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Mod Browsing Overhaul Discussion


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10 minutes ago, Overlord299 said:

WTF? You removed the option to search within date margins? That's a feature I actually use a lot. Sometimes I stop playing a game for a while and I want to check within a specific time frame for new mods, not just broad categories like "last year" or "last month". Just another change of many that is going to keep turning users against what used to be a great modding site. Also, just an FYI, dismissing any criticism as being "in bad faith" or "from a vocal minority" is not a great way to run a business!!! It seems like the only reason Nexus isn't hemorrhaging users is that it has a complete monopoly on modding, no alternatives exist that have even half the amount of staff, games, and maintenance. I've been a user for 10 years, I owe a great deal of gratitude to these guys, but one thing I don't owe them at this point is respect.

You'll be glad to hear then, that the date range filter is still in development and is being added to the new pages. My previous post explains our rationale.

There's no need to be offended by this, but it is a factual statement that a minute percentage of the site's users are in this thread. I'd hope that my replies to many users over the past day shows that we're not dismissing anything and are engaging in constructive conversation.

3 minutes ago, JobiWanUK said:

Just to add, another way of viewing a 'vocal minority' in a more positive light, rather than an excuse to dismiss their opinions out of hand, is 'those passionate enough to speak up about something'. I'm sure the majority either don't care or can't be bothered because they will quite likely just get fobbed off anyway.


Well put. I do hope that it is not felt that we're not dismissing you. We are trying very openly to engage with you right now. I believe what I'm trying to convey is that, although there are a small number of users in this thread giving us passionate feedback, there are millions of users on the site who are not and seemingly have no issue. Your feedback is doubtlessly going to improve their experience as we take it on board and make further changes.

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I'm not a UI designer, nor do I think I'm smart enough to give real constructive feedback. As a user, all i can say is that something about the way things are spaced and presented feels very odd. I don't know what is wrong exactly.

I'm not adverse to changes, especially if it makes things easier to change going forward. However, i do sincerely hope things iterate and improve quickly, because the current layout and visual feel of the new UI is something i feel detracts heavily from my usual experience of my years and years of use.

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I know you're quite frustrated, but hopefully I can help with this particular point. I've attached a short video showing what you're describing.

From the homepage, I opened the search, entered a keyword, used 'CTRL + Left Click' and 'Right Click + Open in new tab', queued up multiple pages in the browser, closed the search and remained on the same page.

Does this help with what you're trying to do?

I know how to do it with the new interface, my frustration comes from so many unnecessary steps and windows being added that just make the QuickSearch, no longer a “Quick Search”

Before, I could use this Quick Search, without leaving the page, and as I typed in what I was searching for, a list would grow under the search box, as a drop-down, then I could just Right-click and open in new type without CTRL clicking or anything else, and I wouldn't get taken away from the page I was on, by a new big unnecessary Search Window opening, instead I got a nice compact, easy to read, and quick to scan, Drop-Down list, and if I wanted, instead of right-clicking and opening in a new tab, I could just hit enter, and be brought to a page of that games' Mods, that all had the word I searched for, in a nice, compact easy to read list with small thumbnails that saved so much Space, and Time, looking through.

Everything is big and goofy and inefficient and wastes a LOT of space and time scrolling now.



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Just now, Iluviel said:

You'll be glad to hear then, that the date range filter is still in development and is being added to the new pages. My previous post explains our rationale.

There's no need to be offended by this, but it is a factual statement that a minute percentage of the site's users are in this thread. I'd hope that my replies to many users over the past day shows that we're not dismissing anything and are engaging in constructive conversation.

Thank you, that's good to hear. But my broader point still stands about Nexus' treatment of criticism. I hope you guys listen to users more in the future. Having a monopoly gives you more of a responsibility to the people you serve, not less. Also, just because it's a minority of people expressing criticism publicly, that doesn't mean that most people don't agree, only that you have a smaller sample size to work with.

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14 minutes ago, Iluviel said:

Sorry if my responses aren't quite up to scratch.

The rationale for most of these changes is that we needed to move our frontend code into a design system that was easy to develop. The "old" UI was not that and now we're at the stage where further changes can be made with relative ease.

I certainly am taking an approach of not letting "perfect" be the enemy of good. Yes, we're still working on adding/moving things like date range selectors, keyword filters and tracked content updates. No, we're not willing to let adding those slow down our development.

Will those things come back sometime, maybe? I'll do you one better and say definitely and in the coming weeks.

What else is coming back (in the the coming weeks)?

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1 minute ago, Overlord299 said:

Thank you, that's good to hear. But my broader point still stands about Nexus' treatment of criticism. I hope you guys listen to users more in the future. Having a monopoly gives you more of a responsibility to the people you serve, not less. Also, just because it's a minority of people expressing criticism publicly, that doesn't mean that most people don't agree, only that you have a smaller sample size to work with.

Also, sorry if I come across as moralizing. It's just that this sometimes feels like watching an old friend go down a dark path.

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17 hours ago, jn64 said:

Reminder: you control the presentation of web pages on your machine. If your browser doesn't let you do that, find a better browser.

uBlock Origin filters

Hide Collections section on game page:


Hide News section on game page:


Hide Collections banner on homepage:


Thanks, I used µBlock Origin to Hide Collections and Screenshots, I have no use for either of those, I kept the News section for the sole purpose of the Morrowind Mod contest every May.
That's the only reason I ever look at that section.


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6 hours ago, mfPixel said:

Hey @Revenge096 This shouldn't be displaying like this -  there should be a max of 4 per row. Can you tell me what device, browser and screensize you have please? Also, are you zoomed in or out and running any plug-ins? Thanks.




no zoom-in or any plug-ins that could modify the look of the site as far as I'm aware.

To he honest I'm suspecting it's because I'm on Windows 7 which is using an older Chrome version which is not receiving updates anymore. I don't have any other browser installed to confirm this and probably I won't bother to do so. I'm not expecting you're going to support older stuff anyways, so I'll probably get used to it, till I update or buy new PC.

Out of curiosity I grabbed my phone, went to Nexus using android's Chrome and turned on desktop mode and it does in fact displays only 4 per row, so there's that I guess.

Regardless, thank you for your interest in this and for getting back to me about this.

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33 minutes ago, Iluviel said:

we needed to move our frontend code into a design system that was easy to develop. The "old" UI was not that

Guys, can you even differentiate between code and end-user UI looks? Most users imo couldn't care less what your code is as long as the site is easy to use. Changing the design system doesn't equal to "it can't look like it did before", as if those classes evaporate and can't be implemented again (why do I even bother?)

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6 hours ago, Iluviel said:

The new pages are not slower, we're actively monitoring the P90/95/99 times on these and can confidently say that across all users they are performing well. We're being very strict on this and its a firm goal that the pages must not be slower.

Sorry to hear you don't like the look and feel. I'm not really sure we can action anything on this, it's a bit vague in terms of feedback. If there's something specific you don't like, perhaps we can respond to that.

Search is vastly improved and we've made a lot of changes under the hood. Quick search now works for games, images, videos and users, it used to only work for mods. Even if you don't find this useful, other users do. It now wildcards keyword strings, so terms like "stalker" now return "s.t.a.l.k.e.r.", we've also added more keyword matching so terms like "fo3" match "fallout 3". It's just as quick to open, close and use as the old implementation.

I can swallow the new aesthetic choices given time, but the new pages are absolutely slower, just not in the way I think you interpreted what the last person said. The newer version of the main page for any given game (ie; https://www.nexusmods.com/games/skyrimspecialedition) Are noticably more jumpy and laggy compared to the old version. They don't load slower, they are slower in the sense that they are drastically less smooth to navigate.

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