigate and uses space much less efficiently. In my opinion this is a terrible layout and I wish I could fully revert it. It is a complete pain. I don't have anything else to add.

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Also not a fan, its very overwhelming when looking at anything now. Search is pretty bad...

But at bare minimum move those collections, why are they more important then the new mods for the day? You wouldnt have collections without mods they should always go before anything else.

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UI is awful compared to the original. At bare minimum have a toggle for people to revert back to old or have toggle fields in preferences to turn off displaying each area of a game page(trending, collections, more mods, media). Also remove news, nobody wants that in the game page, stick it to the main page only.

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I genuinely have nothing nice to say about the new layout.

Aesthetically it's soulless and lacks character as most "modern" designs do. It's just bad. Not much else to say on that because it's a matter of opinion.

Functionally it's just as bad.

It wastes so much screen space on absolutely nothing where it could be showing me more mods as it did before. The game title and file statistics above the Trending Mods section is redundant. Seriously, who is that for? It is just wasting space that could be used by the rest of the trending mods.

I know Nexus' hard-on for Collections so I won't even waste time on that.

The new files section is also burdened by the serious waste of space around the tiles as well as their overall size. Where I could comfortably view ten mods and their descriptions before, now I can reasonably see only four in their entirety. Zooming the page out does not help at all. I'm still seeing fewer mods than I did before at an even smaller size. It's very strange to call this change in favor of visibility and browsability. I hilariously feel gaslit to have read that testers "discover[ed] more new mods than they previously would have." In what reality does showing someone less let them see more?

All that said, I'm more frustrated that Nexus continues this trend of making sweeping changes, opening feedback to those changes, then telling those who give reasonable negative feedback to get used to it or kick rocks. I've seen it happen time and time again and fully expect it to keep happening.

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