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Mod Browsing Overhaul Discussion


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Why do I have to set it to only search for mods every time I search?It used to be the default which makes sense since this is a site for mods.The new UI also takes up more space space shows me less.I have no interest in Collections either so having to scroll past them to get to the new mods is annoying.Not a fan.


Edited by Salzber
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10 hours ago, Asakti said:

In the meantime I have found a Stylus theme to revamp the main game pages to resize the page/remove all the padding.  That is probably the opposite of what NexusMods wants

We run a website that's all about modding! You're modding a website? Have at it!

Of course we can't easily support any issues you run into with a modded setup, but it's your browser and device. Go for it. 🦾

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I can only guess that those UX designers who made the failed new Windows 8 UX got fired and then hired by NexusMods.

The quick search in the old design was lightyears ahead in function and design compared to the new search feature. 
The darker design is like many already stated, making people sick. Anyone with any professional know-how in web design should know how to avoid that.
Trending mods... Why should I care about that? Collections, never used then and never will. Browsing the website on a phone? Never have I ever, and never will I ever. The mods are for the computer games I own, can't download them to my phone and instantly have access to them on my computer. Designing a website that caters to computer gaming to work best on mobile devices is proof of a lack of judgment and possibly a lack of intelligence to make decisions about what is good or bad development. Because why would you throw money at something that didn't need fixing, instead of handing it to things that would have benefitted more from being given those funds? If I were to own stock in Nexus, I would put forward a vote on replacing the entire leadership in the company. If that got voted down, I would have sold all my stock.

If someone would make an interface that fixes these things as a way to browse NexusMods through I would happily choose that, as I am now not going to look to NexusMods for new mods. Only check if any of the mods that I'm tracking have updates.

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9 hours ago, HadToRegister said:

Typing “Faster Fleet”, in Quick Search, used to net me EIGHT RESULTS.
Now I only get THREE results.

Thanks for clarifying, do you have links to the other mods you feel should've been included in the results? That will help us improve the search.

We have added wildcard searching to images, videos and collections but for mods this was already the case. Perhaps those other mod titles have changed since?

We are aware that some users expect stemmed token matches as well (e.g. 'fleets' search finds a mod including only 'fleet') and we're looking to combine that approach. Wildcard searching is actually more computationally expensive but it's been preferred so far as it seems to align with what most users expect (with the nexusmods dataset at least).

If none of that 'behind the scenes' information matters to you- tl;dr we are always looking to improve search results.

Update: I ran 'faster fleet' through the old search endpoint and got the same three results. This makes sense to me as the index schema hasn't changed. Regardless, if you know of mods you would've expected to have been found then please do help us (and the community) by stating them. Thanks!

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Just chiming in to say the redesign is garbage, fewer results when searching for mods now - previously I had the pages at 133% zoom and still had maybe 5-6 results per line (can't remember exact number but it was clean and pleasant to look at with more content per page), now for whatever f-n reason we have fewer results with larger tiles. It's torture.

This clearly looks designed for mobile users, which is pure idiocy considering this is a site for PC mods, I've never ever checked nexus on my phone. If you persist with this, I hope the site absolutely crashes and burns since whoever approved this redesign should fail in their endeavors.

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Oh since a dev seems to be here why can't we just have the option to go back to the previous design. There seems to be a lot of people wanting to use the old design and a lot of dislike(myself included) of the new design. Lack of dev response to the dislike clearly present here and the lack of any sort of polling to even see if the dislike is present in the wider userbase is just wrong and needs to be rectified. I was gonna switch my monthly to a yearly sub but after this and the disrespect from the devs I just cancelled it completely. 

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50 minutes ago, jmharris said:

We run a website that's all about modding! You're modding a website? Have at it!

Of course we can't easily support any issues you run into with a modded setup, but it's your browser and device. Go for it. 🦾


Then have them get rid of using Shadow-Root when it comes to any page with the search.

Just go to any mod's page, the search on those pages are running within that which prevents people from fixing things locally.

Using Shadow-Root is just bad design overall as there's no actual benefits to using it.


A person cannot re-style anything that is running within Shadow-Root, its entire purpose is to restrict that.

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6 minutes ago, kyeaxford1 said:

Lack of dev response to the dislike clearly present here and the lack of any sort of polling to even see if the dislike is present in the wider userbase is just wrong

I'm not looking to diminish your opinion and it's not my call to make on all the issues raised, but there are responses from the dev team in this thread and other communication channels. We also ran hotjar polls both during and after the beta which captured responses from the wider userbase. Purely stated for fact, and not judgement on whether that is sufficient for you.

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