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Democrats waging "war on women"?


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I just read this article where Huckabee was speaking at the RNC winter meeting...






Democrats want women to think "they cannot control their libido or their reproductive system without the help of the government." - Mike Huckabee


Am I getting this correct?... seems he wants to the Republican party to fight to empower women "accepted as equals, for them to be respected as people who are not victims of gender but capable of anything that a man is capable of." yet.... Restrict them of their constitutionally protected reproductive rights? :laugh:


Seems to me the Republican party might be on a launch to start off the new year fighting against womans reproductive rights.


Do you really think Huckabee thinks this is a "working" strategy to appeal to more female voters?


Further more do you really think the democrats are really waging a "war on women"?

Edited by colourwheel
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In a nutshell he is saying that women don't need the Democratic party. He is trying to put a wedge in between women's issues and the Dems. Heck they got to do something they haven't had any new ideas since the wheel was invented. Most of them are old enough to have seen it first hand lol

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Maybe women don't "need" the democratic party. But unless the Republican party all of a sudden fights to protect a womans reproductive rights, pay equity, etc... I don't see the gender gap closing anytime soon for the party...


The republicans need to seriously stop "trying" to "rebrand" the party and focus on "reforming" their social policies instead...


Throwing a blanket over a pile of dun doesn't make it go away...

Edited by colourwheel
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It's finally happened. The republican party has finally gotten so hopeless that they need to resort to convoluted logic and double negatives as a means of twisting around their speech so that people get confused easily are more receptive. They're finally doing it... They're trying to get a firm handle of the idiot vote, and by god, America has alot of idiots. :facepalm:

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They're trying to get a firm handle of the idiot vote...


Mike Huckabee after all has been talking to every woman he knows with an IQ above broccoli... :laugh: Seems like a pretty low bar he holds on a woman's intelligence, assuming he knows people with IQs that start at a broccoli level.


Edit: Shocking News flash!?!... After these demeaning comments from mike Huckabee at the RNC winter meeting seems the GOP has decided to get a "female" spokes person Cathy McMorris Rogers to give the republican response to Obama's state of the union address this year... As if getting a woman nobody knows as their poster child to represent the same policies will change attracting female voters..... maybe they are hoping to lock down the female Broccoli IQ block. :laugh:

Edited by colourwheel
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Maybe women don't "need" the democratic party. But unless the Republican party all of a sudden fights to protect a womans reproductive rights, pay equity, etc... I don't see the gender gap closing anytime soon for the party...


The republicans need to seriously stop "trying" to "rebrand" the party and focus on "reforming" their social policies instead...


Throwing a blanket over a pile of dun doesn't make it go away...

You hit it right on the head there. The problem for the Repubs is they are surgically attached to the religious right and they will never go for anything other than full blown fall back to the dark ages. Then they have the Tea Party, which meand that two large elements in their camp are now more of and anchor than a sail to them. They don't hasve much wiggle room in their present configuration.

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They're trying to get a firm handle of the idiot vote...


Mike Huckabee after all has been talking to every woman he knows with an IQ above broccoli... :laugh: Seems like a pretty low bar he holds on a woman's intelligence, assuming he knows people with IQs that start at a broccoli level.


Edit: Shocking News flash!?!... After these demeaning comments from mike Huckabee at the RNC winter meeting seems the GOP has decided to get a "female" spokes person Cathy McMorris Rogers to give the republican response to Obama's state of the union address this year... As if getting a woman nobody knows as their poster child to represent the same policies will change attracting female voters..... maybe they are hoping to lock down the female Broccoli IQ block. :laugh:


Huckabee is like I once was. I grew up in a faith based family. I know the hardship of purging that from you. I have only sympathy for those people and see no reason to degrade them. People aren't stupid because they have a belief system, they walk through life with a filter over their eyes. Asking someone outside to understand those on the inside is like asking a person who is not color blind why people who are color blind do the things they do.

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Huckabee is like I once was. I grew up in a faith based family. I know the hardship of purging that from you. I have only sympathy for those people and see no reason to degrade them. People aren't stupid because they have a belief system, they walk through life with a filter over their eyes. Asking someone outside to understand those on the inside is like asking a person who is not color blind why people who are color blind do the things they do.


I don't necessarily think anyone as being stupid who have a faith or have a system of beliefs. It's only when people try to make them policy trying to force them onto other people through legislation that gets me.


Just imagine if a group of people took over the country who had the "belief" that every one had to wear underwear on their heads. Then imagine the outrage people would have across the country if those people legislated this "belief" into law.


Huckabee has the right to believe anything he wants. But as a voice for the republican party such as at the RNC winter meeting, His "belief" that "the Democrats want to insult the women of America by making them believe that they are helpless without Uncle Sugar coming in and providing for them a prescription each month for birth control, because they cannot control their libido or their reproductive system without the help of the government." was a very inappropriate thing to say. Also isn't something that is going to help the party gain more female voters, in fact it probably turned more away.


The republican party has had a huge problem talking about or even talking to women as if they have never talked to women before in their lives... Republicans seriously have to stop talking about womens reproductive systems and their vagina, because every time they do it just turns them away...

Edited by colourwheel
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But unless the Republican party all of a sudden fights to protect a womans reproductive rights, pay equity, etc... I don't see the gender gap closing anytime soon for the party...

When you speak about women as though they all obviously agree with you about issues like reproductive rights you are the one who is demeaning others based on gender. Please, consider the possibility that there are women in the United States who hold the same views as Huckabee regarding reproductive rights and pay equity and who would strongly disagree with your political opinions regarding those issues, despite your gender similarity.



After these demeaning comments from mike Huckabee at the RNC winter meeting seems the GOP has decided to get a "female" spokes person Cathy McMorris Rogers to give the republican response to Obama's state of the union address this year...


Why do you place the word "female" inside quotation marks? Is she not female? Is she somehow less female because of her party affiliation? Also, why would you attack their choice of speaker based on her gender? Would you prefer a male speaker? You actually manage to sound more sexist in your remarks than any forward-thinking man ever would.



The republican party has had a huge problem talking about or even talking to women as if they have never talked to women before in their lives...


How do you propose they address this problem?


I know! They could encourage more women to participate in the party's affairs, thus helping to shape the platform, to the benefit of all, by incorporating a female perspective into their assessments of the issues. Perhaps they could even appoint a woman to give the State of the Union response! Surely it would be unthinkable that anyone would be so politically shallow that they would actually attack them for choosing a female speaker. The only people who would stoop so low as to actually criticize the selection of a woman to speak on behalf of the entire party would be the old-school sexist relics that exist on the margins of politics. And, of course, colourwheel, kvnchrist, and Vagrant0.

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