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Mod Browsing Overhaul Discussion


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You can search using multiple tags. There should be a tag option right under the categories on the left pane. You can click as many tags to include or exclude. You can also sort mods by newest, most downloads, and recently updated. 

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I really dislike being harsh to a design that people have put their time, thought, and work into, but I've gotta be honest.

The new design is flat, visually uninteresting, and poorly balanced. The layout manages to have a lot of odd dead space while also feeling cramped and cluttered. Monochrome is just not the way, and so many of the elements have no borders, which is probably the biggest problem - no wonder the placement of everything feels so off when there's virtually no physical separation between the different elements. On top of which, thumbnails have been scaled down. The overall result is a bunch of chunks of white text floating around on a black background.

The whole concept needs more color, more contrast, and more structural elements.

On another note - personally I don't dislike the idea of including collections on the main page, that seems like a perfectly reasonable thing to do. I will echo the problem pointed out by others, though, that the top two "Most Popular" collections are pretty much going to be exactly the same two collections forever (except on the smallest games in the catalogue). If anything, this should be some kind of "Trending" or "Up and Coming" collections feature, and it should be secondary to the mods themselves, not above them.

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This is how it looks for me

2 Hot mods take entire page aka 30% of whole website and 50% of visible space

"more mods" which usually i sort by recently updated to check something interesting

are all crammed together and take around 20% of whole website and 50% visible space


now lets compare it to this ugly and outdated classic you hate so much

im not sure how to even articulate my points here


when i use nexus i wanna find cool mods to use in my game

you made it show less mods and make the presented mods look worse


website problems.png


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I just noticed you removed list mod for viewing mods. Don't do that, please. I prefer using list mod as I can scroll through mods faster than the normal layout. So yeah, my testing of the beta is officially over right now and I am going back to classic. If you really intend to completely remove list mode, Its going to impact not only me, but I am sure many others that prefer to use that mode to view mods.


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On 2/7/2025 at 2:09 PM, WyrdOh said:

A lot of these changes smack of someone just needing something to do. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

I was thinking the same 🤣....especially the part where i have the suspicion, that someone just wants to keep his/her job and convinced the superiors that it is very necessary to give the web page design an overhaul...

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The search needs to be improved, even on the classic version it's really difficult to find what you want or even new things, but with the new version I expected it to work a lot better because the new site is a higher standard and sets that expectation.

1. It doesn't seem to give any thoughts to tags or description text. Perhaps a simple and comprehensive search is an option here, as advanced search doesn't work without a search term so unless I put "clothing" as the search then "description contains summer shorts" I won't find my mod at all because it doesn't come up under the original search. If I can search for a word in all the places then filter to not look for it in tags or description or what ever that would help more, or the reverse allow an option to tick "search tags/desc/etc".

2. If I search for something specific with a misspelling or alternative spelling it doesn't find it. Examples: armour (225) vs armor (2,817) which is ASTRONOMICAL in difference.

3. It's sensitive to punctuation and characters like ' and - and will not find mods where those are part of the name without you including it oftentimes (you have to provide at least one of them to find mine). Examples: Pre-war (7), prewar (9), pre war (18) are all treated differently, if you search each and tick clothing you will see what I mean.

4. For the love of god please force people to tag a language when they use a translation tag or post in the translation section AND allow us to block translations UNLESS our preferred translations are included in the list. This has been asked for so many times in the feedback section and would benefit so much.











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On 2/4/2025 at 7:40 AM, Qrsr said:

I wish you add the option to let mod authors merge their mods, i have alot of mods i would rather combine to reduce clutter.

This, and multi-language translation mods. Currently, it is only possible to launch one language for each mod page. This is ridiculous.

Edited by Ahplla
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31 minutes ago, Ahplla said:

multi-language translation mods

YES. This is one of the most annoying feature of all. If someone creates a translation of mod x you see a new mod page. What the hell? Clutter everywhere.

I remember asking Picky or someone else in past to let people at least confirm a translation of a mod. Having it directly be part of the "main" mod page would be godsent however.

+1 from me.

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I noticed blocked users finally are visible again across all sections. All of those titty twister mods and media 5#!7 is visible to me again. OMG what have you done 😄 please make blocked authors disappear from the overview page again.

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