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Mod Browsing Overhaul Discussion


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40 minutes ago, NexBeth said:

If you choose not to participate and get your concerns in, that's not really Nexus's fault.

Tried that last year with user profiles beta, didn't work (although, gotta give it to them, the profiles did get somewhat better then they initially were. Month after the beta closed. And some annoying features are still there, like having to hover over "x ago" to learn the exact update date, because apparently two actual dates next to each other don't look cool enough in 2020s).

As m661 correctly put it, protesting, erm, I mean offering feedback on a commercial product is a waste of time.

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21 minutes ago, NexBeth said:

Plenty of opportunity for everyone to get their feedback in was given though.

As if "venting" back then (because all I could say would still be "Ugh, it's awful, pls, revert back/make it look like old UI on your new framework or whatchamacallit") would have been soo much better and more productive 🥹

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Not a fan of the new search bar at all, as its adding an extra step. Why would I need to search for different games? If I'm downloading mods for one game, I'm generally not downloading mods for another at the same time. If I want to change what game I'm downloading mods for a simple Google search of "[game name] nexus" brings me exactly where I need to go.

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What is this extra step everyone keeps talking about?

If I'm on a Skyrim SE page, I click in the search box, I type "witcher", the quick list of mods containing "witcher" comes up.  I then have the option to click the "show all" button to open the full listing (which is the same as before) or I have new options to switch the results to: games containing "witcher"; Collections containing "witcher"; images containing "witcher"; videos cotaining "witcher" or users containing "witcher".

Getting the quick list of mods takes no extra steps than before, no extra clicks, no extra effort at all.  You just have more options to alter your search if you wish.

Am i missing something or are all your browsers so broken that it's not working that way for you?

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Maybe?  Didn't you have to click out of the quick search before unless you selected one of the listed pages to continue to?

I've seen a number of complaints about the new search that seem to run contrary to what I'm seeing, so I really suspect that something or another (certain browsers, extensions or maybe stylesheets) is preventing people from seeing the page as it is intended to work.  If that's the case then that cause needs to found and fixed in order to get proper feedback about the new search.

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The new search bar reminds me of xbox mod search on Xbox for Bethesda games (fallout especially) its terrible istead of giving you what you searched for it matches only letters it seems you get the worst results, completely irrelavent mods ??  Have to search with Google to get the correct page or by author.   Hope its not AI, only because its not very smart, Finding it hard to pay for premium with this. So for now nope.  Sorry

Edited by adamocelot
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5 hours ago, NexBeth said:

HadToRegister, I haven't tracked anybody's participation in the Beta, including you.  I was responding more generally to people who are after-the-fact posting some pretty scathing complaints in what is now a closed Beta, acknowledging that they didn't participate in the Beta.  

What's the point, other than venting?  Heck, maybe Nexus is still reading and considering; maybe not.  Plenty of opportunity for everyone to get their feedback in was given though.

I can't say the reason for others and it would not be appropriate either but mine is simple selfish and honest. I am not getting paid.

This is a company not a charity I paid for a service I use the service that is the relationship I have with this company and all I ever want it to be. When I am at my work and I need to use software for the company then I get heavily involved in development projects because it impacts the company. Privately I just want to relax and not worry about stuff I am normally getting paid for just use a product not think about it and enjoy my off time. It is selfish and I am happy to admit it.

I am also genuinely happy that others enjoy the community all the great features and I wish them to have many more things added for there enjoyment to come. That is exactly why I am not the target audience for this site when it comes to testing new features because I will not use 90% of it ever in its lifetime. What I do care about is that things that are changed are delivered with quality on par with the rest of the delivered product if I do use it. And if someone as a project lead give the greenlight on a update to be released you better make sure it is ready for production or you will know it the minute it is released by your end users. I sadly deal with that every single day of the month in some form or another.

And when that quality level does not happen and I get inconvenienced as one of those end users I will say my piece about it. Because I paid for the product. I will take my time with the feedback I will try to be helpful and I will keep it respectful but I am also not going to sugar coat things either. I have been 20+years involved in software, webhosting I know when things should not be called for production ready. This is not production ready it has functional limitations and bugs that should have been caught day one. Not by users, but by the design team. 

And if feedback does not get picked up that is fine to.
The truth is I don't browse a service how a company ever envisioned it 
This is how I view nexus. https://go.screenpal.com/watch/cTeo0hn1W5I

I will gut everything out that I do not need from sites that I visit more often than once a month. I will code and inject things myself if features are annoying me if I find it worth the effort in the long run. And so if this keyboard thing stays half finished I probably will with a little guidance of our company A.I service build a private browser extension to fix it myself like redirecting the output of / and escape while this site is open and in focus to another key that makes sense to me. Or I might not bother with it time will tell.

But I hope that all the feedback does help and the product gets improved for those that do require others to deliver or repair it.

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6 hours ago, NexBeth said:

Lots of people with expansive critiques were involved in the BETA and Nexus was responsive to many complaints.  Don't think there was much fake "LOVE IT" feedback. There was a good deal of feedback from many users.  The Beta was quite obviously visible for many months to everyone who signed into Nexus.  If you choose not to participate and get your concerns in, that's not really Nexus's fault.

I've been using this site for like...seventeen years? I probably did the math wrong. This is, quite literally, the second time I've even touched these forums. I'd say that's a pretty solid representation of a good chunk of the userbase: people are here for mods for their favorite games, not a greater social media experience. I had no clue there was a beta or an overhaul for the website in progress. I only log in to get a mod then I close my tab. I, daily, have like 30+ notifications from this site no matter how often I clear them that have nothing to do with anything I'm interested in so I'm not going to sift through them because I don't care about games I've never heard of and never will play, or who won what contest I didn't know happened or what's popular right now. I never thought the search needed to show other categories of media because this is a mod site. I use it for mods. I've literally never had issues with the old search. Unless you are, very explicitly, the kind of person who wants to treat this site like a social media platform and thus are already the kind of person primed to sign up for and engage with any betas it might have: it's simply not going to reach the majority of the userbase. And then because a handful of power users think it's fine, it gets foisted on everyone else because once they finish that beta they're not course correcting when everyone else has a taste and thinks it blows - a scenario that's played out across the internet pretty consistently these past few years, from youtube to reddit and beyond.

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1 hour ago, Kiwa said:

I had no clue there was a beta or an overhaul for the website in progress. I only log in to get a mod then I close my tab.

There was a blue banner across the top of every single page on the site asking if you wanted to try out the beta.  You didn't need to go to the forums or check your notifications.

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