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Mod Browsing Overhaul Discussion


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5 minutes ago, Glitchfinder said:

I hadn't even considered checking that page because I rarely use it, but if I were to recommend a change it would be create tabs for the image sections and video section, and default to general images. As it stands it doesn't make much sense to click "View All" and then get taken to an overview page where you have to click "See All" to view the images you already clicked a button to view.

I didn't even realise at first that Supporter was also on the game front page.. The front page does indeed show NSFW images 😐 I hate that so much. The existing version only has normal image share and videos.

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17 minutes ago, patrickmollohan said:

I agree with others: a lot of wasted space trying to adapt the modern "mobile" look and feel. Don't get me wrong, it looks alright (minus the wasted space), but I don't think it's necessary or apropos for a PC mod website. Additionally, the new interface is very resource intensive, causing lots of lag and stuttering while scrolling. Had to revert to classic for the time being.

I think the news items card are inordinately large. You could easily fit 4 on a row for these. I almost think they should just be the same dimensions as the mod cards.

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1) Tracked Content Updates removed from the game page to the main with combined reports is a great loss. I prefer to track my games separately. I'm playing a few, but I'm modding only one of them and only for this particular one I need to check the updates daily.

2) Layout is too big. With the old one we had to use mouse scroll too often already, now it's much worse.

3) I don't give a damn about collections. There should be an option to disable this section.

4) Search menu in a big pop-up window instead of the compacted one is useful if you want to switch to the next page. But if you only want to look for something while managing/commenting on the page you're on (f.e. find and copy the link for the particular mod) it only irritiates.


Generally it's more a visual than quality of life change. And the latter should always come first.

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I remember the old convo about the new design, and i must say the new design is much better compared to the old design from my point of view and you fixed alot when porting it. I can see you fixing all the issues with the current major swap too, so its just a matter of time. The entire new UI and all feels like its much more alive when loading and using it. Almost like its organic.

If you want to help modders and mod users, i think it would be wise to allow mod authors to merge mods (like i said already) but most importantly to let them create mod collections without Vortex or else which Vortex in turn can use.

On top of that, maybe think about adding an option to let them generate or define a load order. Like one can flag a mod to load first or last in Vortex but it would be godsent to make that possible on the site already.

It would also help much more if mod authors would be able to create pre-defined UI space/boxes which can be shared across all their mods. Like Credits which apply automatically on all their sites, or references or else and vice versa to also allow to let all or certain mods have their global information removed or modified.

All of this in turn would help people browsing mods, since mod authors in turn can merge important information and in turn allow for less time on user end - mod user - when reading or browing mods. If one is able to share important information across all mods by one click it would help a 1000 times, since its alway about ... time 😉

Best of luck with current project.

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- In the tracking and download history tab, we should be able to search our mods by name or category.

- Add search history to the search tab

- Make all the frames on the website have rounded edges, in terms of design, it is more pleasant than changing the edges all the time.



Even after the beta is complete, always make the classic version accessible for people who don't like the changes.

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i liked it so far. the only bad thing made me switch back was that when searching for mods and then clicking on the mod while holding CTRL key opens the mod in a new tab like the old version, but it clears and removes the search result i'm using.

because it's a pain having to re search all the time when you wanna select multiple items with that same search result.


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I have no problem with the visual is a matter of getting used to and finish off some design details.

If I have a tremendous eye sore when I see that have been reduced by 1 the mods shown HOT MODS to put the collections, plus 15 of the games I have visited in all of them are advertised obsolete and outdated collections that do not work in the current versions of the games, this as marketing I do not think it works well and will only create more headaches to end users and an even greater aversion against NEXUS collections.


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I really love this update. As soon as I joined the beta I was like, heck yeah. I love all the filters on the left. Super easy to navigate and it is easy to see everything. Also, though it is small, I love how you can see a new file was added to each category when one is added and the date. Really awesome quality of life. 

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