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Mod Browsing Overhaul Discussion


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I like the layout in general. I have an ultrawide screen and I think it's an improvement to see 6 columns instead of 5. Problem is that if I click on "Hide Filters", the bottom row will only have 2 mods instead of 6. The bug will repeat for every next page I open so in 4 pages, I will be missing and entire page of mods compared to the existing design, unless I click "Show Filters" again. That's not an improvement and I hope this bug will be fixed.

Also, taking the page numbers from the top and only leaving it at the bottom of the page is not an improvement. Hope you'll reconsider this change and bring it back. I won't argue about "more people searching Nexus on their phones", since I don't know about that, but if I were using Nexus with the intention of downloading mods, I would be browsing on my pc, and having to go to the bottom of the page every time, makes it more tedious.


Edit to add: The "Search" new feature is really lacking in info. Just one wrong click and the new overlaid popup window will disappear and you'll have to do the search again. The new window only gives the list of related mods with a pic and how many people endorsed the mods (?), but nothing else. No downloads count for each mod on the generated list, no showing if I downloaded mods on that list or not, no info if the mods have been updated since I last download them. It has about 10% of the usefulness compared to the current search. It really looks like it was designed to be used on cell phones.

Edited by Estaq
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Regarding the actual individual mod page.
I feel this might be an oppertune time to move the [Share] and [Report abuse] button further up to the rest of the buttons.
The current placement is very unconventional in my opinion.
I actually had to look around where I could actually report an obvious Virus in the past and now while checking where they were for writing this piece of feedback I had to search again becuase of the weird place they're located.

I feel reporting an obvious virus and risk to the userbase should be an instinctive thing to do.

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14 minutes ago, SPORTcar said:

I accidentally switched to the classic design and now I have lost the link to the new design, how can I switch back?

Try clearing cookies from Nexus in your browser and log out and then in again.

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Looks pretty good.  Overall improvement.  The "empty space" is likely to accommodate phone usage, and the website does look better by leaps and bounds on the phone.  Basically, going to near impossible to stand using it on the phone to actually being pleasant.  I doubt Nexus will undo their efforts to make their site more phone-friendly so probably no point in continuing to hammer on this.

The contrasting colors is a plus for me.

The Collections on the game home page needs to change because the 2 collections there will forever remain there if they are listed by endorsement. If you want to promote Collections, maybe that section needs to look more like the Other Mods section where there is most endorsed, most downloaded, trending, newest, whatever.   Also, it could be dropped down below Other Mods because Collections are not really mods so why sandwich it between Trending and Other Mods.  

The Mods filter page is very nicely done.

If you could ever devise a way for users to be able to style the game front page with what they wish to include, that would be great.  

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If Nexus wants to make their site more usable on PC without harming the phone experience, they can just add a device screen size/aspect ratio check to the CSS code and if the screen is in common desktop aspect ratios, they can kick the view width up to 90.

(This is one of those times where web UXUI experience comes in handy.)

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