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Why can't I find certain games in the unmanaged games list?

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I bought a new PC recently and downloaded Vortex, but for some reason it only shows about 80~ available to be managed in the Games tab. I researched a bit and can't find anything specific to this issues in the forums and I cant find an option to add games manually (specifically Battle Brothers). I did not have this issue with Vortex on my old PC. Chances are I'm just not seeing the issue as I'm fairly computer illiterate so feel free to make fun of me for god's sake I need my modded BB fix.

Thank you!

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  • Solution

80 or so mods on your available games list usually means that your computer is having trouble connecting to GitHub.  You are only getting the built-in game support not the list of available extensions.

You could try white-listing Vortex in your firewall or using a free VPN to test this.

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